who blocked the Keystone pipeline..same guy "Buffett rule" named after...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Did you know that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail line, owned by Obama's deep pocketed and extremely generous buddy Warren Buffett, stood to gain the most from cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Barack Obama recently sacrificed at least 85,000 high paying jobs when he effectively killed the Keystone XL pipeline, but in doing so Obama is also apparently paying back yet another of his big donors.

Whos is a major Senator from Nebraska that also owns Berkshire Hathaway that owns Burlington Northern...Nelson!

Who owns the railroad?? That would have hauled oil?
Also what company OWES the IRS $1 billion and major stockholder the "Buffett Rule" was named after?
And what Senator from Nebraska that owns Berkshire Hathaway stock voted to Block Keystone??

And who was the major donor to the environmental group that were major opponent of Keystone?
Same guy that the "Buffett Rule" was named after!

Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit.
Shipping oil using tank cars on rail costs about $3 more a barrel than pipeline transport

The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.
The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.

Obama couldn't block the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf. He only has the power to block it over international borders.

So bullshit on Obama. Trans Canada said screw you to him and decided to go south from Oklahoma. He can't stop it.

And the blocking of the pipeline had nothing to do with environmental issues. All freaking bogus.

There are over 20,000 miles of pipeline across the Ogallala and over 2,000 miles of it over Nebraska.
The reason the XL pipeline was killed was because it would of caused gas prices in the Midwest to increase by as much as $0.30. Second the company that would of built the pipeline has 12 oil spills a year in Canada. 3rd their have been only two independent studies on the effects of the pipeline with both finding that due to oil spills and increased gas prices, and other environmental/health factors the pipeline would of hurt the economy.
The reason the XL pipeline was killed was because it would of caused gas prices in the Midwest to increase by as much as $0.30. Second the company that would of built the pipeline has 12 oil spills a year in Canada. 3rd their have been only two independent studies on the effects of the pipeline with both finding that due to oil spills and increased gas prices, and other environmental/health factors the pipeline would of hurt the economy.

It's not killed. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.:lol: Freaking DU talking points really make people look foolish.

This was to be Keystone Phase III. Phase I and Phase II go to Illinois and to Oklahoma.

Trans Canada is continuing with the southern leg of the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf and Obama can't stop them.:D
Oh and this should make enviro weenies heads explode. Because you see none of this had anything to do with the environment.

Here's a great map showing the current state of pipeline coverage.

The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.

Obama couldn't block the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf. He only has the power to block it over international borders.

So bullshit on Obama. Trans Canada said screw you to him and decided to go south from Oklahoma. He can't stop it.

And the blocking of the pipeline had nothing to do with environmental issues. All freaking bogus.

There are over 20,000 miles of pipeline across the Ogallala and over 2,000 miles of it over Nebraska.

Except Obama isn't blocking it. He's negotiating a lower risk route. I know the right doesn't give a shit about the environment, but that's a fringe point of view.

Claiming he's blocking it is a lie.
Did you know that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail line, owned by Obama's deep pocketed and extremely generous buddy Warren Buffett, stood to gain the most from cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Barack Obama recently sacrificed at least 85,000 high paying jobs when he effectively killed the Keystone XL pipeline, but in doing so Obama is also apparently paying back yet another of his big donors.

Whos is a major Senator from Nebraska that also owns Berkshire Hathaway that owns Burlington Northern...Nelson!

Who owns the railroad?? That would have hauled oil?

FYI Rockefeller Bros. Fund has been big on attempting to thwart not only the Keystone but our energy policies in general in Canada and the Conservative government is introducing legislation to deal with the environmental assessment procedure.

They are just part of a larger effort. Rockefeller Bros. and others are funding activist groups up here. I want to see them crushed.:D And my government is going to do it.
The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.

Obama couldn't block the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf. He only has the power to block it over international borders.

So bullshit on Obama. Trans Canada said screw you to him and decided to go south from Oklahoma. He can't stop it.

And the blocking of the pipeline had nothing to do with environmental issues. All freaking bogus.

There are over 20,000 miles of pipeline across the Ogallala and over 2,000 miles of it over Nebraska.

Except Obama isn't blocking it. He's negotiating a lower risk route. I know the right doesn't give a shit about the environment, but that's a fringe point of view.

Claiming he's blocking it is a lie.


Of course he's blocking it. That pipeline is the most studied pipeline in American History. Three years worth of study and Barry want them to study it some more??

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and sounds like a duck chances are pretty damned good that its a damned duck.
The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.

You are an idiot :cuckoo: Canada's Enbridge did an end-run around Obama so he had to save face. Enbridge bought Conoco's controlling interest in the SeaWay pipeline. They then had crews go & turn around all the pumps to reverse the oil flow to move oil the same way the lower portion of the XL pipeline would. Obama was shown to be the fool he is. He was forced to get behind the lower portion of XL pipeline before it was completely bypassed & no longer necessary.

Obama is still blocking the vital section of the XL pipeline. Thanks to Obama's politics, Canada has now expanded their own pipeline to the west. After their last meeting with Obama, Canada's parlament boosted support for the west pipeline to increase the speed of construction to the ocean to ship directly to China & by-pass the US completely.
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The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.

Obama couldn't block the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf. He only has the power to block it over international borders.

So bullshit on Obama. Trans Canada said screw you to him and decided to go south from Oklahoma. He can't stop it.

And the blocking of the pipeline had nothing to do with environmental issues. All freaking bogus.

There are over 20,000 miles of pipeline across the Ogallala and over 2,000 miles of it over Nebraska.

Except Obama isn't blocking it. He's negotiating a lower risk route. I know the right doesn't give a shit about the environment, but that's a fringe point of view.

Claiming he's blocking it is a lie.

He blocked the northern part of Phase III. That's all he had the power to do. He's not negotiating jack shit. :lol:

Trans Canada is proceeding with the pipeline from Cushing. It's called Phase III.

You really should get up to speed.

ETA: Where the hell were all you enviro weenies when all the other pipelines were built? Hugging a tree in your back yard?
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The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.

Obama couldn't block the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf. He only has the power to block it over international borders.

So bullshit on Obama. Trans Canada said screw you to him and decided to go south from Oklahoma. He can't stop it.

And the blocking of the pipeline had nothing to do with environmental issues. All freaking bogus.

There are over 20,000 miles of pipeline across the Ogallala and over 2,000 miles of it over Nebraska.

Think about this.. environmentalist ARE OK WITH 1 million barrel Tanker think of Exxon Valdez everyday on the open ocean or 200 car train carrying 1 million barrels trainwreck.. but let a pipeline carry in one mile ONLY 325 barrels possibly springing a leak OH NO!!! That's environmentally dangerous!!!
I read this article earlier. Nothing surprises me. Now watch the kool-aid slurping Zombies tell you this is no big deal all the while crucifying Cheney for Haliburton..

3, 2, 1...........
They figure this will be done this Summer, LEGALLY and INTELLIGENTLY. And it will be many fewer jobs and mean less savings than Pubs tell you...ZZZZZPub dupes. On to the next Faux outrage for the morons...

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