Who are the Patriots?


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)

For some, patriotism is “the last refuge of a scoundrel.” For others, it means dissent against a government’s abuse of the people’s rights.

In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
John F. Kennedy
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Perhaps some of our conservative members might vote this guy as their favorite patriot: Byron “Low Tax” Looper. Mr. Looper had his middle name officially changed to "Low Tax" in an effort to bolster his Republican conservative status. He then proceeded to murder the guy running against him.

Now that's a patriot!

In order to advance his political career, he legally changed his middle name from 'Anthony' to "Low Tax". After being convicted for the October 1998 murder of his election opponent, incumbent Tennessee State Senator Tommy Burks, he is now serving a life sentence in Tennessee state prison.
Byron Looper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)

For some, patriotism is “the last refuge of a scoundrel.” For others, it means dissent against a government’s abuse of the people’s rights.

I have never met a politician in Washington, or any American for that matter, who chose to be called “unpatriotic.” Nor have I met anyone who did not believe he wholeheartedly supported our troops wherever they may be.
What I have heard all too frequently from various individuals is sharp accusations that because their political opponents disagree with them on the need for foreign military entanglements, they were “unpatriotic, un-American, evil doers deserving contempt.”

The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility, and out of self interest -- for himself, his family, and the future of his country -- to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state.

Resistance need not be violent, but the civil disobedience that might be required involves confrontation with the state and invites possible imprisonment.

Peaceful non-violent revolutions against tyranny have been every bit as successful as those involving military confrontation. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. achieved great political successes by practicing non-violence, yet they themselves suffered physically at the hands of the state.

But whether the resistance against government tyrants is non-violent or physically violent, the effort to overthrow state oppression qualifies as true patriotism.

True patriotism today has gotten a bad name—at least from the government and the press. Those who now challenge the unconstitutional methods of imposing an income tax on us, or force us to use a monetary system designed to serve the rich at the expense of the poor, are routinely condemned. These American patriots are sadly looked down upon by many. They are never praised as champions of liberty as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have been.

Liberals, who withhold their taxes as a protest against war, are vilified as well—especially by conservative statists.

Unquestioned loyalty to the state is especially demanded in times of war. Lack of support for a war policy is said to be unpatriotic. Arguments against a particular policy that endorses a war once it’s started, are always said to be endangering the troops in the field. This, they blatantly claim, is unpatriotic and all dissent must stop. Yet it is dissent from government policies that defines the true patriot and champion of liberty.

It is conveniently ignored that the only authentic way to best support the troops is to keep them out of dangerous, undeclared, no-win wars that are politically inspired. Sending troops off to war for reasons that are not truly related to national security -- and for that matter may even damage our security -- is hardly a way to “patriotically” support the troops.

Who are the true patriots: those who conform or those who protest against wars without purpose? How can it be said that blind support for war, no matter how misdirected the policy, is the duty of the patriot?

Randolph Bourne said that “war is the health of the state.” With war, he argued, the state thrives. Those who believe in the powerful state see war as an opportunity. Those who mistrust the people and the market for solving problems have no trouble promoting a “war psychology” to justify the expansive role of the state.

This includes the role the federal government plays in our personal lives as well as in all our economic transactions. And certainly the neo-conservative belief that we have a moral obligation to spread American values worldwide, through force, justifies the conditions of war in order to rally support at home for the heavy hand of government. It is through this policy, it should surprise no one, that our liberties are undermined, the economy becomes overextended, and our involvement worldwide becomes prohibitive.


Let not those who love the power of the welfare/warfare state label the dissenters of authoritarianism as unpatriotic or uncaring. Patriotism is more closely linked to dissent than it is to conformity and a blind desire for safety and security. Understanding the magnificent rewards of a free society makes us unbashful in its promotion, fully realizing that maximum wealth is created and the greatest chance for peace comes from a society respectful of individual liberty.

Before the U.S. House of Representatives

May 22, 2007

In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?)

"War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
John F. Kennedy

then why arent the men of the uss liberty believed and supported? do tell? i am listening.
If being American means sticking out my chest and bragging about how great my nation, my ideas and my culture is, then Call me the un-American.

I criticize and protest some of the actions of my nation and the people inside it. I criticize my ideas and my culture. I even criticize the Constitutional Republic that our forefathers created.

If what I described is Americanism, and what I do is Un-american Then I shall happily die an Un-American. I am to full of flaws to blind myself to them.
Even the word Patriot has been co-opted. There is a book on my shelf, "The True Patriot", that proves the point on the left side, but the Reps do the same thing playing right into the hands of those who argue via relativism. Just another burr in the saddle of the average man, breaking down what he believes in, right or wrong, which, ironically, is relative.
Patriots exist on both sides of the political spectrum. Patriots love their country enough to defend it against oppressors and yet chastise it when it is wrong. Patriots love their country, but that does not mean they hate other countries or other peoples.

I love my country and will defend it. I believe that there are many good qualities about my country, but I do not believe that it is perfect. I do not believe that all Americans are perfect, but they are my brothers and I chose to defend them conservative and liberal alike.

I do not for a second believe that everyone who agrees with me is a patriot (for then there would be but one patriot... me) and that anyone who disagrees with me is not a patriot. One can be a patriot and disagree with me on almost every issue... except I suppose the love of one's country and countrymen... and still be a patriot.

Believe it or not... even TM can be a patriot even though we disagree on so much. She loves her country as much as I do and I believe she would defend me and our country against all enemies foreign and domestic as would I. We see things differently, but I believe that she loves our country just as I do.


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