Who are these posters?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Intermittent Explosive Disorder.
Out in the real world, IED is an impulse control disorder that can make a person act like their entire family has been murdered just because Burger King forgot to put their fries in the bag. They're prone to fits of uncontrollable rage in situations that don't call for it.

This guy just found out the movie he wanted to go to is sold out.
And while it only affects around six percent of people in real life, on the Internet you run into one of these in almost every comment section. And nothing sets them off like a mild hit to their ego:
IED Guy: Hey guys I made this Photoshop, can I get some constructive criticism?
Normal poster: You might want to cut six or seven of the lens flares.

(This continues for 2,000 words or so).
6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet | Cracked.com
The internet provides us with socializing without the normal checks and balances one typically finds in real life situations.

Every foible known to mankind is magnified on the net precisely because here one can interact without the normal governors that exist under the real world's interpersonal codes of behavior

We know perfectly well that people on line say things to other people they would never day to anyone's face.

But this place also gives us the previlege of knowing some people's hearts in ways we might never know then in real life.

WE see people who are more venal, more dishonest, more sadistic than we could possibly know if our interactions with them were in the real world.

These places give some of us liberty to speak our hearts and minds without the worry that we can be taken to task for expressing those POVs.

These places give us is a very distrubing, yet, I think, a very informative place to study the human condition.

En INTERNET veritas
The internet provides us with socializing without the normal checks and balances one typically finds in real life situations.

Every foible known to mankind is magnified on the net precisely because here one can interact without the normal governors that exist under the real world's interpersonal codes of behavior

We know perfectly well that people on line say things to other people they would never day to anyone's face.

But this place also gives us the previlege of knowing some people's hearts in ways we might never know then in real life.

WE see people who are more venal, more dishonest, more sadistic than we could possibly know if our interactions with them were in the real world.

These places give some of us liberty to speak our hearts and minds without the worry that we can be taken to task for expressing those POVs.

These places give us is a very distrubing, yet, I think, a very informative place to study the human condition.

En INTERNET veritas

I have learned so much about the human condition on the internets.

One in One Hundered people are sociopaths.

That is a real number.

After being on the internet so long I heard this number yesterday and my thoughts were "yes, that sounds about right" to my self.

I think the internets attract more than its share of them.

Its a place where they dont have to pretend to feel emotions for others.

Sociopaths who are functioning in society ( not eating people with fava beans) have to constantly lie about feeling some emotion for this or that issue.

It must be very tiring to lie all the time and on here they can just blurt out about how little they care about this group of people or that issue.

If they did it at work or with their family and friends they would not fair so well.

One in one hundered people you meet are sociopaths.

Gives a whole new meaning to the people who rail about bleeding heart liberals huh?
I came here looking for something

I couldn't find anywhere else

Hey I'm anyonomous nobody

I just want a chance flee myself

I've spent a thousand posts of stumblin'

Yes I've worn blisters with my spiels

Tryin' to one up you all one better

Here in the threads of Fakersfield

Hey you don't know me but you don't like me

Say you care less how I feel

But how many of you that sit and judge me

Have post the threads of Fakersfield
The internet provides us with socializing without the normal checks and balances one typically finds in real life situations.

Every foible known to mankind is magnified on the net precisely because here one can interact without the normal governors that exist under the real world's interpersonal codes of behavior

We know perfectly well that people on line say things to other people they would never day to anyone's face.

But this place also gives us the previlege of knowing some people's hearts in ways we might never know then in real life.

WE see people who are more venal, more dishonest, more sadistic than we could possibly know if our interactions with them were in the real world.

These places give some of us liberty to speak our hearts and minds without the worry that we can be taken to task for expressing those POVs.

These places give us is a very distrubing, yet, I think, a very informative place to study the human condition.

En INTERNET veritas

I have learned so much about the human condition on the internets.

One in One Hundered people are sociopaths.

That is a real number.

After being on the internet so long I heard this number yesterday and my thoughts were "yes, that sounds about right" to my self.

I think the internets attract more than its share of them.

Its a place where they dont have to pretend to feel emotions for others.

Sociopaths who are functioning in society ( not eating people with fava beans) have to constantly lie about feeling some emotion for this or that issue.

It must be very tiring to lie all the time and on here they can just blurt out about how little they care about this group of people or that issue.

If they did it at work or with their family and friends they would not fair so well.

One in one hundered people you meet are sociopaths.

Gives a whole new meaning to the people who rail about bleeding heart liberals huh?
Perhaps you should take a nap?
You forget Im the one you guys insult every time I show compassion for someone.

Its your team who insults people for caring about others.
The internet provides us with socializing without the normal checks and balances one typically finds in real life situations.

Every foible known to mankind is magnified on the net precisely because here one can interact without the normal governors that exist under the real world's interpersonal codes of behavior

We know perfectly well that people on line say things to other people they would never day to anyone's face.

But this place also gives us the previlege of knowing some people's hearts in ways we might never know then in real life.

WE see people who are more venal, more dishonest, more sadistic than we could possibly know if our interactions with them were in the real world.

These places give some of us liberty to speak our hearts and minds without the worry that we can be taken to task for expressing those POVs.

These places give us is a very distrubing, yet, I think, a very informative place to study the human condition.

En INTERNET veritas

In other words, it's gives wimps the opportunity to mouth off without getting their clocks cleaned.
You forget Im the one you guys insult every time I show compassion for someone.

Its your team who insults people for caring about others.


You can't possibly be that dense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Here's a clue: It's not your "compassion", if that's what you want to call it, they're making fun of.)

So what does the term bleeding heart liberal mean then?

You believe the most powerful tool people have to help each other which is government should not be used to help each other.

You forget Im the one you guys insult every time I show compassion for someone.

Its your team who insults people for caring about others.


You can't possibly be that dense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Here's a clue: It's not your "compassion", if that's what you want to call it, they're making fun of.)

So what does the term bleeding heart liberal mean then?

You believe the most powerful tool people have to help each other which is government should not be used to help each other.


B/c it's not
I think it's the anonymity of the internet that emboldens these usually timid souls to crack wise and go ballistic because other than banning them from the board there is no blowback for their bad behavior. These are the same people that used to scrawl their dirties on bathroom walls before the net gave them an outlet for their insanity and chemical imbalances. If you notice they follow a pattern, first over-reacting to ANY criticism and then following their imagined 'persecutor' from thread to thread day after day, fixating on them in a way that would be criminal in real life. It can get not only bad but often scary if you happen to run across one of the more aggressive of these idiots.

But they are fun to watch. :)

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