Who is Eric Portman?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
On the MacLaughlin Group - 3 out of the 4 (exceptPat Buchanan) predicted hewould be Romneys VP choice.

Never heard of the guy.

Romney needs to pick somebody with name-recognition................
WOULD BE A TERRIBLE CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish he would pick Gingrich or even Ron Paul.
On the MacLaughlin Group - 3 out of the 4 (exceptPat Buchanan) predicted hewould be Romneys VP choice.

Never heard of the guy.

Romney needs to pick somebody with name-recognition................

If Romney is smart at this stage of the game, and I know my shit, I would not only put out my pick of a VP but also put out my picks for my cabinet ministers showing that he is ready from day one with the most exceptional individuals surrounding him.

I go Rubio.

Hope and Change be damned you see. Romney puts in place teams who are going to "fix the damage elitist academics have caused"

Whoa geeze you can run with that.:D
To what dearheart?

I can back up any history but if you need and want links just be specific.


I'm in the category of "holy shit I lived it". So please be specific when requesting a certain decade without embarrassing the crap out of me.:D
Who is John Galt?

Yeah, nobody knows either of them.
On the MacLaughlin Group - 3 out of the 4 (exceptPat Buchanan) predicted hewould be Romneys VP choice.

Never heard of the guy.

Romney needs to pick somebody with name-recognition................

Nope. He needs to pick a guy who won't upstage him.

An "exciting" Vice-President will just remind Republicans that they really didn't want Romney to start with, and how bland and uninteresting and designed by a committee he was.

Portman is safe, wonkish and could actually run the country if Americans were stupid enough to elect Romney and he went off to the Celestial Heaven soon afterwards.
On the MacLaughlin Group - 3 out of the 4 (exceptPat Buchanan) predicted hewould be Romneys VP choice.

Never heard of the guy.

Romney needs to pick somebody with name-recognition................

If Romney is smart at this stage of the game, and I know my shit, I would not only put out my pick of a VP but also put out my picks for my cabinet ministers showing that he is ready from day one with the most exceptional individuals surrounding him.

I go Rubio.

Hope and Change be damned you see. Romney puts in place teams who are going to "fix the damage elitist academics have caused"

Whoa geeze you can run with that.:D

Here's the problem I see with Rubio.

He's only been a Senator for 2 years. He's had a foreclosure and a bankruptcy in recent history. There's no way anyone could argue he's ready for the presidency any more than Sarah Palin was as governor of one of the smaller state in population.

taking Rubio as a running mate would show desperation. "I know my numbers with Hispanics suck, let me take a brown guy with no experience."
Rob Portman.


Eric Cartman.

Romney needs to make a daring choice.

He's still the underdog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Portman=tytpes dont cut it

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