Who of you have never been there?


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

Forever Young,

No, I have not physically been to the place presently called Jerusalem.

But I know the words you write are not true, there is not peace everywhere in what is today called Jerusalem. There is an Occupation and human rights abuses and hate and hurting and killing.

And before it was called Jerusalem, it was called Salem.

And the one called Jesus spoke, close to 2000 years ago, of a day to come (which time has come) when worship of God would not be confined to a specific place, neither Jerusalem nor the hills of Samaria, but worship of God would be "in spirit and truth." John 4:21-24

So, I reject your glorification and worship of the place today called Jerusalem. I call that Idolatry.

The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

Forever Young,

No, I have not physically been to the place presently called Jerusalem.

But I know the words you write are not true, there is not peace everywhere in what is today called Jerusalem. There is an Occupation and human rights abuses and hate and hurting and killing.

And before it was called Jerusalem, it was called Salem.

And the one called Jesus spoke, close to 2000 years ago, of a day to come (which time has come) when worship of God would not be confined to a specific place, neither Jerusalem nor the hills of Samaria, but worship of God would be "in spirit and truth." John 4:21-24

So, I reject your glorification and worship of the place today called Jerusalem. I call that Idolatry.


I didn't write these words, I'm not that talented. It was written by an Israeli poet named Naomi Shemer. Anyway, if what you say is true, then the Palestinians should just let go of their claim to Jerusalem. (And Jerusalem does have a special feel to it. It's not something you can even see on Youtube.)
you make a good point "YOUNG" as does Sherri Jerusalem is an important place for jews and has no meaning at all for christians and muslims---other than their to express their spiteful hatred of jews. I am fascinated that Sherri quotes the pharisee jesus on his commentary on prior jewish writings -----afterall----Jesus and his parents did pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Jesus was eager to cleanse the temple of foreign commercial presence which does suggest to me that he had an interest in the place which he expressed in the typical pharisse manner. . Like the other pharisees of his time he celebrated passover in the very classical pharisee manner ----in a rented room in Jerusalem. For a person that sherri imagines did not care about Jerusalem----he certainly put on a fantastic act. The thought does occur to me------so much effort has been expended by both christians and muslims---to WRENCH Jerusalem away from jews in order for them to establish their delusion of "SUPERIORITY" ------but I have never ever heard anyone suggest 'LETS OCCUPY MECCA"-----or even yathrib (aka medina) No one wants Mecca but christians and muslims are HYSTERICAL over Jerusalem like angry jealous children who cannot bear the fact that susie over there won the spelling bee prize
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

Forever Young,

No, I have not physically been to the place presently called Jerusalem.

But I know the words you write are not true, there is not peace everywhere in what is today called Jerusalem. There is an Occupation and human rights abuses and hate and hurting and killing.

And before it was called Jerusalem, it was called Salem.

And the one called Jesus spoke, close to 2000 years ago, of a day to come (which time has come) when worship of God would not be confined to a specific place, neither Jerusalem nor the hills of Samaria, but worship of God would be "in spirit and truth." John 4:21-24

So, I reject your glorification and worship of the place today called Jerusalem. I call that Idolatry.


I didn't write these words, I'm not that talented. It was written by an Israeli poet named Naomi Shemer. Anyway, if what you say is true, then the Palestinians should just let go of their claim to Jerusalem. (And Jerusalem does have a special feel to it. It's not something you can even see on Youtube.)


I do not understand your reasoning, the Palestinians should just give up their lands and homes. If someone came to occupy your lands and force you frrom your home, would you just leave? That is certainly not what Bostonians did when they were occupied, they did not just pack up and leave. To leave or to stay, I do not think that is a decision for me to make for them.

As far as Jerusalem having a special feel to it, many places do. That does not make an Occupation peaceful or a city under Occupation a city of peace. I expect the author is simply blinded by her racism, to all of the violence around her and within Jerusalem. Racism does things like that to people, it makes them deaf, dumb and blind to hate all around them.

The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

The Palestinian olive trees no longer stand
O hear the voices of the occupied city
As the wailing of victims of this crime

The cry to prayer from the Mosque
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And destruction is everywhere

Uprooted olive trees
The murder of the young, and
No where to flee…

My heart will sing your songs of occupation,
O City with a heart of golden Mosque
My heart will sing our songs of freedom,

O Jerusalem, O hear our song.
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Forever Young,

No, I have not physically been to the place presently called Jerusalem.

But I know the words you write are not true, there is not peace everywhere in what is today called Jerusalem. There is an Occupation and human rights abuses and hate and hurting and killing.

And before it was called Jerusalem, it was called Salem.

And the one called Jesus spoke, close to 2000 years ago, of a day to come (which time has come) when worship of God would not be confined to a specific place, neither Jerusalem nor the hills of Samaria, but worship of God would be "in spirit and truth." John 4:21-24

So, I reject your glorification and worship of the place today called Jerusalem. I call that Idolatry.


