Who is your prediction to win the Dem Prez nomination


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
I'll start.

I think the top 4 in the polls are all paper lions who go down. Pistol Pete is at least intelligent, but an outed gay has no chance in a general, and the Dem elites know that.

I am sticking with Amy Klobuchar, the "last one standing" after the rest are exposed as gutter garbage....
I'll start.

I think the top 4 in the polls are all paper lions who go down. Pistol Pete is at least intelligent, but an outed gay has no chance in a general, and the Dem elites know that.

I am sticking with Amy Klobuchar, the "last one standing" after the rest are exposed as gutter garbage....
If Killery DOES decide to run, she will probably steal ANOTHER Dem primary.
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No way. If Parkinson's infected closeted dyke Hillary runs, she will lose.

On the other hand, there is one who might make all the difference....

I'll start.

I think the top 4 in the polls are all paper lions who go down. Pistol Pete is at least intelligent, but an outed gay has no chance in a general, and the Dem elites know that.

Yep, there's no better plan of action for anything than to say "that'll never work" and throw your hands up in the air. That's the good ol' American can-do spirit innit. Reagan "had no chance" because he was divorced. JFK "had no chance" because he was Catholic. O'bama "had no chance" because he was black. Still is.

Way too early to address this question anyway.
Pocahontas will win then lose. Only Pete and Tulsi have any kind of chance, but Tulsi will have some kind of accident in the near future, or perhaps an unexpected suicide.
This will be just like 1972 ... Democrats had Nixon nailed to the cross ... easy win ... nominate the most extreme liberal with the most extreme platform and sweep into power ... what could possibly go wrong? ...

Sanders ... everyone will want socialism after four years of The Donald ... and be glad for it ... [shrugs shoulders] ... you asked my prediction, not my opinion ...
WTF? You guys are nuts. It'll be Biden or Gray Beaver. You need to project who the democrat politburo wants to win, and then tell the "super-delegates" to vote accordingly. How else did you think Hillary beat Bernie last time? No matter who wins the nomination 1/2 the democrat voters will be pissed and either stay home or vote 3rd party. 2020 will be just liken 2016.
This will be just like 1972 ... Democrats had Nixon nailed to the cross ... easy win ... nominate the most extreme liberal with the most extreme platform and sweep into power ... what could possibly go wrong? ...

Sanders ... everyone will want socialism after four years of The Donald ... and be glad for it ... [shrugs shoulders] ... you asked my prediction, not my opinion ...

And it's a good thing nobody did, because Linear Time. Watergate didn't start blowing up until 1973.
WTF? You guys are nuts. It'll be Biden or Gray Beaver. You need to project who the democrat politburo wants to win, and then tell the "super-delegates" to vote accordingly. How else did you think Hillary beat Bernie last time? No matter who wins the nomination 1/2 the democrat voters will be pissed and either stay home or vote 3rd party. 2020 will be just liken 2016.

Odds that Low IQ Joe wins the Democrat Prez nomination.....

This will be just like 1972 ... Democrats had Nixon nailed to the cross ... easy win ... nominate the most extreme liberal with the most extreme platform and sweep into power ... what could possibly go wrong? ...

Sanders ... everyone will want socialism after four years of The Donald ... and be glad for it ... [shrugs shoulders] ... you asked my prediction, not my opinion ...

And it's a good thing nobody did, because Linear Time. Watergate didn't start blowing up until 1973.
I'm not big on historical analogies, but you are right. And I think if there is an analogy it is that most of us didn't think the breakin was all that unusual. Hint, the FBI was doing all kinds of bad shit, and LBJ and JFK weren't boy scouts.

But when it was obvious that Nixon really didn't think laws applied to him … the worm turned. If people thought the president acted because he wanted to protect the country … that was one thing, but if he was protecting just himself …. that really wasn't ok with most people … even if they didn't like the dems on civil rights, Vietnam, welfare and those punk kids who didn't work and didn't serve.
I'll start.

I think the top 4 in the polls are all paper lions who go down. Pistol Pete is at least intelligent, but an outed gay has no chance in a general, and the Dem elites know that.

I am sticking with Amy Klobuchar, the "last one standing" after the rest are exposed as gutter garbage....

How about Al Gore? The libs still contend he was ripped off in 2000. Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize, and really deserves the nomination to push forward a new book or movie
and LBJ and JFK weren't boy scouts

JFK was a womanizer

LBJ was a murderer, a traitor, and one of the two worst disasters as a US President of all time, second only to W.
Oh I think Nixon gave LBJ a run for his money. But that's not really the point.

As to your thread, it seems to me it's Mayor Pete or the dems have no chance at all …. unless there's a game changer for Trump's unfavorables.
So your study of your own country's history goes back ---- fifty years?

The worst acts of treason against the US.

1. 911
2. starting Vietnam for the sole purpose of running US weapons factories and siphoning off the new weapons to Israel
3. assassinating JFK to do #2
4. establishing "Homeland Security" to find, ID, and off "truthers"
I think Nixon gave LBJ a run for his money.

Not even close....

LBJ's first run for Congress resulted in the incumbent being murdered, no Grand Jury ever convened, and LBJ being the only name on the ballot...

Winning by murder = the Zionist way

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