Who Will Get The Welfare Vote in 2012?

Who Will Get The Welfare Vote in 2012?

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Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Who Will Get The Welfare Vote in 2012?

Not counting Social Security and Medicare in case there is any question.

Or perhaps it's a rhetorical question? :rolleyes:
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Same as always- White welfare vote splits like the rest of the populace- the blacks and hispanic ditto. Since minorities suffer from work discrimination, Dems WIN!!

Pub dupes!
How large is that demographic, Publius? Do you know? How many able bodied adult Americans refuse to work in favor of living off of our tax dollars?

Further, how many of those people are registered likely voters?
Same as always- White welfare vote splits like the rest of the populace- the blacks and hispanic ditto. Since minorities suffer from work discrimination, Dems WIN!!

Pub dupes!

What work descrimination?

We have affirmative action, problem is solved
Same as always- White welfare vote splits like the rest of the populace- the blacks and hispanic ditto. Since minorities suffer from work discrimination, Dems WIN!!

Pub dupes!

What work descrimination?

We have affirmative action, problem is solved

Sure, and there are no dupes on welfare, and people choose to not have jobs. Pub dupe a-hole morons.
Not counting Social Security and Medicare in case there is any question.

And what of working Americans receiving food stamps, or the elderly and disabled receiving Medicaid.

The notion that those receiving public assistance are somehow ‘lazy’ or ‘undeserving’ is ignorant idiocy, a hateful contrivance of the right.
Welfare recipients tend to be less educated.

Less educated voters vote for the GOP.

So Romney gets the welfare vote.

That is not true. Democrats typically win voters with post-graduate degrees and on the other end of the scale, high school drop outs.
Not counting Social Security and Medicare in case there is any question.

And what of working Americans receiving food stamps, or the elderly and disabled receiving Medicaid.

The notion that those receiving public assistance are somehow ‘lazy’ or ‘undeserving’ is ignorant idiocy, a hateful contrivance of the right.

No, it's just mostly based in reality, something you have a serious issue with. The vast majority of people on welfare are there because of their own life choices.
Not counting Social Security and Medicare in case there is any question.

And what of working Americans receiving food stamps, or the elderly and disabled receiving Medicaid.

The notion that those receiving public assistance are somehow ‘lazy’ or ‘undeserving’ is ignorant idiocy, a hateful contrivance of the right.

No, it's just mostly based in reality, something you have a serious issue with. The vast majority of people on welfare are there because of their own life choices.
Not counting Social Security and Medicare in case there is any question.

And what of working Americans receiving food stamps, or the elderly and disabled receiving Medicaid.

The notion that those receiving public assistance are somehow ‘lazy’ or ‘undeserving’ is ignorant idiocy, a hateful contrivance of the right.

No, it's just mostly based in reality, something you have a serious issue with. The vast majority of people on welfare are there because of their own life choices.

One does not decide to be disabled, and one has no control over becoming elderly or being a child; millions of Americans made the right choices, received education and training, worked hard, saved for the future. These unemployed and low income working Americans did everything they were supposed to do, and are suffering the consequences of the December 2007 recession and its aftermath, through no fault of their own.

Those receiving public assistance do not constitute a single demographic, they are as diverse and varied as the Nation as a whole, they are neither ‘lazy’ nor ‘undeserving.’

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