I didn't write these words, I'm not that talented. It was written by an Israeli poet named Naomi Shemer. Anyway, if what you say is true, then the Palestinians should just let go of their claim to Jerusalem. (And Jerusalem does have a special feel to it. It's not something you can even see on Youtube.)


I do not understand your reasoning, the Palestinians should just give up their lands and homes. If someone came to occupy your lands and force you frrom your home, would you just leave? That is certainly not what Bostonians did when they were occupied, they did not just pack up and leave. To leave or to stay, I do not think that is a decision for me to make for them.

As far as Jerusalem having a special feel to it, many places do. That does not make an Occupation peaceful or a city under Occupation a city of peace. I expect the author is simply blinded by her racism, to all of the violence around her and within Jerusalem. Racism does things like that to people, it makes them deaf, dumb and blind to hate all around them.


Perhaps on your planet the Arabs were asked to leave Jerusalem, but here on Earth, it was the Jews who were driven out of Jerusalem after the British left and who were forbidden to worship at their holy sites or to visit the graves of their families. It has not been the Jews who tried to drive the Arabs from their homes, but the Arabs who tried to drive the Jews from their's. The Arabs are not victims of the Jews but of their own greed and incompetence.

A racist is some one who sees things in terms of race. The poem expresses the the special significance Jerusalem has for Jews, it says nothing about what significance it may have for Muslims, yet you feel the need to attack the poem, the poet, and by implication the poster, because you see the sentiments expressed in the poem as Jewish. Clearly, the only racism expressed in in this thread is your own.
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

The Palestinian olive trees no longer stand
O hear the voices of the occupied city
As the wailing of victims of this crime

The cry to prayer from the Mosque
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And destruction is everywhere

Uprooted olive trees
The murder of the young, and
No where to flee…

My heart will sing your songs of occupation,
O City with a heart of golden Mosque
My heart will sing our songs of freedom,

O Jerusalem, O hear our song.

You are confused. The Arab occupation of Jerusalem, which began in1948, ended in 1967. Today, Jerusalem is an Israeli city and its problems are no different and no worse than those of any large US city.
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:


You have stated this was written by someone other than yourself.

Can you please provide a link to the author or source?

Forever Young,

No, I have not physically been to the place presently called Jerusalem.

But I know the words you write are not true, there is not peace everywhere in what is today called Jerusalem. There is an Occupation and human rights abuses and hate and hurting and killing.

And before it was called Jerusalem, it was called Salem.

And the one called Jesus spoke, close to 2000 years ago, of a day to come (which time has come) when worship of God would not be confined to a specific place, neither Jerusalem nor the hills of Samaria, but worship of God would be "in spirit and truth." John 4:21-24

So, I reject your glorification and worship of the place today called Jerusalem. I call that Idolatry.


I didn't write these words, I'm not that talented. It was written by an Israeli poet named Naomi Shemer. Anyway, if what you say is true, then the Palestinians should just let go of their claim to Jerusalem. (And Jerusalem does have a special feel to it. It's not something you can even see on Youtube.)


I do not understand your reasoning, the Palestinians should just give up their lands and homes. If someone came to occupy your lands and force you frrom your home, would you just leave? That is certainly not what Bostonians did when they were occupied, they did not just pack up and leave. To leave or to stay, I do not think that is a decision for me to make for them.

As far as Jerusalem having a special feel to it, many places do. That does not make an Occupation peaceful or a city under Occupation a city of peace. I expect the author is simply blinded by her racism, to all of the violence around her and within Jerusalem. Racism does things like that to people, it makes them deaf, dumb and blind to hate all around them.


I do understand your meaning Sherri In 1947----there still resided a community of jews in East Jerusalem---some of whom could trace their line back 2000 years in that city-----that city was placed under STARVATION SIEGE by those of your ilk ------the survivors were finally rescued the place was trashed---ancient shrines defecated upon and not one of the members of that former community could so much as set foot in the place for the next 20 years ------and there is something that I detect about YOU that convinces me that if you were around at the time-----you would have smiled and commented as you do now-----"well---its only a city--------its not important-----ground is ground and earth is earth -----go elsewhere" ~~~(referrable to jews only .....of course) The ganges river is "holy" for hindus the cities Mecca and Medina are "holy' for muslims-----Jerusalem is "holy" for jews. these are issues that YOU do not get to dictate. Destruction and/or theft of that which is "holy" to a people is a very typical custom of primitive and depraved societies and sometimes seen in nasty children ---and even really nasty spiteful housewives.
Of course I do not know-----perhaps if someone decided to drop pig-feces and bunker busting bombs on mecca-----you would comfort the UMMAH with the words "HOLDING MECCA DEAR IS IDOLATRY" There is ---an ancient hindu people in India----who speak a language derived from Sanskrit to wit BENGALIS Their communities date back thousands of years In 1971---that part of them residing in what was then called EAST PAKISTAN -----were decimated and the survivors fled------to areas in and around calcutta (now called KOLKATA) which is actually WEST BENGAL -----east pakistan is---I believe EAST BENGAL ----now BANGLA DESH (devoid of its ancient hindu community) ---not that you give a FRUCK
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

Forever Young,

No, I have not physically been to the place presently called Jerusalem.

