Who Was Really Born With A Silver Spoon In His Mouth?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It's pretty funny that Obama is trying to cast himself as the poor one and Mitt Romney as the rich banker millionaire type. Facts prove otherwise.

It's not that Obama was born rich, but he wasn't exactly poor ether. He also didn't have to struggle growing up, nor has he ever really had to work for much of anything he has. He want to Harvard and Columbia. After graduating from college he spent 2 years writing a book while "working" for a law firm.

Obama was born in Hawaii.....Mitt was born in Detriot Michigan. Obama went to private schools while Mitt went to public schools until his father could afford to send him to a private school. Obama attended Harvard and Columbia, Mitt attended Stanford where he worked as a night security guard. Mitt went on a 30 month Mormon mission to France were he spent most of his time being rejected finding few converts to a religion that does not allow alcohol in a country that lives to drink. Because Obama was the first Black editor of Harvard Law Review he received an offer to write a book he called "Dreams of My Father".

Mitt received a "Dear John" letter from Anne because of his time overseas and their long separation. Eventually he was able to return to the states and convince her to marry him. He also attended Brigham Young Univ. with Anne. I expect the left to call him a draft-dodger because of his deferments he received while a student and a missionary in France. Mitt did not protest the Vietnam war, but neither did Obama.

Mitt's father was on the Nixon cabinet and during this time he was accepted to Harvard Business school. Mitt graduated in the top third of his class and was heavily recruited and chose to work for Boston Consulting Group. Eventually he was hired away by Bain & Company where he learned his organizational and leadership skills. Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law School and eventually signed on with Bill Ayers and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a radical student voter enrollment program.

Mitt Romney didn't inherit anything from his father. Everything he has today he worked for. Obama spent years teaching students how to protest and how to steal votes.

My question is this......who paid for Obama's education? Nobody knows.

Mitt Romney entered the business world with nothing but a good work ethic and an excellent education. He is currently worth around $190 million. Obama made his money in politics just in the last 10 years. We don't know how much he's worth. His 2010 return said he made $2 million. His most recent says he only earned just over $700k. Obama made his money making promises and not coming through. Mitt made his millions by fixing companies. Obama never had a hard day of work in his life.
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Obama is pathetic..

sick of his class warfare

why doesn't the man just go to work and shut the hell up...We've all heard enough of his bullshit
Who Was Really Born With A Silver Spoon In His Mouth?

Kennedy was. Didnt seem to bother people back then.

Obama...the lying divider. No better way to say it.
Because kenendy didnt act like a poltical prostitute and say WHATEVER to get elelcted
John (lurch) Kerry married into a silver spoon and it didn't bother them when they ran his dumb ass for President..

you have to laugh at the hypocrites on the left
there is nothing wrong with wealth.

there is nothing wrong with not wanting to be represented by an person who has NO IDEA what your problems are like.

Some people have understanding of others.

Some are blind to the needs of others.

Romeny has done this to himself.

lets not forget how many of you on the right here hated Romeny a few weeks ago.
there is nothing wrong with not wanting to be represented by an person who has NO IDEA what your problems are like.

Funny that didn't stop folks from voting for OL'Hope and Change Barry. A guy who has never held a real job in his entire life. A guy who could care less what any of us pay to live.

I think OL'Mitt will be a much better Prez than Barry Boy. At least Mitt knows how to earn a living.
Did John Kennedy run on cutting his own taxes even further like Willard Rawmoney is?

Yes. He did.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEdXrfIMdiU]Income Tax Cut, JFK Hopes To Spur Economy 1962/8/13 - YouTube[/ame]
Did John Kennedy run on cutting his own taxes even further like Willard Rawmoney is?

No, he just took advantage of every tax-loophole available to him......so has Obama.

He wrote off some of his income to get below $1 million by paying $24k to his daughters and he took numerous other deductions.

Incidentally, Obama paid at a lower rate than his secretary. This is a fact.

This lazy individual has the nerve to talk smack about how rough it was for him. He's basically a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest when it comes to who grew up privilaged. He assumes that everyone is dumb enough to think just because he's half black he's been oppressed or disadvantaged.
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Did John Kennedy run on cutting his own taxes even further like Willard Rawmoney is?

No, he just took advantage of every tax-loophole available to him......so has Obama.

He wrote off some of his income to get below $1 million by paying $24k to his daughters and he took numerous other deductions.

Incidentally, Obama paid at a lower rate than his secretary. This is a fact.

And President Obama wants to raise his own taxes. How terrible of him. :lol:

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