Who Gave China To The Communists?

Finally, it is sickening me to see the same old media strategy in play again. It started the minute the Security Council passed the resolution approving the Iran Deal. The strategy goes like this:

The president’s Iran Deal is in trouble in Congress. The required 34 votes to sustain his veto are not there.
Sad to say —— it is over. The traitors were playing with a stacked death from the start.

On Wednesday, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., became the final vote needed to save the deal. Her announcement followed on the heels of Tuesday’s news that skeptical Democrats Bob Casey, D-Penn., and Chris Coons, D-Del., would also back the agreement.​

U.S. general on Iran nuke deal: 'It's not over yet'
Posted By Greg Corombos On 09/02/2015 @ 7:27 pm

U.S. general on Iran nuke deal: ‘It’s not over yet’

See this thread:


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