Whitehouse calls out climate change deniers!


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32wcCmTvt_o&feature=player_embedded]Sheldon Calls Out Climate Change Deniers - YouTube[/ame]

too bad it was Senator Whitehouse and not the Whitehouse.
Exactly who is denying that the climate changes?

In typical fashion, the believers are tilting at windmills calling them climate change deniers when to the best of my knowledge, no such creature exists. I don't deny that the climate is and has always been in a state of change. I deny that a trace atmospheric gas is the control knob.

You seem bright enough albeit misled to a large degree. Answer a question for me if you will. