Who knew "The Waltons" was a warmongering series?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

The Waltons was a great series for people who grew up in that time period who wanted to remember it fondly while they lived in that short period where we had it good.
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

The Waltons was a great series for people who grew up in that time period who wanted to remember it fondly while they lived in that short period where we had it good.

That time period? Mid 70s, early 80s? Ya, those were the nostaligic times all right ;)
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

The Waltons was a great series for people who grew up in that time period who wanted to remember it fondly while they lived in that short period where we had it good.

That time period? Mid 70s, early 80s? Ya, those were the nostaligic times all right ;)

What I remember about the 1970's is that my Dad had a good union job (at least until he got sick) and made a pretty good buck.
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

The Waltons was a great series for people who grew up in that time period who wanted to remember it fondly while they lived in that short period where we had it good.

That time period? Mid 70s, early 80s? Ya, those were the nostaligic times all right ;)
The Waltons was based on the Great Depression period. 1933 - 1945
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

The Waltons was a great series for people who grew up in that time period who wanted to remember it fondly while they lived in that short period where we had it good.

That time period? Mid 70s, early 80s? Ya, those were the nostaligic times all right ;)
The Waltons was based on the Great Depression period. 1933 - 1945

But made in the 70s. It's basicly rewriting history not unlike the protaganist in "1984." :) Notice a lot of the shows I grew up with have that sort of revisionist lens covering them. Got a few nostalgia channels here including one called the Nostalgia Channel. :) Compared to series of today, ones from the 70s were much more pro-government line. More akin to government propaganda than what we usually think of about Hollywood's creations of today. So when people long for the good ol' days, I think what they're longing for is an illusion that was perpetuated by the government's greater control over content then as compared to now.
But made in the 70s. It's basicly rewriting history not unlike the protaganist in "1984." :) Notice a lot of the shows I grew up with have that sort of revisionist lens covering them. Got a few nostalgia channels here including one called the Nostalgia Channel. :) Compared to series of today, ones from the 70s were much more pro-government line. More akin to government propaganda than what we usually think of about Hollywood's creations of today. So when people long for the good ol' days, I think what they're longing for is an illusion that was perpetuated by the government's greater control over content then as compared to now.

Yeah, but the thing is, MOST historical shows are 'revisionist' in that they bring modern sensibilities to the time. So you either get things that are completely out of character, or you get things that are condescending in their view.

I don't really think that the Walton's was propagandistic, at least not in a "Right wing" way.

I remember one show that was set right before WWII, where the people in Cleetusville or wherever the Waltons lived were so upset about Nazism that they were abusing their German neighbors and were going to burn a bunch of German books.

And then they ironically found out the German book they were about to Burn was "The Bible".

That was actually a pretty liberal sentiment. My grandparents were German immigrants about that time, and frankly, they didn't find their neighbors so "enlightened".
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

Maybe you had love of country in your heart back then?
So what happened...liberal school system finally get you indoctrinated?
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

Maybe you had love of country in your heart back then?
So what happened...liberal school system finally get you indoctrinated?

North Koreans love their country too. Control the information and you can manipulate how people feel about things. But loving your country may be misplaced love coming from simply control of their perceptions of reality.
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

Maybe you had love of country in your heart back then?
So what happened...liberal school system finally get you indoctrinated?

North Koreans love their country too. Control the information and you can manipulate how people feel about things. But loving your country may be misplaced love coming from simply control of their perceptions of reality.

So you're telling me N. Koreans are more patriotic than you?
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?
Will Greer (Grandpa Walton) was a leftist communist homosexual....figured you would've know that being one yourself.
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?
The Waltons were Liberal Humanitarian show. How a liberal nut job like you could see it as a RW Jerk Fest is beyond stupid. Can you even read. It is based on Earl Hamners Jr Spencers Mountain. I read it in the 7th grade, it is not a conservative story.
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?

The Waltons was a great series for people who grew up in that time period who wanted to remember it fondly while they lived in that short period where we had it good.

That time period? Mid 70s, early 80s? Ya, those were the nostaligic times all right ;)
No the the 1930s and 40s that those viewers grew up in ass.
Growing up with such faire, I notice they're on a couple channels here when I usually go and watch a bit of tv in the afternoons. Seeing an episode of "The Waltons" I was surprised to see Mr. Walton senior browbeating a young man about his contemplating draft-dodging giving him the whole "I didn't wanna go either but did" for WWI speech in front of the boy's parents. The kid relents and goes off to war as a result.

I don't remember "The Waltons" being such a right-wing jerk fest?
Will Greer (Grandpa Walton) was a leftist communist homosexual....figured you would've know that being one yourself.
for a homosexual he sure was a pro-creator of children

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