But I know the words you write are not true, there is not peace everywhere in what is today called Jerusalem. There is an Occupation and human rights abuses and hate and hurting and killing.

And before it was called Jerusalem, it was called Salem.

And the one called Jesus spoke, close to 2000 years ago, of a day to come (which time has come) when worship of God would not be confined to a specific place, neither Jerusalem nor the hills of Samaria, but worship of God would be "in spirit and truth." John 4:21-24

So, I reject your glorification and worship of the place today called Jerusalem. I call that Idolatry.


I didn't write these words, I'm not that talented. It was written by an Israeli poet named Naomi Shemer. Anyway, if what you say is true, then the Palestinians should just let go of their claim to Jerusalem. (And Jerusalem does have a special feel to it. It's not something you can even see on Youtube.)

the creepyness of religious zealots and extremist of all faith gathered together in hate and mistrust with the smell of untreated sewage lingering in the air ?
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:


You have stated this was written by someone other than yourself.

Can you please provide a link to the author or source?


Her name is Naomi Shemer. In Hebrew it's called Yerushalayim shel Zahav.
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

Forever Young,

No, I have not physically been to the place presently called Jerusalem.

But I know the words you write are not true, there is not peace everywhere in what is today called Jerusalem. There is an Occupation and human rights abuses and hate and hurting and killing.

And before it was called Jerusalem, it was called Salem.

And the one called Jesus spoke, close to 2000 years ago, of a day to come (which time has come) when worship of God would not be confined to a specific place, neither Jerusalem nor the hills of Samaria, but worship of God would be "in spirit and truth." John 4:21-24

So, I reject your glorification and worship of the place today called Jerusalem. I call that Idolatry.

Wow, ever wonder how fucked up of a Jew hater you have to be, what filth you have to get exposed to, to write the above garbage?
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

The Palestinian olive trees no longer stand
O hear the voices of the occupied city
As the wailing of victims of this crime

The cry to prayer from the Mosque
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And destruction is everywhere

Uprooted olive trees
The murder of the young, and
No where to flee…

My heart will sing your songs of occupation,
O City with a heart of golden Mosque
My heart will sing our songs of freedom,

O Jerusalem, O hear our song.

You are confused. The Arab occupation of Jerusalem, which began in1948, ended in 1967. Today, Jerusalem is an Israeli city and its problems are no different and no worse than those of any large US city.

Personally, the city of peace must be shared to bring peace.
The Palestinian olive trees no longer stand
O hear the voices of the occupied city
As the wailing of victims of this crime

The cry to prayer from the Mosque
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And destruction is everywhere

Uprooted olive trees
The murder of the young, and
No where to flee…

My heart will sing your songs of occupation,
O City with a heart of golden Mosque
My heart will sing our songs of freedom,

O Jerusalem, O hear our song.

You are confused. The Arab occupation of Jerusalem, which began in1948, ended in 1967. Today, Jerusalem is an Israeli city and its problems are no different and no worse than those of any large US city.

Personally, the city of peace must be shared to bring peace.

why should it be "SHARED" ? I support a UNIFORM RULE FOR ALL "HOLY" cities ---of which, btw, there are many BENARES is a city considered "holy" by hindus as is AYODHIYA The holy jewish cites are Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias and Safed Cities "holy" to muslims in saudi arabia are mecca and medina I think ---in iran "qom" do not quote me Since there are many "holy" cities, the sanctity of which should be EQUALLY guarded-----I propose that a UNIFORM set of rules be enacted for ALL OF THEM If one must be "SHARED" all should be "SHARED" There are "holy" shrines in cities not so "holy" for example --------wherever the Giant Buddhas were locoated in Afghanistan before their UNHOLY destruction----might be considered holy to buddhists There was an ancient synagogue in Tunisia which was a site of pilgrimage for some jews because the legend is that the building was constructed of stone salvaged from the destroyed temple in Jerusalem An immediate project to recover as much stone as possible from that place and a reconstruction of the synagogue under the auspices of KOFI ANNAN must commence immediately------I do not expect Tunisia to undertake the expense Saudi arabia can to that along with the project to reconstruct the Buddhist Statuary in Afghanistan In the past few years-----some vandalism of the TOMB OF EZEKIEL in Iraq has unfortunately marred that SHARING idea too it should be FIXED IMMEDIATELY -----------I assert my right to open a felafel stand in Mecca
The olive trees that stand in silence
Upon the hills of time
To hear the voices of the city
As bells of evening chime

The Shofar sounding from the Temple
To call the world to prayer
A shepherd pauses in the valley
And peace is everywhere

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Forever young, yet forever old
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
O City with a heart of gold
My heart will sing your songs of glory, Jerusalem. :eusa_boohoo:

Shimech Tzorev Et Hasfatayim, O Yerushalaim!

Beautiful, FY, thank you!

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