Who are the Israelis?

Who is the Messiah? (part I) – Rabbi Oury Cherki

What is the identity of the Messiah?
Will he come down to us from heaven?
Will he make miracles and wonders before our eyes? Will he be immortal?

This false belief, which originates in Christianity, can be found also among righteous and pure heart Jews who see in the Mashiach some kind of mystical figure shrouded in mystery and with special powers who will one day reveal himself to us and save the world. It's time to throw it away and move on.

In this short clip Rabbi Oury Cherki explains who the Messiah really is from Mishneh Torah by Rambam - the first and only "posek halakha" who arranged the laws of the Messiah, in an orderly manner and in a language suitable for everyone.

(Choose English subtitles)

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Channel 13 News - The Temple Mount Musta'arvim

Exclusive report about the "Hozrim LaHar".
For two months, we have followed the Jewish activists,
who dress to appear Muslim to ascend the Temple Mount,
and keep Jewish prayer daily in all hours, entering from all gates.

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Faisal al-Qassem (Al Jazeerah):​

"Arabs accuse Israel of subversion,​

to fragment their countries, and this is surely false.​

They do it themselves, in the best possible manner requiring no Israeli conspiracy"​

Tribe's Gate - 8th Night at the Temple Mount 5782

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Ayelet Lash calls towards the nation of Israel -
'Join us, come to the Temple Mount'



Every Israeli Student Should Visit The Temple Mount

| Knesset Education Committee

In a month, the Education Committee set
to present the conclusions and plan of action.

'The Strangest Scroll' with Ya'el Meir | The Song of Songs

I'm Ya'el Meir, welcome to 'Ad Elaych, a channel which purpose is to connect You to Torah, Yourself, and the cycle of the year. And if You're a man You're invited to join.

Let me share with You my first encounter with this wonderful scroll - it wasn't successful in any way.
I was 18 doing a service year in Migdal, near Tiberias. And I've never been to synagogue on Shabat night before, so I said to myself, maybe I'd go once. I had a neighbor in our community, an elderly woman, a righteous Ger from Germany.

So I told her, and she answered - happily. Only said one thing, that I should act in modesty because a synagogue is a respectful place. So I've said ok, and tried to be the most modest I can when I came with her. And she opened a small book, which I didn't know - 'The Song of Songs"

The hazan opened "Song of the songs of Shlomah; Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth, for Your love is better than wine"... I'm looking at her - what??! I was shocked and it went even further, "Beloved to me between my bossom He shall lie" what?? "...your belly is like a stack of wheat...curves of your thighs..."

And then came a verse, which I thought, dear mom, even in our high school's smoking spot they didn't talk like that: "Both of your breasts are like two fawns, the twins of a gazelle, who graze among the roses".
Okay, that's not for me, what's going on here?
And she told me to come modest?

So I gave up on this scroll for many years. When I was in the IDF I've read the entire TaNaCh twice, but Song Of The Songs, I've skipped over somehow, because I didn't even start to understand this thing, it's offtopic. Then as I grew up and went anew to this scroll, and discovered its glorious appeal, I've taught it in girl's schools and various frames, because it's simply a glorious scroll. So what's the story?

The story of The Song of Songs is built on the cycle of seasons, the cycle of the year.

And it starts in Winter when it's cold and unpleasant, and the star of Song Of The Songs is a young woman, her siblings are mistreating her. And she's dreaming, despite her being stuck in the worst situation, she dreams of marrying and uniting with a great king, strong, courageous, wealthy -
and handsome. But it's all in her imagination.

One day she asks this king "Tell me, where are You? Give me a sign I want to come and unite with You". To which He answers "go out to look for me", and she does because she's a hero. However, when once she sits alone at home, she's seeing the love of her heart jumping around in the field, like a doe on the hills. And she hears His voice, and He comes and looks through the windows and house cracks, saying "Arise, my beloved, my fair one, and come away. For behold, the winter has passed; the rain is over and gone."

She feels it's the spring, their time to meet and unite."The blossoms have appeared in the land, the time of singing has arrived, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree has put forth its green figs, and the vines with their tiny grapes have given forth their fragrance; arise, my beloved, my fair one, and come away."

After she gets confused with her fears, eventually she comes out, at the last moment, and finds him after a long tiresome journey during the Summer - suddenly comes the Autumn, and during Autumn they get married. "With me from Lebanon, my bride...awake north and come towards Yemen" - come from the north and go towards the south, "blow upon my garden, that the scents thereof may flow out;". And she answers Him - "let my beloved come to His garden and eat His sweet fruit."

The eating here is a metaphor for intimate relations, the couple meets in the secret garden, marries, and unites. How romantic, but the story doesn't end here at all, because it's not Disney.
The moment after the marriage, there's a great crisis.

He goes out of the house, maybe to get something, then He returns - the door is locked.
And she doesn't open, He's knocking on the door - "the voice of my beloved is knocking: "Open fr me sister, my beloved, my dove, my perfect one, for my head is full of dew, my locks with the drops of the night" - enough it has already gone dark outside, all my hair is wet, why doesn't she open the door?

But she's already in the bed, pajamas and too tired to open the door for Him, till she puts herself up and fixes herself, goes to open and her hand is slipping and -"my beloved had hidden and was gone" - that's it missed Him. She goes out in the streets, calling Him out my beloved, my beloved..., and the city guard sees her stray around alone hitting her, injuring her in disgrace. Here again, returned the Winter. And from this lowest point, she again remembers how much she loves Him, and yearns to Him, how beautiful and great He is.

She tells the daughters of Jerusalem - "for I am lovesick".

Then after long months of difficult winter, what comes around again? Correct, the Spring, again she has to go away for a new journey to the secret garden, "Come, my beloved, let us go out to the field, let us lodge in the villages. Let us arise early to the vineyards; let us see whether the vine has blossomed, the tiny grapes have developed, the pomegranates have lost their flowers...there I will give my love to You"

This is the magical story of The Song of Songs, and Rashi says "a song which is about all songs", Rabbi 'Akiva says "Song of The Songs - Holly of Hollies", but to understand their words, one has to learn the entire scroll.

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Meet Zionist hacker Grégory Chelli. He spent years terrorizing people with swatting attacks—fake reports to police that have triggered violent raids on their homes. One was allegedly fatal. Ali Abunimah tells the story.


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