Who invented the christian victim card?

You're right. I am wrong. I am confusing things out of lack of knowledge. I did some research and I see where I made my mistake.

However, I do not believe that one's free speech is protected if one yells "fire" falsely in a theater. (Don't make me go do some more research!)

Falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater is not a free speech issue. Holmes made that analogy in order to justify allowing the government to outlaw anyone saying bad things about it. I am pretty sure you would not want to go to prison for saying that the president is wrong to attack Iraq or Libya.

Okay, going to have to do some more research. I'm going to eat my dog if I'm wrong.

I don't know what I learned in school but it obviously wasn't law.

"The First Amendment holding in Schenck (that falsely yelling fire in a theater was not protected speech) was later overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, which limited the scope of banned speech to that which would be directed to and likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g. a riot)."

Going to go heat up the grill.
It probably started when FDR appointed democrat former segregationist and bigoted Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Black wrote the modern version of "separation of church and state" which does not exist in the Constitution. Later liberal democrats expanded the myth and before you know it you could get arrested for placing a Christmas tree on public property or saying a prayer in school. It's ironic that public schools encourage muslem theology but threaten kids with expulsion for wearing a Crucifix to school. Democrat radical judges ruled that the half century old monument to Korean War Veterans in San Diego should be bulldozed and dynamited to rubble because it contains a 40 ft Cross. Anti-Christians have turned into a lynch mob.

The Cross Is Unconstitutional, Again - HUMAN EVENTS
Mount Soledad cross controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember it because if you rely on the mainstream media for information you are liable to see a vacant lot where the Korean War monument once stood. I bet radical lefties secretly applauded when the Mojave Cross was destroyed by "vandals". Not much outrage in the liberal media. The hypocrisy on the left is stunning. They want you to believe America is an agnostic Nation but Congress has a chaplain and they swear on the Bible and say a prayer asking God's blessings and they erect a National Christmas tree every year on public property. Meanwhile faceless liberal democrat cowards threaten Americans with arrest if the see a Christmas tree in the Town Square.

emilynghiem said:

Dear Whitehall: After I read through these stories and other posts, you inspired me to write a Hymnal for the Westboro Baptists. If I were Pope, I would order this song be sung at all Westboro protests, by protestors and counter-protestors alike, so they can compete left and right to drown each other out in two-part stereophonic harmony.

God Hates America: The Westboro Baptist National Hymn

God hates America
Fat lazy slobs!
While we raise hell
Over welfare
Slaves in Asia
Are taking our jobs!

From the bailouts, to the handouts
Leaving us in greater debt:
God hates America
And all our Vets
God hates America, and all our Vets!

God hates America
Land of the lost!
As we protest
Hapless Baptists,
States are sued
To remove any Cross!

Religious Freedom
Is for Heathens,
If you're Muslim
You're a Putz!
God hates Americans, cuz we've gone nuts!
God hates America
Cuz we've GONE NUTS!

-- Emily Nghiem, political humorist
Eastboro Center for Restorative Justice,
Constitutional Ethics, and Cooperative Economics
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