Who is the Biggest Threat: Racist Jerks or the Thought Police?

Who is the bigger threat to YOU?

  • Racist jerks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thought Police

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Pee Wee Herman Nightmares

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have not seen a person materially directly harmed by racists since I was a kid. No one I know talks like that any more, not any one I know anyway, maybe they do up North, I dunno about Yankees.

But the Thought Police go after people's jobs, careers, good name and respect.

In the old days a person could challenge some lying skank to defend their slander dueling, but you cant even do that any more (damit!).

But seriously, who threatens YOU more from your point of view; racist dumbasses being rude and obnoxious or the Thought Police who leave no person unscathed who cross their invisibl lines?
Racist jerks ARE the "thought police".

Read the Republican Party Platform.
Thought police. That is them trying to put their shit onto me

them being racist jerks... is them being racists jerks all on their very own...and they have the right to be what every they want to be.
The POINT of freedom of speech isn't to protect speech that everyone likes and agrees with. But, the whole point is to protect speech that you dont like or agree with, including racism. Let them run their mouths.
Racism is subjective, and the thought police were a fiction created by George Orwell. I fear neither. What bothers me, there are some people that use the word "racism" with no proof and cynically using a cheap allegation to stifle opposing options. THAT bothers me. I don't know if that is a threat, but that's bad enough. Perhaps, if you allege racism, you had better be able to bloody well prove it.
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Racism is subjective, and the thought police were a fiction created by George Orwell. I fear neither. What bothers me, there are some people that use the word "racism" with no proof and cynically using a cheap allegation to stifle opposing options. THAT bothers me. I don't know if that is a threat, but that's bad enough. Perhaps, if you allege racism, you had better be able to bloody well prove it.

The phrase 'Thought Police' was a fiction by Orwell, but it is fast becoming a literal reality.

We have people being fired from their jobs because of innocent slips of the toungue, bad jokes, and holding to their religious views in spite of them being unpopular with the secular culture. These people are being punished for their thoughts, which is EXACTLY what the Thought Police do.

Hence the question; realistically, do you think you stand a greater risk of losing your job due to some racist asshat firing you for being the wrong race, or do you stand more chance of losing your job because some sensitive person felt offended by something you said (though it had absolutely nothing to do with them personall or any group they are a member of, but they think OTHER PEOPLE might be offended)?

For me, it is a lopsided case of number two, without any doubt.

Our nation is being turned into a fascist nation with absolute power in the Presidency, laws that penalize free speech and punish people for their thoughts and an insistence that NOTHING can rival an individuals loyalty to the main steam culture, not God, not chuhrch and not even family.

Orwell made it up, but it is becoming reality today.
Racist idiots exist, the Thought Police do not. There's your answer.
We have people being fired from their jobs because of innocent slips of the toungue, bad jokes, and holding to their religious views in spite of them being unpopular with the secular culture. These people are being punished for their thoughts, which is EXACTLY what the Thought Police do..

Link? Proof? Anything?
The POINT of freedom of speech isn't to protect speech that everyone likes and agrees with. But, the whole point is to protect speech that you dont like or agree with, including racism. Let them run their mouths.

Exactly right.... there is no reason to protect speech we all find rosey and nice. It was intended to protect controversial speech.
The greatest threat to human life and liberty has always been the humans' ruling classes.

So if I had to choose who is most threatening to me and you and the American way of life?

I'd have to say its that cabal of folks who control our nation with with financial and the power of the law.
The greatest threat to human life and liberty has always been the humans' ruling classes.

So if I had to choose who is most threatening to me and you and the American way of life?

I'd have to say its that cabal of folks who control our nation with with financial and the power of the law.

Lol, dont change the question.

We have people being fired from their jobs because of innocent slips of the toungue, bad jokes, and holding to their religious views in spite of them being unpopular with the secular culture. These people are being punished for their thoughts, which is EXACTLY what the Thought Police do..

Link? Proof? Anything?

Umm, you dont follow current events too well?

Buchanan fired for un-PC Views | Eric Peters Autos

Controversies about the word "niggardly" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On January 15, 1999, David Howard, a white aide to Anthony A. Williams, the black mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget. This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (identified by Howard as Marshall Brown), who interpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint.

