Who "saved" auto industry? Obama? Or South Carolina?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
SC exported most autos, tires in the nation in 2011 - Business - TheState.com

Very simple question. Who did more for the auto industry? Obama and his admin threw a huge amount of money at the industry.

Meanwhile, low tax, non-union South Carolina OVERTOOK the state of Michigan as the #1 exporter of automobiles in the United States. Oh, they are also the top exporter of tires in the US.

So which works better?

- Boatloads of debt causing goverment handouts, to a place like Michigan?
- Low taxes, non-union labor in a state like South Carolina?

I believe the results are obvious, as SC has overtaken Michigan in car exports, AND has 2 of the 10 fastest growing metro areas in the nation (Charleston, Myrtle Beach Charleston metro area is eighth fastest growing in nation | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment).

So SC is Republican dominated, religiously strong, low tax, non-union, and has not only overtaken federally bailed out Michigan but is growing rapidly.

I'll await liberal responses on how the actual real results dont show the real picture.
Thousands of the state’s unemployed have found jobs after taking retraining courses at tech schools, in part because an evolving industrial landscape has left South Carolina with fewer companies that need low-skill workers and more companies needing highly skilled employees.

“Now number one on the list is a skilled work force,” he told GreenvilleOnline.com. “They can have all the incentives they want, but they can’t open without a skilled work force.”

“Companies work in combination with technical colleges to ensure a technical work force that is very competent and qualified,” CanagaRetna said, citing North Carolina companies working with community colleges there to train workers in the renewable energy sector.

Tech schools offer path to jobs, lure for industries | The Greenville News | GreenvilleOnline.com

On Record: SC House Republicans want to tax the working poor | Palmetto Public Record

SC House GOP Tax Package Does Little for Economic Development and Poses Long-term Threats to Fiscal Health | The Ruoff Group

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who called Obama a “snob” for wanting all Americans to commit to one or more years of college or job training, according to ABC’s “This Week.”

College education is only for


Looks like South Carolina is improving no matter what Republicans are doing to try to destroy that state's economy and future.
Thousands of the state’s unemployed have found jobs after taking retraining courses at tech schools, in part because an evolving industrial landscape has left South Carolina with fewer companies that need low-skill workers and more companies needing highly skilled employees.

“Now number one on the list is a skilled work force,” he told GreenvilleOnline.com. “They can have all the incentives they want, but they can’t open without a skilled work force.”

“Companies work in combination with technical colleges to ensure a technical work force that is very competent and qualified,” CanagaRetna said, citing North Carolina companies working with community colleges there to train workers in the renewable energy sector.

Tech schools offer path to jobs, lure for industries | The Greenville News | GreenvilleOnline.com

On Record: SC House Republicans want to tax the working poor | Palmetto Public Record

SC House GOP Tax Package Does Little for Economic Development and Poses Long-term Threats to Fiscal Health | The Ruoff Group

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who called Obama a “snob” for wanting all Americans to commit to one or more years of college or job training, according to ABC’s “This Week.”

College education is only for


Looks like South Carolina is improving no matter what Republicans are doing to try to destroy that state's economy and future.

SO........you're saying that in South Carolina, the small government, low tax, non-union environment has allowed business to thrive DESPITE the fucking idiots this state has in government????? That under that right wing environment, we can have fucking morons in the State Government....and the private sector thrives anyway? The the morons in the SC government haven't stopped the states new economic surge, thanks to a small government, low tax, non-union environment........and that this is a perfect example of how small government means even a BAD MORON INFESTED government can't stop the private sector success so long as it is a SMALL moron infested government???

Is THAT what you're saying? Because if so......I think I know which side to vote for. Because politicians aren't getting any better on either side.
Let me repeat that to be sure I got it right, rdean.

So the South Carolina GOP is full of fucking morons trying to destroy the SC economy. But, thanks to the small-government, low tax, non-union environment here, that moron filled SC government has not been able to stop SC's emerging, and thriving, private sector.

So if a private sector economy is blooming, even an evil, moronic government can't stop it....IF it's a small government, low tax, non union state.

