Who Do You Trust?

Who Do You Trust?

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Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Who do you think tells you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Would you stake your life on it?
Where's the option for "trusting any politician is naive?"

All of these people and groups are self-interested players. We are the game. I'm not a self-hater, so I hate the player.
Well, it is what it is.. so given that we deal with what we've got I'll still go with Boehner.
Who do you think tells you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Would you stake your life on it?

No one on the face of the earth.

On that list I trust the democrats more than any other choice.

They at least have a few members who care enough about this country not to totally sell out
Who do you think tells you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Would you stake your life on it?

No one on the face of the earth.

On that list I trust the democrats more than any other choice.

They at least have a few members who care enough about this country not to totally sell out

Well, at least you're admitting there are only a few Democrats who care enough about the country. That's a good start - admission.

Who are these few, by the way?
Who do you think tells you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Would you stake your life on it?

I trust Boehner to have the best interests of the country at heart, and to fight for what he believes will take us in that direction. I also know he can't reveal details as to ongoing deliberations. I wouldn't stake my life on anything politicized.
Hard to trust any Politician but i'll go with the Republicans overall at this point. They seem to be prepared to take on the serious problems facing this Country. They seem to be much more honest on problems like the massive Debt. The Democrats are only using terrible Fear Mongering tactics and are trying to kick the can down the road again. I don't see any honesty coming from the them at this point. The Republicans are at least trying. So i'll give them a slight edge on honesty for now. This could change in the future though. Stay tuned.
Easily none of the above. But if forced to pick I'd pick Geitner. The guys in charge of the actual machinery the Feds use to spur on the economy typically only lie if they have to. And they've got a vested interest in trying to stave off collapse.

Boehner and Obama are both going to lie as often as possible as they're jockeying for control of the White House in 2012, as well as the Democrats and the Republicans. Of the four political options, I'd lean warily towards the Democrats. At least they're open about being "Tax and Spend." I've yet to see a Republican that actually believed in small government or cutting spending when asked for actual numbers and details.
Hard to trust any Politician but i'll go with the Republicans overall at this point. They seem to be prepared to take on the serious problems facing this Country. They seem to be much more honest on problems like the massive Debt. The Democrats are only using terrible Fear Mongering tactics and are trying to kick the can down the road again. I don't see any honesty coming from the them at this point. The Republicans are at least trying. So i'll give them a slight edge on honesty for now. This could change in the future though. Stay tuned.

I am sorry to say that the only reason the Republicans are appearing to have the countries best interest at heart is because Obama is the President for the time being. Republicans are no more interested in doing the right thing here than the Democrats. The only thing the Republicans care about doing is putting a black mark on Obama's presidency.

Hard to trust any Politician but i'll go with the Republicans overall at this point. They seem to be prepared to take on the serious problems facing this Country. They seem to be much more honest on problems like the massive Debt. The Democrats are only using terrible Fear Mongering tactics and are trying to kick the can down the road again. I don't see any honesty coming from the them at this point. The Republicans are at least trying. So i'll give them a slight edge on honesty for now. This could change in the future though. Stay tuned.

I am sorry to say that the only reason the Republicans are appearing to have the countries best interest at heart is because Obama is the President for the time being. Republicans are no more interested in doing the right thing here than the Democrats. The only thing the Republicans care about doing is putting a black mark on Obama's presidency.


Plus, it wasn't that long ago that the GOP has control of the House, Senate, and Oval Office. They didn't spend that time even making a stab at reigning in government. Instead they expanded it and spent money like drunken sailors.
I trust the people on this message board

They wouldn't mislead me......Would they?

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