Who Hates Sarah Palin?

Well, with Obama you can expect your health insurance costs to at least triple from there in the form of taxes to pay for that "free" universal healthcare coverage you no doubt believe will end your health insurance costs; gas prices aren't under the control of a President from an oil consuming country, and while many countries in OPEC would love to see the POTUS come begging them to increase supply, since they are the ones making the real killing on the higher prices -it isn't going to happen. So those increased transportation costs which have driven up your food bill will remain. As will paying more for heating oil for your house. What your house is worth today doesn't mean much unless you are planning to sell it today and is the least of your problems.

But the good news is that with Obama, your tax bill will go way up and not just to pay for that "free" universal healthcare coverage, but all those other entitlement programs he wants to create you won't qualify for anyway -so you will have even less disposable income than ever before. At the end of 4 years, if you are really lucky -your husband will still have a job but with far less purchasing power and if you are really, really lucky still able to hang on to that house.

Obama is offering the very same failed policies of Carter and promising an economy as it existed under Clinton. A con game if I ever saw one since those Carter policies only resulted in a Carter economy and it was Reagan policies that resulted in a Clinton economy -polar opposite policies. The best entertainment available will be the Democrats and liberal media trying to explain why you are so much better off with an economy with so much higher unemployment, interest and inflation rates and far less purchasing power. They did under Carter too who was tossed out in four years. Took years longer than that to fix the damage he did.

The Democrats drag this crap out full force just in time for the next generation too ignorant to learn from history to buy into it. So after personally learning the hard way, you can expect to be among those trying to warn the next generation getting ready to fall for the identical crap. You will be rewarded for it by being told you are ignorant and stupid and lectured about why they are so much smarter than you although more ignorant than any previous generation. Happy days are here again, huh?

frazzle, you don't understand Obama's healthcare proposal, which is NOT universal health care paid for by our gvt taxes.

me personally, i don't think anything should be done with universal healthcare UNTIL the underlying problems with the yearly double digit rises in costs are addressed and reformed, starting with the Medicare Pill Bill....and streamlining the paperwork..., it will bankrupt our country with just our Medicare and Medicaid costs.
President's policies can cause price rises in gasoline...WAR for instance, where we use a ton more oil in deploying our troops, affects the prices of gasoline tremendously because of it's "demand" factor being added in to normal demand.

Buying in to our oil reserves affects it, which is another task of the President.

Friendly relations with oil producing countries and the President's policies regarding such affects it.....(Venezuella as example)

The president and his party's policy positions on regulation or deregulation affects the price of oil/gas as well....(deregulating the speculation of oil has caused a great deal of the oil bubble we saw)

The president's different energy dept's positions and stances on oil leases also affect the price of oil/gas...

And whether to release our oil reserves on to the market affects the price of gas and oil.

The president's positions on conservation also leads Congress, affects the supply and demand and the price of oil/gas....(telling everybody to continue to buy those big suv's because we have the right to drive them)

There are many more things that affect oil/gas prices that the President has control or the position of leadership that could and does affect the price of oil/gas.
on the house dropping 30% since we bought it, has TRAPPED US, IN TO having TO STAY HERE in Maine and gives us no options....like moving to a southern state where oil is not necessary to heat ones home.


As i said previously, there is NO FREE UNIVERSAL healthcare plan that Obama is proposing....

it is a plan with private insurance companies similar to Romney's plan in massachusetts, only obama does not make it mandatory to buy in to as romney's plan required.
Under this administration and this congress, we ALREADY have MUCH MUCH MUCH LESS purchasing power than we had under the Clinton administration and his congress. And it will ONLY GET WORSE, but not because of Obama, but because of the actions of this present President and his congress....the damage has been DONE with their excessive overspending and tax policies.

Why would I want to continue on the same disasterous road that President Bush has put us on?-------------------------------------------------------------

Obama is not Carter and he is not President Bush either....nor is he a Kennedy or a Reagan....

Our country has been messed up so badly these past 8 years that no matter who takes the position of President, we have a VERY HARD ROAD ahead of us.

Those responsible for this HELL that we face should NOT be put back in power and rewarded with another chance.....it would be irresponsible for us to keep us on the same path and negligent to not punish those that did it to us....Republicans for the most part, and their policies of overspending and borrowing from foreigners, which essentially a HUGE TAX INCREASE on us all imho.

pstt....conservatives dont have believe in sex...

Never fails to amaze me the self-created and false stereotypes liberals WANT to believe about the other side. LOL

Poll: More Republicans Satisfied With Sex Lives Than Democrats Espella Humanzee | Conservative Man?

And this poll came out with the same kind of results that every poll on this does. (In addition, other polls have shown that Republicans have better mental health and are happier than Democrats -and it doesn't change with level of income. Poor Republicans are happier than poor Democrats too.)

As you can see from this poll, Republicans are happier in their committed relationship than Democrats are; a higher percentage of Republicans report to being "very satisified" with their sex life compared to Democrats and Republicans are even more likely to wear sexy garments to enhance their sex life than Democrats are.

And my absolute favorite -Democrats are more likely to fake orgasm than Republicans are.

But then, considering some of the Democrat women -Janet Reno, Hillary Clinton, Rosie O'Donnell, bug-eyed Nancy Pelosi, Helen Thomas, Andrea Dworkin, Susan Estrich...you get the idea. If you have to first wonder about the gender of some of them before having to face up to major questions about their personal hygiene -those polls are pretty self-explanatory.
The basis of this thread is bullshit.