But, of those GOP morons in SC had MORE POWER over the states private sector, they could stop it's growth through taxes, regulations, labor laws, etc. But since they are small in power, SC's private sector has bloomed, and passed big government, union labor, Democrat dominated Michigan???

Got it. Do you see now why us Tea Party types want the government to have LESS power over us? Sure, fund and train well our cops, firemen, EMS, teachers and military. But the rest.......stay out of the way.
Let me repeat that to be sure I got it right, rdean.

So the South Carolina GOP is full of fucking morons trying to destroy the SC economy. But, thanks to the small-government, low tax, non-union environment here, that moron filled SC government has not been able to stop SC's emerging, and thriving, private sector.

So if a private sector economy is blooming, even an evil, moronic government can't stop it....IF it's a small government, low tax, non union state.

But, of those GOP morons in SC had MORE POWER over the states private sector, they could stop it's growth through taxes, regulations, labor laws, etc. But since they are small in power, SC's private sector has bloomed, and passed big government, union labor, Democrat dominated Michigan???

Got it. Do you see now why us Tea Party types want the government to have LESS power over us? Sure, fund and train well our cops, firemen, EMS, teachers and military. But the rest.......stay out of the way.

Republicans have swallowed so much "hate government" swill they completely don't understand that it's business, universities and government working together that brings prosperity. In fact, they don't understand that it's demand that drives the economy. They believe "trickle down" works. They don't know how new technology is developed. They know the Bible. They know they hate government. In fact, they scream that government needs to keep it's hands off Medicare not knowing Medicare is a government program.

True story.
I believe that the auto bankruptcy was a ploy to legally (or illegally) embezzle money and to garner consumer sympathy. You don't go from having a so called failing model to record profits unless you've made real significant changes. I've heard of no real significant changes.
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Let me repeat that to be sure I got it right, rdean.

So the South Carolina GOP is full of fucking morons trying to destroy the SC economy. But, thanks to the small-government, low tax, non-union environment here, that moron filled SC government has not been able to stop SC's emerging, and thriving, private sector.

So if a private sector economy is blooming, even an evil, moronic government can't stop it....IF it's a small government, low tax, non union state.

But, of those GOP morons in SC had MORE POWER over the states private sector, they could stop it's growth through taxes, regulations, labor laws, etc. But since they are small in power, SC's private sector has bloomed, and passed big government, union labor, Democrat dominated Michigan???

Got it. Do you see now why us Tea Party types want the government to have LESS power over us? Sure, fund and train well our cops, firemen, EMS, teachers and military. But the rest.......stay out of the way.

Republicans have swallowed so much "hate government" swill they completely don't understand that it's business, universities and government working together that brings prosperity. In fact, they don't understand that it's demand that drives the economy. They believe "trickle down" works. They don't know how new technology is developed. They know the Bible. They know they hate government. In fact, they scream that government needs to keep it's hands off Medicare not knowing Medicare is a government program.

True story.

Oh. "Demand" huh?

So.....to get "demand" you must have people...with money to spend. So, are you saying the more money we leave in the pockets of people (to spend) the more "demand" we'll get?

You know....South Carolina knows the Bible. And low taxes. And right to work. And they are drawing huge compaines that develop technology. How is that so?

Thanks. You've confirmed all my beliefs in the role of government. And South Carolina is emerging as a shining example.

And "trickle down" does work. It is evident in tens of thousands of examples every single day. See, a company has a lot of money and assets. It pays managers a smaller amount to run the company. Those managers manage employees below them who make an even smaller amount to do the dirty work and produce the good. The money trickles down from the pot, to the managers, to the workers. Workers have less pay and less responsibility for bottom line, otherwise, why would anyone strive to be a manager? Or CEO?

But the more the gov't takes out of that pot, the less there is to trickle down. Very simple. Also a true story.
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I believe that the auto bankruptcy was a ploy to legally (or illegally) embezzle money and to garner consumer sympathy. You don't go from having a so called failing model to record profits unless you've made real significant changes. I've heard of no real significant changes.

