who should pay

Unfortunately we don't live in the same nation we used too. A college degree doesn't guarantee a good job anymore. And a good job doesn't guarantee paid bills anymore either. Once this credit bubble of an economy bursts... it's gonna be hell for just about all of us if we don't turn this ship around. I'm no wild conspiracy theorist or doomsdayer, but gas prices and food prices are going up at the worst possible time in our history, it's getting harder and harder for hard working people to scrape up a living.

True , we have worked ourselves into a corner where the only way we can "grow the economy" is to charge people more for what they already buy.

I must respectfully disagree. We can't sustain ourselves telling large parts of the populace it's ok to produce nothing. Reality check. Yes, we have to help those in need, no question. But becoming "in need' for life ain't gonna work.

We are a consumer based economy buying most of our consumables from other countries. This is not sustainable.

what percentage of our population has extra money to spend on things they do not already buy?

realistically around 15% are unemployed. What percentage on welfare? what percentage over their necks in debt? filing bankruptcy? Living on SS, etc.
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What amazes me is the fact politicians in many of the States, particularly the north, and northeast, seem to always harp more money is needed from their own citizenry, yet citizens get nothing for their money.

And gosh, we keep hearing about big bucks in the pockets of those political con-men.

Excuse me, but don't you people ever pay any attention at all to what you are electing to office? Listen. The first indication you are getting screwed is this -- do you have a State Income Tax? If you do, you better check your population figures, all that money you are supplying to political goons and then tell me why Texas, with it's huge population and very effective government doesn't need or have an Income Tax.

The first thing you should do is get rid of the (1) state income tax and, (2) all the politicians who demand it's needed. All a state income tax says is you have major stupid in positions of authority.

Get smart.

You can do this ...

if you can find real men somewhere in your State rather than a bunch of wimps and sissys to get in office.

And do you have to be told not to elect anyone who is Chicago style?????????

Yep we need to vote out the crap in our govt.
The fist thing we need to be able to figure out who the crap is though is ungiased news sources, not politically motivated punditry.
If the people are fed the facts not the opinions they can better decide who needs to go and who needs to stay or be voted in.

How about the litmus test.

Cut the legislature salary's & retirement benefits by 75%, and whatever is left you keep.
I think it's unfortunate that we ever started assuming that a college degree guarenteed a good job. Or that we even have an attitude of good vs bad jobs. It's a complete fallacy that a piece of paper qualifies us for a job. What we really need are skills and a work ethic. The desire to learn is far more important than the degree.

However, we do have inflation problems right now. Which is another reason we need to cut spending and stop "digitizing" our money.

Believe me, your preaching to the choir. I have no college education but my work history ALONE qualifies me for positions that kids coming out of college couldn't dream of getting and I'm not even of age to get out of college yet. I've worked with the public housing authority and in landscaping since I was 14. I have on the job training certificates out the wazoo, a portfolio with pictures and testimonials from both on the job work and private work I've done on the side. I was an assistant manager and went to about every management training lesson or class I could (more certificates). Right now I'm in the military training as in air traffic control, that's a career field I ultimately want to go into when I get out, but if something were to go wrong with that I could use the GI Bill to get some extra college training under my belt and start my own business. Not tootin my own horn, but hard work still pays people have gotten so wrapped up in this white collar consumer economy. Which is partially why we are in this economic mess, or manufacturing base is GONE.

I like most of your post, but hey, white collar people work too. I'm a CPA working in software, and I spend 2 - 3 days a week trevelling to get to my clients.

Or, perhaps I missed the meaning of your post.

No I'm not denying that. Air traffic control is a white collar job that I hope to have. It's just that everybody can't have them. We need to ensure that our blue collar workers and small business owners make enough in this economy to make it. That means creating a better business environment and dealing with inflation.
We should find ways to throw open the doors for small businesses to flourish.

In 2007, businesses under 500 employees employed approx. 49% of workers, not including farming. I'd like to post a link so folks could see this statistic, but I'm not allowed to link to outside sites yet! Search Google for:
"Employer Firms, Establishments, Employment, and Annual Payroll Small Firm Size Classes, 2007"

We worry about giant corporations bringing 500 jobs to a community when, if you look around, it's been the companies that employee 10 here and 20 there for 20 years that keep a community afloat.

Maybe those jobs don't offer medical, dental, 401k and the like, but they give folks a job and an opportunity to save some money and make a better life for themselves.

Actually, this wouldn't even cost too much money, if any. Just ease some restrictions on the things small businesses are required to do, which would make it easier for small businesses to start.
We should find ways to throw open the doors for small businesses to flourish.

