Who is the King of the U.S.A.?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Who is the King of the U.S.A.?

Oh say can you see, --- that you are an oligarchy?



I assume here that most Americans are bright enough to know that they live in an oligarchy and not a democracy.

Do you believe that redistribution of wealth from the top to the bottom of the U.S. socio economic demographic pyramid is a good idea or a bad idea?

Do you think the American oligarchy can be turned back into a real democracy where the poor are considered instead of ignored, if not abused?

Poverty is the worst form of Violence. Mahatma Gandhi

Do you think that we can persuade our owners to stop their violence against the poor?

Which of our oligarchs would you say is the King of the U.S.A.

Should the U.S. government find its balls and ask its King to stop abusing the poor?


Tom Steyer. Billionaire dem.
Dirty politics clog Keystone XL pipeline Column

"The decision to yet again delay the final permit for the popular Keystone XL pipeline was made not in the White House or at the State Department, but in a posh private residence in the Sea Cliff neighborhood in northwestern San Francisco. It was there on February 19 that former vice president Al Gore and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the pilgrimage to Tom Steyer's home to kiss the ring of the hedge fund-billionaire turned super-donor, in exchange for $400,000 that night and a promise of $100 million more to come. Steyer's sole demand? Stop the pipeline."

"The following week, Steyer's spokesman made clear that he demanded more than talk for his $100 million life raft to struggling Democratic senate candidates. The quid pro quowas made explicit, and public. "If we're collectively going to put $100 million into this cycle, how much will go into key races depends on Keystone," said top Steyer political hand Chris Lehane."
Tom Steyer. Billionaire dem.
Dirty politics clog Keystone XL pipeline Column

"The decision to yet again delay the final permit for the popular Keystone XL pipeline was made not in the White House or at the State Department, but in a posh private residence in the Sea Cliff neighborhood in northwestern San Francisco. It was there on February 19 that former vice president Al Gore and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the pilgrimage to Tom Steyer's home to kiss the ring of the hedge fund-billionaire turned super-donor, in exchange for $400,000 that night and a promise of $100 million more to come. Steyer's sole demand? Stop the pipeline."

"The following week, Steyer's spokesman made clear that he demanded more than talk for his $100 million life raft to struggling Democratic senate candidates. The quid pro quowas made explicit, and public. "If we're collectively going to put $100 million into this cycle, how much will go into key races depends on Keystone," said top Steyer political hand Chris Lehane."

They no longer need to hide who is in charge as the know that the American public has no balls just like the government.


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