Yeah. I was wondering how could South Carolina's auto industry thrive, surpassing Michigan as the nations #1 exporter, in the same country and economy that Michigan is in.
SC exported most autos, tires in the nation in 2011 - Business - TheState.com

Very simple question. Who did more for the auto industry? Obama and his admin threw a huge amount of money at the industry.

Meanwhile, low tax, non-union South Carolina OVERTOOK the state of Michigan as the #1 exporter of automobiles in the United States. Oh, they are also the top exporter of tires in the US.

So which works better?

- Boatloads of debt causing goverment handouts, to a place like Michigan?
- Low taxes, non-union labor in a state like South Carolina?

I believe the results are obvious, as SC has overtaken Michigan in car exports, AND has 2 of the 10 fastest growing metro areas in the nation (Charleston, Myrtle Beach Charleston metro area is eighth fastest growing in nation | The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment).

So SC is Republican dominated, religiously strong, low tax, non-union, and has not only overtaken federally bailed out Michigan but is growing rapidly.

I'll await liberal responses on how the actual real results dont show the real picture.

Here's a response.

When it comes to "Boatloads of debt causing goverment handouts" South Carolina is in the top 10 of the entire nation. No wonder they seem to be doing so muich better when they are getting a HUGE supply of our federal tax dollar.

States receiving the most federal funding per tax dollar paid:

1. New Mexico: $2.63
2. West Virginia: $2.57
3. Mississippi: $2.47
4. District of Colombia: $2.41
5. Hawaii: $2.38
6. Alabama: $2.03
7. Alaska: $1.93
8. Montana: $1.92
9. South Carolina: $1.92
10. Maine: $1.78

Red States Are The Real Welfare States | Addicting Info

So as you can see YOUR results are the ones not showing the real picture.
I believe that the auto bankruptcy was a ploy to legally (or illegally) embezzle money and to garner consumer sympathy. You don't go from having a so called failing model to record profits unless you've made real significant changes. I've heard of no real significant changes.

Yeah. I was wondering how could South Carolina's auto industry thrive, surpassing Michigan as the nations #1 exporter, in the same country and economy that Michigan is in.

It's easy since the non-union states get lower wages and therefore suck up more federal welfare tax dollars.
I believe that the auto bankruptcy was a ploy to legally (or illegally) embezzle money and to garner consumer sympathy. You don't go from having a so called failing model to record profits unless you've made real significant changes. I've heard of no real significant changes.

Well TBH there were a nujmber of changes.
They killed off Saturn, Hummer, Saab and soon Pontiac. (my bet)
They also eliminated several models.
The number of employees is just about right at 1/10th of what it was in 1979.
Then there was the bankruptcy.
Then the government gave them $50,000,000,000 of our money that they said they paid off - but then of course had to quietly admit they didn't.
But the auto portion of GM has lost $80,000,000,000 in the 2,000's.
Rumoprs have been floating around that they will shutter more plants this year and layoff 1,000's more especially in Europe.
So when you see the leftees brag about GM making $8 Billion in 2011.
They lost 10 times that in just the past 6 years.
No one has saved the auto industry. Their future is incredibly shaky.
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Let me repeat that to be sure I got it right, rdean.

So the South Carolina GOP is full of fucking morons trying to destroy the SC economy. But, thanks to the small-government, low tax, non-union environment here, that moron filled SC government has not been able to stop SC's emerging, and thriving, private sector.

So if a private sector economy is blooming, even an evil, moronic government can't stop it....IF it's a small government, low tax, non union state.

But, of those GOP morons in SC had MORE POWER over the states private sector, they could stop it's growth through taxes, regulations, labor laws, etc. But since they are small in power, SC's private sector has bloomed, and passed big government, union labor, Democrat dominated Michigan???

Got it. Do you see now why us Tea Party types want the government to have LESS power over us? Sure, fund and train well our cops, firemen, EMS, teachers and military. But the rest.......stay out of the way.

