Who thinks tomorrow (Thurs) is gonna be looooong day for The ONE?


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Tomorrow is likely to see the House vote out a contempt citation against the President's albatross, Attorney General Holder.

Tomorrow is likely to see the SCOTUS issue its decision on the fate of ObamaCare.

What else is gonna go wrong for The ONE, tomorrow I wonder?
Should the law get shot down, as I think is likely, Obama will somehow claim victory and say that now he can write a health care law that will work for everyone.
Long day and partying into the night. Considering the other mandates in place, I don't see this one being overturned because, unlike driving, few would opt out of medical treatment when in need.
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Long day and partying into the night. Considering the other mandates in place, I don't see this one being overturned, as it's likely, unlike driving, few would opt out of medical treatment when in need.

Silly analogies like the one you employ do not improve with age and overuse.

There IS NO valid analog in logic between compulsory insurance as a condition for the PRIVILEGE of getting a driver's license (or a car registration, anyway), on the one hand, and compulsory health insurance as a condition for the privilege -- errr -- the RIGHT to live, on the other hand.

This idiotic ObamaCare "mandate" is destined to fall, I suspect and hope.

Thank GOD.

THEN we can Party into the night.
What else you say? The leaks could come up

That would certainly add some luster to his miserable day.



Thuffering Thursday!
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Tomorrow is likely to see the House vote out a contempt citation against the President's albatross, Attorney General Holder.

Tomorrow is likely to see the SCOTUS issue its decision on the fate of ObamaCare.

What else is gonna go wrong for The ONE, tomorrow I wonder?

He could lose the financial backing of George Soros? That would do it!

I really think Obama is going to lose this time....despite the billionaire and his bullying. I am glad to see old Georgie wasting his money on this worthless piece of shit we now call our President. At least the money is getting into our economy.
Long day and partying into the night. Considering the other mandates in place, I don't see this one being overturned, as it's likely, unlike driving, few would opt out of medical treatment when in need.

Silly analogies like the one you employ do not improve with age and overuse.

There IS NO valid analog in logic between compulsory insurance as a condition for the PRIVILEGE of getting a driver's license (or a car registration, anyway), on the one hand, and compulsory health insurance as a condition for the privilege -- errr -- the RIGHT to live, on the other hand.

This idiotic ObamaCare "mandate" is destined to fall, I suspect and hope.

Thank GOD.

THEN we can Party into the night.

We're not talking about the right to live, but the right to medical care. People who are sick can just hope to recover, right? Will the Reps then suggest a law that ambulances and emergency rooms check for insurance before giving service? I assume they don't like the fact that we all pay for the uninsured. Why should anyone buy any, if we'll be taken care of regardless? I thought the right had a problem with freeloading or doesn't that apply when a Dem suggests it?
Long day and partying into the night. Considering the other mandates in place, I don't see this one being overturned, as it's likely, unlike driving, few would opt out of medical treatment when in need.

Silly analogies like the one you employ do not improve with age and overuse.

There IS NO valid analog in logic between compulsory insurance as a condition for the PRIVILEGE of getting a driver's license (or a car registration, anyway), on the one hand, and compulsory health insurance as a condition for the privilege -- errr -- the RIGHT to live, on the other hand.

This idiotic ObamaCare "mandate" is destined to fall, I suspect and hope.

Thank GOD.

THEN we can Party into the night.
It already has, we just haven't been told about it yet. :D
Who thinks the idiots on the right are morbidly obsessed with President Obama?

Who thinks a congress that was supposed to work on job creation does nothing but useless political pandering for the same idiots who are obsessed with President Obama.

Who thinks a SCOTUS of right wing ideologues may overturn a policy that helps all Americans but especially those in need?

Who thinks America will eventually move forward in spite of the idiocy of a right wing corporate paid mentality obsessed with president Obama.

Who thinks the right wing crackpots are so upset over losing power in 2008, that the few brain cells they have left have been spent obsessing over a democratically elected president and democracy.

Who thinks Right Wing Libertarian Cheap Labor Conservative Republican Tea Party Free Market Wingnuts are funny to watch obsessing over our president as time and life passes by the losers?

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