In 2007, businesses under 500 employees employed approx. 49% of workers, not including farming. I'd like to post a link so folks could see this statistic, but I'm not allowed to link to outside sites yet! Search Google for:
"Employer Firms, Establishments, Employment, and Annual Payroll Small Firm Size Classes, 2007"

We worry about giant corporations bringing 500 jobs to a community when, if you look around, it's been the companies that employee 10 here and 20 there for 20 years that keep a community afloat.

Maybe those jobs don't offer medical, dental, 401k and the like, but they give folks a job and an opportunity to save some money and make a better life for themselves.

Actually, this wouldn't even cost too much money, if any. Just ease some restrictions on the things small businesses are required to do, which would make it easier for small businesses to start.

I agree in principle. However some regulations must exist. Business will NOT naturally regulate themselves for the betterment of their community and country.
Many many instances of abusing workers rights, dumping chemicals toxic to our drinking water and such, etc.

I am an ex small business owner. Was successful too. Sold my business to a group of my employees. They are still doing well. I carved them out a necessary niche in my community.

But yes I am sure some red tape can be trimmed if done properly.
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We should find ways to throw open the doors for small businesses to flourish.

In 2007, businesses under 500 employees employed approx. 49% of workers, not including farming. I'd like to post a link so folks could see this statistic, but I'm not allowed to link to outside sites yet! Search Google for:
"Employer Firms, Establishments, Employment, and Annual Payroll Small Firm Size Classes, 2007"

We worry about giant corporations bringing 500 jobs to a community when, if you look around, it's been the companies that employee 10 here and 20 there for 20 years that keep a community afloat.

Maybe those jobs don't offer medical, dental, 401k and the like, but they give folks a job and an opportunity to save some money and make a better life for themselves.

Actually, this wouldn't even cost too much money, if any. Just ease some restrictions on the things small businesses are required to do, which would make it easier for small businesses to start.

I agree in principle. However some regulations must exist. Business will NOT naturally regulate themselves for the betterment of their community and country.
Many many instances of abusing workers rights, dumping chemicals toxic to our drinking water and such, etc.

I am an ex small business owner. Was successful too. Sold my business to a group of my employees. They are still doing well. I carved them out a necessary niche in my community.

But yes I am sure some red tape can be trimmed if done properly.
I agree.

We certainly couldn't remove all regulations because there will always be someone cutting a corner to make a buck.

I did have some OSHA type regulations in mind when I posted, but reducing regulations could also mean making it extremely easy to set up a business entity as opposed to needing the expense of a lawyer and accountant just to get started.

What would that be? I don't know. That would be the discussion.
I agree in principle. However some regulations must exist. Business will NOT naturally regulate themselves for the betterment of their community and country. Many many instances of abusing workers rights, dumping chemicals toxic to our drinking water and such, etc.

As a Liberal I am leaning towards a con deregulation stance. Businesses canbe regulated by consumers of the community by who they buy from. No one is going to support & buy products from store X if they are ruining the water system you drink from.

1.The consumer stops buying from them.
2.The consumer can sue them.
3.You won't have to pay taxes for government regulating them, and you can cut government.
4.Other local businesses do not have to sell to them, or food for their families, or toilet paper and batteries & office supplies, etc., as a means to shun them into submission. That is how we do other country's (embargo) we don't like.
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What amazes me is the fact politicians in many of the States, particularly the north, and northeast, seem to always harp more money is needed from their own citizenry, yet citizens get nothing for their money.

And gosh, we keep hearing about big bucks in the pockets of those political con-men.

Excuse me, but don't you people ever pay any attention at all to what you are electing to office? Listen. The first indication you are getting screwed is this -- do you have a State Income Tax? If you do, you better check your population figures, all that money you are supplying to political goons and then tell me why Texas, with it's huge population and very effective government doesn't need or have an Income Tax.

The first thing you should do is get rid of the (1) state income tax and, (2) all the politicians who demand it's needed. All a state income tax says is you have major stupid in positions of authority.

Get smart.

You can do this ...

if you can find real men somewhere in your State rather than a bunch of wimps and sissys to get in office.

And do you have to be told not to elect anyone who is Chicago style?????????

Yep we need to vote out the crap in our govt.
The fist thing we need to be able to figure out who the crap is though is ungiased news sources, not politically motivated punditry.
If the people are fed the facts not the opinions they can better decide who needs to go and who needs to stay or be voted in.

I have a feeling his idea of crap is anyone with a D next to their name and anyone with an R is a righteous stalwart.
What a bunch of vague, unsubstantiated, muddled BULLSHIT.

republicans want you to believe that all you need to do is cut taxes and fire people and get rid of programs and all will be well.

Simplistic and untrue. That isn't ALL that's needed, but it's a good fucking place to start.

But none of them want to do without what they want, protection of all kinds, from fire to police to food safety to the arm forces.

