Who knew they had serial numbers on breast implants?

duh! you seem to be the only person who didnt know this....all things placed in the body just about have serial numbers so they can be traced...if things go wrong....
Officials: Slain ex-model ID'd by breast implants - San Jose Mercury News
An ex-model found stuffed in a bloodstained suitcase without fingers or teeth was so badly mutilated that detectives had to identify her through the serial number of her breast implants, prosecutors disclosed today.

See, now everybody has learned something new today.

I had no idea either, mainly because I just never thought about it....but it does make sense to be able to identify where a defaulty breast implant might have originated from....
I had no idea, either... And I don't watch CSI, either. TV's the DEVIL! :eek:
I knew it.

But not from CSI, which I hate. I knew it from watching Bones, which I love.
Officials: Slain ex-model ID'd by breast implants - San Jose Mercury News
An ex-model found stuffed in a bloodstained suitcase without fingers or teeth was so badly mutilated that detectives had to identify her through the serial number of her breast implants, prosecutors disclosed today.

See, now everybody has learned something new today.

Wow ... I'm shocked ...

.... that some people didn't know this. All medical implants and "parts", even joint plates, have serial numbers, though the original use wasn't in identifying dead bodies, it has proven useful for it as well.
My mom has titanium hips...they have serial numbers, and she has to carry a card with an x-ray pic of them when she flies.
Considering the murderer knocked out her teeth and cut off her fingers trying to keep the body from being identified he apparently didn't know about the serial numbers either or they would have found her boobless was well.

Or maybe she convinced him they were all natural. :tongue:

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