So let me get this straight. You replace good paying union jobs in Michigan with poor paying non-union jobs in South Carolina, and this is an improvement in your eyes?
I believe that the auto bankruptcy was a ploy to legally (or illegally) embezzle money and to garner consumer sympathy. You don't go from having a so called failing model to record profits unless you've made real significant changes. I've heard of no real significant changes.

Yeah. I was wondering how could South Carolina's auto industry thrive, surpassing Michigan as the nations #1 exporter, in the same country and economy that Michigan is in.

It's easy since the non-union states get lower wages and therefore suck up more federal welfare tax dollars.

Which is a good point they always avoid.

They say they want less government in people's lives, which would indeed be a laudible goal...but then they proceed to make people more dependent on government.

A solid middle class earning good wages is the best firewall against European style socialism, and "conservatives" have spent the last 30 years tearing it down.
Yeah. I was wondering how could South Carolina's auto industry thrive, surpassing Michigan as the nations #1 exporter, in the same country and economy that Michigan is in.

It's easy since the non-union states get lower wages and therefore suck up more federal welfare tax dollars.

Which is a good point they always avoid.

They say they want less government in people's lives, which would indeed be a laudible goal...but then they proceed to make people more dependent on government.

A solid middle class earning good wages is the best firewall against European style socialism, and "conservatives" have spent the last 30 years tearing it down.

^ What he said. ^ :clap2:
Obama saved the UAW only. Allan Mullaly save Ford, and the whole company while he was at it. The shareholders, the owners of the old GM, mostly, are broke, they are currently walking the railroad tracks of their home towns looking for leftover scraps of coal to burn when they're not scavenging restaurant dumpsters for food. Chryslers former bondholders are in the same boat, except a great number of them are Indiana teachers, police, and firemen whose pension funds were Chrysler bondholders, so you know when pension time comes The Democrats are going to whip up more than just a few sob stories about how their pension is broke and of course those evil Wall Street types will have been responsible, while carefully concealing the fact that Barack Obama was the one that broke it. "You'll take what I'm offering you and like it, no matter what the bankruptcy laws say!"
Lawless Forksucker.
Obama saved the UAW only. Allan Mullaly save Ford, and the whole company while he was at it. The shareholders, the owners of the old GM, mostly, are broke, they are currently walking the railroad tracks of their home towns looking for leftover scraps of coal to burn when they're not scavenging restaurant dumpsters for food. Chryslers former bondholders are in the same boat, except a great number of them are Indiana teachers, police, and firemen whose pension funds were Chrysler bondholders, so you know when pension time comes The Democrats are going to whip up more than just a few sob stories about how their pension is broke and of course those evil Wall Street types will have been responsible, while carefully concealing the fact that Barack Obama was the one that broke it. "You'll take what I'm offering you and like it, no matter what the bankruptcy laws say!"
Lawless Forksucker.

Wow- Poor shareholders begging for scraps? Really?

Most of them bought GM on the expectation they'd make out in a bankruptcy, not really feeling the sympathy there.

Maybe if we put workers in front of investors, we'd get around to fixing this economy.
Obama saved the UAW only. Allan Mullaly save Ford, and the whole company while he was at it. The shareholders, the owners of the old GM, mostly, are broke, they are currently walking the railroad tracks of their home towns looking for leftover scraps of coal to burn when they're not scavenging restaurant dumpsters for food. Chryslers former bondholders are in the same boat, except a great number of them are Indiana teachers, police, and firemen whose pension funds were Chrysler bondholders, so you know when pension time comes The Democrats are going to whip up more than just a few sob stories about how their pension is broke and of course those evil Wall Street types will have been responsible, while carefully concealing the fact that Barack Obama was the one that broke it. "You'll take what I'm offering you and like it, no matter what the bankruptcy laws say!"
Lawless Forksucker.

Wow- Poor shareholders begging for scraps? Really?

Most of them bought GM on the expectation they'd make out in a bankruptcy, not really feeling the sympathy there.

Maybe if we put workers in front of investors, we'd get around to fixing this economy.

Bitterlyclingin's a moron.

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