First of all, Troll Boy, that is a massive generalization, and based on nothing other than your own vague, hate-filled opinion of "what all Republicans think". Second of all, learn to differentiate between "cutting taxes" and "cutting out all taxation". No Republican has ever suggested that we should have no taxes whatsoever. The idea that calling for cuts in taxes and wasteful spending is somehow incompatible with the idea of core services is as childish as it is ludicrous. Third, learn to differentiate between federal, state, and local government. Calling for cuts to the bloated federal government has exactly two things to do with firemen and policemen: Jack and shit, and Jack just left town.

See above, fucknut.

Yeah, Republicans are all about people being unemployed. :cuckoo: Jesus Christ, did the drug store lose your prescription for psych meds?

Yeah, cutting taxes and wasteful spending is all about getting others to pay MORE, as opposed to the Democrat plan of having the government take on even more responsibility. Because THAT doesn't involve the people who work for their money - and by the way, what is it you think Republicans do? - picking up more of the cost to lower someone ELSE'S expense.

What the fuck are you even basing this on, aside from your unreasoning, frothing hatred of Republicans?

Maybe they just think it's unfair that people like you do shit with your lives and then sit around puling and whining because the government's not stealing enough from more successful people to give to you. And you know what? It IS unfair. You come in here and bitch about Republicans wanting someone else to pick up more of THEIR cost, but isn't that what YOU'RE advocating with your yelping about cutting government programs? Hypocrite much?

Oh, is that a fact? And now you're going to lose the vagaries and explain to us EXACTLY how rich people use more tax-funded government services than poor people do, right? And THEN you're going to explain what this "built-in advantage" is, other than your own built-in belief that everyone's somehow cheating if their lives aren't the shit sandwich yours is, right? Contemplate the possibility that if others are being all they can and making all they can, and you're a miserable failure, it could just be because they worked harder and made better decisions, rather than that they cheated. Or contemplate the possibility that your shitty life IS all you're capable of being.

Well, gloryosky. We have a system that's intended to facilitate success, instead of facilitating being a whining, useless lump? Where the fuck do I go to vote and change THAT around? :cuckoo:

Aside from the fact that you are getting exactly the same things from your police, city government, highway system, school district, university system, and military that everyone else is - including people who pay little to no taxes - exactly what else did you WANT besides a chance at taking care of yourself and your family? What more do you suppose society owes you?

A company makes money on every person it uses, and everything that person has to have is very important to those companies because without it they wouldn't be workers who are trained and functional.

And they pay for it. So what? By the way, everything that person has to have to do his job is ALSO important to that person, because instead of being trained and functional and having a job, he'd be you, pissing and moaning on an Internet message board about how rich people are oppressing him.

Now really where are we to get the money needed to run this country and keep everything working if we don't get it from what is best know as income above living needs. You really want to do without what we have now, or is just that you really haven't look at the bottom line, that being that the less that people who do the daily grind have to use/spend the less they will have for incentives to keep the system going, and the less people who will have jobs which is making the wealthy more wea:eusa_eh:lthy every year as they cry all the way to the bank with all their gains.

Like I said before, shitbrain, learn to differentiate between cutting taxes and wasteful spending and cutting out ALL taxes, which no one has suggested. Your all-or-nothing bullshit wouldn't work here, even if it WASN'T so puerile and egregious.

Get on answering those questions, Tardboy, or don't bother wasting space with any more of these long-winded, half-assed diatribes of yours. Be specific, or be gone.

Bravo C. You tell em.
What amazes me is the fact politicians in many of the States, particularly the north, and northeast, seem to always harp more money is needed from their own citizenry, yet citizens get nothing for their money.

And gosh, we keep hearing about big bucks in the pockets of those political con-men.

Excuse me, but don't you people ever pay any attention at all to what you are electing to office? Listen. The first indication you are getting screwed is this -- do you have a State Income Tax? If you do, you better check your population figures, all that money you are supplying to political goons and then tell me why Texas, with it's huge population and very effective government doesn't need or have an Income Tax.

The first thing you should do is get rid of the (1) state income tax and, (2) all the politicians who demand it's needed. All a state income tax says is you have major stupid in positions of authority.

Get smart.

You can do this ...

if you can find real men somewhere in your State rather than a bunch of wimps and sissys to get in office.

And do you have to be told not to elect anyone who is Chicago style?????????

Yep we need to vote out the crap in our govt.
The fist thing we need to be able to figure out who the crap is though is ungiased news sources, not politically motivated punditry.
If the people are fed the facts not the opinions they can better decide who needs to go and who needs to stay or be voted in.

I have a feeling his idea of crap is anyone with a D next to their name and anyone with an R is a righteous stalwart.

And that is a major reason why america is falling down.

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