If we dare criticize Palin, we hate her. If we say that living next to Russian isn't foreign experience, we hate her. If we say that trying to fire a town librarian for not giving her full fealty is bullying, we hate her. ect. etc, tce.

She isn't qualified to be vice president or surely president. Her interview showed that she isn't ready.

Get off your hate shit and face the facts. If people think she isn't qualified to sit one old heartbeat away from the presidency, we have the right to say that.

Hate, Hate, Hate, that's all some on the right can say when you disagree with them.

If you want criticize Palin, criticize her policies as governor. Instead of how she and her husband have organized their family support system when it only has to work for THEM, not you. Historically, the most demanding part of the job of VP -is the actual campaign itself. Not the office of VP which actually has fewer demanding duties than that of governor. Make your criticisms legitimate criticisms and discussions can be about actual and REAL issues. But if your criticisms are simply more smears and character assassination, then don't expect to be applauded for it.

While Palin has been criticized for her "You can see Russia from here" comment -as if that was all she said about her relevant experiences as governor, it was only the beginning of what she actually said. Interesting that every leftwing source invariably leaves off the rest of her comments. Which included the fact that as Alaskan governor, she had to deal with national security, oil and licensing issues that involved Russia. Russia is only 7 miles from the Alaskan border, so national security issues there involve far more than in ANY of the states which share borders with other states. A governor is Commander-in-Chief of the state's National Guard in every state of the Union. Because these two highest elected executive jobs call for far more skills in common than what separates them, historically governors have always been considered MORE qualified for President than Senators in terms of relevant experience.

The jobs of Senator and President have no interchangeable skills just because they are elected offices. What is necessary to be an effective legislator has nothing to do with what is necessary to be an effective executive. Not talking about policy differences here - but just the basic skills required to even do the job effectively.

Obama hasn't been a Senator long enough to know if he even has the necessary skills to be an effective Senator -much less ready to use it as a springboard for the Presidency. So far his biggest "accomplishment" as Senator was to request more than $700 million in pork and wasteful spending -in just 18 months! And he voted against de-funding programs the OMB said had proven to be entirely ineffective, had accomplished none of their goals and simply wasted their budgets. So we do know he is quite willing to keep throwing good money after bad. Not a quality I want in President though.

Governors work full time. A President is on the job 24/7 even while on "vacation" where his work just moves to that location with him -which would be a real shock to a Senator used to part-time work. Senators work less than half the year. A state legislator works 1/3 of the year. Obama was a community organizer for the radical leftwing organization ACORN before that -which was also part time work. Which gives him a resume consisting of just three part time jobs that left him with absolutely ZERO skills or qualifications to do ANY executive job. He sure couldn't get a job as a top executive in the private sector with that resume -but people like you want to give him the the most difficult and demanding one of all?

Obama, Biden, McCain and Palin actually have no foreign policy experience. People who do besides a President are rarely in an elected office. Senators and governors cannot make foreign policy. Senators are just some of the biggest critics of a President's foreign policies. Being a critic of someone else's doesn't mean it gives YOU any experience with it though. I know when someone is singing badly, but that doesn't mean I can sing any better. Being the critic is the EASY part. I'm tired of hearing people claim that a freshman Senator on the job for a mere 18 months (but actually DOING the job for just 5 of those months) before running for President, with nothing but traveling on vacation or living as a child in a country like Kenya is somehow "foreign policy experience". It is no such thing. Otherwise we actually have tens of thousands of people in this country who have lots and lots of "foreign policy" experience involving the Bahamas, Martinique, Cancun, Europe etc. Unless someone is actually part of a President's foreign policy team or has advanced degrees in foreign affairs -that person has no foreign policy experience. He just has an OPINION.

Holding the 2nd highest executive office has always been considered a qualification for running for President because what a President needs FIRST and foremost - are effective EXECUTIVE skills, not legislative skills. If he can't effectively run an executive office, it doesn't matter what particular policies he has -he is unlikely to get many, if any, of his policies he campaigned on off the ground at all. And people like you think a fine place for us all to see if Obama can even develop any executive skills whatsoever -is by handing him THE single most demanding executive office of all! I'll PASS on that, thank you.

Palin has held 2 of the 3 highest elected executive offices. She did both executive jobs so effectively that she has the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country. Governors get that when they are effective at their job - not just for being there. Palin proved she as the necessary executive skills to run the office effectively. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have EVER claimed that being a governor made someone unqualified for either VP or President -at any time in HISTORY! Democrats are only insisting its just being a governor THIS time that makes her unqualified. Which is TOTAL BS. They are doing it because they KNOW for a fact that Palin's resume leaves her more qualified for the office Obama wants in the first place! Which is why they keep comparing her qualifications to Obama's -not Biden's. Palin's track record -whether you agree with her particular policies or not, proves she has the actual executive skills required to effectively run an executive office. Something Obama doesn't have at all -even though seeking an even higher executive office than Palin. It is why the other side focuses so critically on Palin. Because Obama is the one who falls far short on real qualifications -and they know it. He has neither the experience in government service that McCain does, nor the necessary executive skills that Palin does.

As for whether Palin can step in as President should something happen to McCain. Since McCain's mother is still kicking ass at 96 and doesn't look like she's ready to call it quits on that just yet -I wouldn't expect McCain to kick the bucket before she does. But IF he were to die in office, her experience as governor and VP combined - will leave her even MORE qualified for the job of President than Obama and Biden combined are RIGHT NOW.

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