Who gets paid to post here


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Uninformed sources tell me that several of my fellow USMB posters receive remuneration for their efforts here.

For example:

Greenbeard. He's a minion of David Plouffe, he used to get $200/per post but Plouffe is suing him for a refund for theft of services and loss of consortium

Flaylo. (aka: Arianna's pool boy, HuffPo's Ambassador to USMB). He gets to put the umbrella in Arianna's pina coladas and says that's all the reward he needs

Rdean. Koch Brothers pay him $5/per post to make Liberals look like total fucking idiots. They say its the most rewarding investment they ever made
Uninformed sources tell me that several of my fellow USMB posters receive remuneration for their efforts here.

For example:

Greenbeard. He's a minion of David Plouffe, he used to get $200/per post but Plouffe is suing him for a refund for theft of services and loss of consortium

Flaylo. (aka: Arianna's pool boy, HuffPo's Ambassador to USMB). He gets to put the umbrella in Arianna's pina coladas and says that's all the reward he needs

Rdean. Koch Brothers pay him $5/per post to make Liberals look like total fucking idiots. They say its the most rewarding investment they ever made

Uninformed sources tell me that several of my fellow USMB posters receive remuneration for their efforts here.

For example:

Greenbeard. He's a minion of David Plouffe, he used to get $200/per post but Plouffe is suing him for a refund for theft of services and loss of consortium

Flaylo. (aka: Arianna's pool boy, HuffPo's Ambassador to USMB). He gets to put the umbrella in Arianna's pina coladas and says that's all the reward he needs

Rdean. Koch Brothers pay him $5/per post to make Liberals look like total fucking idiots. They say its the most rewarding investment they ever made

ONLY children of illegal-immigrant parents !
Uninformed sources tell me that several of my fellow USMB posters receive remuneration for their efforts here.

For example:

Greenbeard. He's a minion of David Plouffe, he used to get $200/per post but Plouffe is suing him for a refund for theft of services and loss of consortium

Flaylo. (aka: Arianna's pool boy, HuffPo's Ambassador to USMB). He gets to put the umbrella in Arianna's pina coladas and says that's all the reward he needs

Rdean. Koch Brothers pay him $5/per post to make Liberals look like total fucking idiots. They say its the most rewarding investment they ever made

Jake Starkey. He's "A Beautiful Mind" type of crazy and believes he's a Soviet Spy that has successfully infiltrated USMB and we're all totally convinced he's really a real Republican. Really.

At nights he jumps up and down on the floor of his apartment imagining that he's sending Morse Code signals to his "Handler" Mrs. Blitzman one floor below who he believes is sending him new instructions when she knocks on her ceiling with a broom handle and yells "Stop that jumping! What are you meshuggah?!!!"
My uncle Fidel sends me a hand rolled torpedo from H. Upmann for every post.
Wanna buy some ? Oh that's right. They're illegal in the Land of The Fee.:cuckoo:
According to some very well-informed Twoofers --

wait, I cannot continue.

That's too much of an oxymoron for me to take even when engaging in mockery.

Rather small audience to shell out $$$ for, writing letters to the editor of most newspapers would have greater impact.
Dabs pays me to show up at her house every couple of days dressed as a pool cleaner so that the neighbors don't get suspicious.

I don't know if the pay has anything to do with my posts.
Dabs pays me to show up at her house every couple of days dressed as a pool cleaner so that the neighbors don't get suspicious.

I don't know if the pay has anything to do with my posts.

No, the neighbors are busy with the electricians, school administrators, and plumbers that drop by several times a week.
Other suspected paid posters:

FrancoWTF. His psych ward pay him and his roommate to post on the Internet. After Franco posts he spends about 10 minutes telling the ward how he "really edjuacted dem repubes at USMB today! Chek my sigzline" When he's done with his his presentation he goes for a nap. When they're comfortable that he's really asleep, the rest of the ward often explodes into laughter and get comforted that as bad as they might be they're not "Franco Crazy" His keyboard has a drool cover.

Mr Charmin. Shares a room with FrancoWTF. See above

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