Who else could cast out demons??


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Matt 12
22 Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw. 23 And all the multitudes were amazed and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”

Who do you imagine they are talking about?
Matt 12
22 Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the blind and mute man both spoke and saw. 23 And all the multitudes were amazed and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”

Who do you imagine they are talking about?

What the ancients called "possession" we now today call mental illness.

Personally I doubt that exorcisms work.

But supposedly you can still get an exorcism from certain special Catholic priests if Rome approves it.
King Solomon :son of David

Josephus’ writes of the tradition of Solomon as a magician in his Antiquities 8.2.5 (93-94 CE)


God also enabled him to learn that skill which expels demons, which is a science useful and sanative to men. He composed such incantations also by which distempers are alleviated. And he left behind him the manner of using exorcisms, by which they drive away demons, so that they never return; and this method of cure is of great force unto this day; for I have seen a certain man of my own country, whose name was Eleazar, releasing people that were demoniacal in the presence of Vespasian, and his sons, and his captains, and the whole multitude of his soldiers. The manner of the cure was this: He put a ring that had a Foot of one of those sorts mentioned by Solomon to the nostrils of the demoniac, after which he drew out the demon through his nostrils; and when the man fell down immediately, he abjured him to return into him no more, making still mention of Solomon, and reciting the incantations which he composed.

And when Eleazar would persuade and demonstrate to the spectators that he had such a power, he set a little way off a cup or basin full of water, and commanded the demon, as he went out of the man, to overturn it, and thereby to let the spectators know that he had left the man; and when this was done, the skill and wisdom of Solomon was shown very manifestly: for which reason it is, that all men may know the vastness of Solomon’s abilities, and how he was beloved of God, and that the extraordinary virtues of every kind with which this king was endowed may not be unknown to any people under the sun for this reason, I say, it is that we have proceeded to speak so largely of these matters.

King Solomon the Magician
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
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the task can only be accomplished by the individual theirself is the problem ... proven throughout history after indoctrination as from the desert religions and successfully implanted, their will impeded by deceit they become victims for what was the opposite of their intention. made purposely difficult to remedy by the offending religion.
I agree no one can cast out illnesses (as Solomon and Eleazar claimed) , but Rome considered the zealots and sacarii the demons.

So basically Rome could cast out demons.
What the ancients called "possession" we now today call mental illness.

Personally I doubt that exorcisms work.

But supposedly you can still get an exorcism from certain special Catholic priests if Rome approves it.

How about Benny Hinn and several others.
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember his was a jew.

Never mind that the whole chapter of Matthew 12 is about Jesus. :biggrin:
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
Jesus was a Jewish radical.

That's why his followers are not called Jews.
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
Jesus was a Jewish radical.

That's why his followers are not called Jews.

Which would make him a Zealot, who fought against Rome, the sacari killed pro Roman jews and elite jews. Both bad.
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
Jesus was a Jewish radical.

That's why his followers are not called Jews.

Which would make him a Zealot, who fought against Rome, the sacari killed pro Roman jews and elite jews. Both bad.
Jesus had no fight with Rome.

If he is who he said he is then he knew Rome would destroy and depopulate Judea within 100 years.

Jesus was picking fights with the Sanhedrin and their Scribes. He got them so mad at him that they murdered him using the Romans as their puppets.

Paybacks came 70 years later when Rome murdered the Jews at Jerusalem.

None of this has anything to do with curing mental illness and retardation with exorcisms however.
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
Jesus was a Jewish radical.

That's why his followers are not called Jews.

Which would make him a Zealot, who fought against Rome, the sacari killed pro Roman jews and elite jews. Both bad.
Jesus had no fight with Rome.

If he is who he said he is then he knew Rome would destroy and depopulate Judea within 100 years.

Jesus was picking fights with the Sanhedrin and their Scribes. He got them so mad at him that they murdered him using the Romans as their puppets.

Paybacks came 70 years later when Rome murdered the Jews at Jerusalem.

None of this has anything to do with curing mental illness and retardation with exorcisms however.

Well I'm sorry but Titus fulfilled the prophecy. He and Tiberius Alexander. Rome started at Galilee and worked their way to Jerusalem and then Masada. You must read Josephus war of the Jews and end of Ant to understand the gospels. Have you read them?
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
Jesus was a Jewish radical.

That's why his followers are not called Jews.

Which would make him a Zealot, who fought against Rome, the sacari killed pro Roman jews and elite jews. Both bad.

Jesus came to fulfill the prophecies, not mankind's petty government and power struggle issues.
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
1. Jesus is Jewish.
2. The Scripture is clearly about Jesus, NOT Solomon.

Tell you what, read that chapter in its entirety, then come back here and show us where Solomon is identified as the one who healed the man. Go on, we'll wait, a while.
Jesus was the first to cast out demons so I would expect this is a Christian tradition not Jewish or Moosleem.

Christian here having the meaning of Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Protestant.

They are talking about Solomon , not Jesus.

Eleazar also casts out demons according to Josephus, he used Solomons incantations and a ring. Eleazar is Lazarus in biblical greek.

I am aware Jesus is the first in Christianity , but we must remember he was a jew.
1. Jesus is Jewish.
2. The Scripture is clearly about Jesus, NOT Solomon.

Tell you what, read that chapter in its entirety, then come back here and show us where Solomon is identified as the one who healed the man. Go on, we'll wait, a while.

Are you trying to tell me that David is God, because in the beginning of Matthew it clearly states a the spirit of God impregnated Mary.

So now who do the Jews think the son of David is, Solomon reincarnated?

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