Who are the Israelis?

Dudu Tasa - The Exiled

Who would believe
That it would be me to fall simply like that
The small temptation that turned huge and
Put me down to Sheol

Forbidden dances that I had
Darkness that gave me approval over everything
A careful touch that was in me is allegedly nothing

How everyone are driving for themselves
Secured places and I have no where to return
Good friends I had, all destroyed
And there's no one to come

It ended before I even started
Someone cries
Fight with no chance and clearly that I lost, whatever it will be
Don't remember the mornings how I drank drank drank everything
Won't forget the look she had frightened of yesterday

How are everyone driving for themselves...

Israel Briefing: Justice Minister Amir Ohana

Issues discussed - LGBT rights, coalition talks, the future of Israel - nationalism religion and democracy, Israeli - Arab conflict.

Yagel Haroush & Shir Yedidot Ensemble

Ydidi Ro'i Mekimi is a poem composed by Rabbi Yisrael Nagara (1555 Safed - 1628 Gaza). The piyyut expresses the longing of the Jewish people in exile to their G-d as a flock that yearns for the guiding and supportive hand of the shepherd and for redemption.

Rabbi Yisrael Nagara was the rabbi of Gaza, buried there in an ancient Jewish cemetery, considered one of the greatest Hebrew poets of all time.

Why Rashida Tlaib’s Chanukah Message Was Particularly Ridiculous
David Lange
December 20, 201
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has wished the “good” Jews (i.e. those who support her wish for the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel) a happy Chanukah.

As I keep reminding antisemites denying Jewish history, Chanukah celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem over 2000 years ago. So it is ridiculous for Talib to be wishing any Jew a happy Chanukah while in the same breath speak about occupation of “Falastin.”

It’s actually worse than this: the first appearance of the term “Palestine” was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece when Herodotus wrote of a “district of Syria, called Palaistinê” between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories. It was the ancient Syrian-Greeks who the Maccabees defeated in the story of Chanukah. In other words, happy Chanukah means “happy festival commemorating you defeating the same civilization who first coined the name of the region that me and others have co-opted to deny you your rights to the same land in which the events of Chanukah took place almost a thousand years before my people conquered the same land” (I know, quite the mouthful).

Speaking about mouthfuls, Chanukah has many spellings, but this is the first time I have seen it as Channukkah. Trust IfNotNow to mess that up – they are the equivalent of the Hellenist Jews of the Chanukah story – those who accepted idol-worship and the enemy’s way of life.

Why Rashida Tlaib's Chanukah Message Was Particularly Ridiculous
If Israel Haters Were Star Wars Characters
David Lange

Richard Silverstein
I have made the comparison before between Silverstein and Obi Wan.

Obi Wan Kenobody
But there are other contenders.

Admiral Akhbar

For a start, there’s the googly eyed resemblance.

Then there’s the fact Admiral Akhbar has the signature line “It’s a trap!” – whereas Silverstein time and again falls for traps and spoofs.

And finally, if Silverstein got his way, we’d all be saying “Allahu Akbar.”

Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar Douche
Again, there’s the resemblance. Both have trouble pronouncing words properly, and both are highly annoying.

If Israel Haters Were Star Wars Characters
Benjamin Netanyahu - Happy Hanukkah to all our friends worldwide!

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Jerusalem from bird's eye...

Quarter to Africa - YeshuaTo

"Redemption of Hashem is in the blink of an eye..."

"Do you think it's normal that the guy who murdered my daughter is celebrating in jail with a fat salary and free university tuition?

Over one hundred families of terror victims are fed up with seeing the broad grins of blood thirsty terrorists and their supportive families.

They have founded an organisation that will fight terror and wipe the grin off their faces.
Their battle will prevent the next terror attack from hitting us.

Take action and support: https://www.jgive.com/new/he/ils/donation-targets/25898…

Rabbi Zamir Cohen - Who really was Sylvester?

How Israelis call the 'new year' celebrations of the Gregorian calendar...

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Narkis - Im Savi (With My Grandfather)

As Avraham Avinu
Who counted stars at night,
Who called to his Creator from the furnace
Who bound his son - was my grandfather.

The same complete faith
Inside the flame,
And the same dewy glance
And soft-waving beard.

Outside fell the snow
Outside they roared:
"There's no judgement and there's no judge"
And in his cracked room, the shattered
Angels sang about Jerusalem of the above

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What will happen in Israel after the population triples? - Chapter 1 of the series "Israel 2030"

Forget about the last decade highlights, and take a look to the future,
how many railways will we have to add in 10 years? And how will it be for us in our tiny country?

The video is not translated yet, but the video in itself gives the sense about the focus of the progress. Main highlights:

  • Israel is probably going to be the only country in the world that will triple its population during the 21st century.
  • The projects that are already on the tables, we will see on the ground in 2030.
  • More shared areas, here's an example of a project that was already approved - a tower that includes 10 levels of public space that can be a school, above it 350 student apartments, above it 400 apartments for rent, and around it tens of thousands meters for employment. The buildings will have to be much more green, for example generation of energy in the level of the building, not only on the city or the power-station level. Buildings with much more vegetation.
  • Additional 2 million cars on the road, but as well less reliance on private vehicles. Won't be able to rely as much on private transportation, we'll have 10 new railway roads and trams.
  • But until the public transport revolution arrives in the big metropolitan areas, the private vehicle revolution already arrived. Mitsubishi, Renault and Nissan received a play ground here in Israel, to actually test and develop how the new energy technologies can actually apply to their products in practice. A new lab to coordinate the developments of the newest Israeli companies, that will be installed in cars in the next decade.
  • More electric cars, and transportation based on smart cities that communicate with each other. And autonomous taxis that are totally different from the conduct of today's driving. Passenger's economy - no wheels or pedals, more like specialized spaces for rest or meetings. The industry is expected to reach 7 trillion in 2050 around the world.


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