Shortly after the Washington incident, another controversy erupted over the use of the word at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. At a February 1999 meeting of the Faculty Senate, a junior English major and vice chairwoman of the Black Student Union told the group how a professor teaching Chaucer had used the word niggardly. She later said she was unaware of the related Washington, D.C. controversy that came to light just the week before. She said the professor continued to use the word even after she told him that she was offended. "I was in tears, shaking," she told the faculty. "It's not up to the rest of the class to decide whether my feelings are valid."[6]

In late January or early February 2002, a white fourth-grade teacher in Wilmington, North Carolina was formally reprimanded for teaching the word and told to attend sensitivity training.[7] The teacher, Stephanie Bell, said she used "niggardly" during a discussion about literary characters. Parent Akwana Walker, who is black, protested the use of the word, saying it offended her because it sounds similar to a racial slur.[7]

Bell's union, the North Carolina Association of Educators, told her not to speak about the situation, so her son, Tarl Bell, spoke to the newspaper. Tarl Bell said his mother received a letter from the school principal stating that the teacher used poor judgment and instructing her to send an apology to the parents of her students, which was done. The principal's letter also criticized the teacher for lacking sensitivity.[7] The daughter of the complaining parent was moved to another classroom.

Dennis Boaz, a history teacher, sued the administrators of the Mendocino County Office of Education for defamation.[8] Mr. Boaz, who was bargaining for Ukiah schoolteachers, wrote a letter saying that the "tenor of the negotiation tactics of the district office has become increasingly negative and niggardly." The response was a memo from one defendant of the lawsuit that implied that Boaz was racist, and a letter cosigned by the other defendant and nine other individuals in the Mendocino County school system stating that Boaz's comments were "racially charged and show a complete lack of respect and integrity toward Dr. Nash, Ukiah Unified District Superintendent," who is black.

Here we have thought that was not related to racism at all being hammered by PC idiots who invoked the Thought Police to abuse and harrass totally innocent people.

Tar baby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although the term's provenance rests in African folklore (i.e., the gum doll Anansi created to trap Mmoatia, the dwarf), some Americans consider "tar baby" to be a pejorative term for African Americans.[7] The Oxford English Dictionary defines "tar baby" in its original sense — and as "a derogatory term for a black person (U.S.) or a Maori (N.Z.)".[8][9] Several United States politicians — including presidential candidates John McCain, John Kerry, and Mitt Romney — have been criticized by civil rights leaders, the media, and fellow politicians for using the "tar baby" metaphor.[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] An article in The New Republic argued that people are "unaware that some consider it to have a second meaning as a slur" and it "is an obscure slur, not even known to be so by a substantial proportion of the population." It continued that, "those who feel that tar baby's status as a slur is patently obvious are judging from the fact that it sounds like a racial slur" (italics in original text).[21]

Tar Baby has nothing to do with blacks or race or anything else. Just a bunch of people posturing as victims to provoke whites into silence over supposed racial guilt.

Water buffalo incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The water buffalo incident was a controversy at the University of Pennsylvania in 1993, in which student Eden Jacobowitz was charged with violating the university's racial harassment policy.
The incident occurred when Jacobowitz shouted, "Shut up, you water buffalo," out his window to a crowd of mostly black Delta Sigma Theta sorority sisters creating a ruckus outside his dorm. Others had shouted at the crowd, including several who shouted racial epithets, but Jacobowitz was the only one charged.

Jacobowitz's initial advisor was assigned to him by the University and urged him to accept its offer of a settlement. The settlement required him to admit to violating the racial harassment policy. He refused and retained another advisor, history professor Alan Charles Kors.

Jacobowitz explained his choice of "water buffalo" as from Hebrew slang, "Behema," used by Jews to refer to a loud, rowdy person. He procured several expert witnesses who attested to this and others, such as Michael Meyers, who gave testimonies that "water buffalo" was not a racial epithet against African Americans.

Jacobowitz's story was brought to the fore by the media focus on Penn and on April 23, several days before his hearing, the New York-based Jewish Daily Forward broke his story with the headline "Pennsylvania Preparing to Buffalo a Yeshiva Boy" The story gained even wider media coverage after the Wall Street Journal picked up the story with an editorial entitled "Buffaloed at Penn." Jacobowitz was interviewed on television several times.

Based on testimony that Jacobowitz had called the women "water buffalo" and the university's belief that this was a racial epithet, they proceeded with prosecuting him.

black-hole is racist

Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections “has become a black hole” because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office. .

Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud “Excuse me!” He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a “white hole.” That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.

I cannot believe that Judge Thomas asked the commissioner for an apology. What is going on in this country? We have people singing alternate national anthems and now common scientific terms are racist. Jesse Jackson is even mad at Senator Obama because he’s apparently “not black enough“. People who see everything through the prism of race have a disease.

Amen, bubba, but worse than this incredibly stupid racist baiting that goes on all the time by PC Thought Police, is the absolute cowardace that the rest of us display be letting these bastards get away with it.
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