Who Said the Leftist MSM Live in a Racist Bubble World?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Out on the road the other day I saw an affluent black man driving a BMW with two bumper-stickers. One was pro-NRA and the other one was a Tea Party sticker that read, "Don't tread on me."
This left me very confused.

— Kimberley Johnson (@AuthorKimberley) July 5, 2018

She's a Huff Post writer
She sees what she perceives to be a black man who’s escaped the plantation and her reaction to it is one of confusion. Very confused no less, the poor thing. All because she thinks the man isn’t playing by the rules.

Okay, Kimberley, maybe I can help get you straightened out. The BMW wasn’t his. It belongs to his boss, a hard working fairly affluent white guy, and he was instructed to deliver the car somewhere by the boss. There now, that fits better doesn’t it? A white guy with a fancy expensive car who employs a black man to provide various low level services for him.
I can't tell you the beyond the pale rancor that I get from the racist recruiting 'Progs' when they find out that I don't fit into their demographic, stereotypical 'box'... lol!

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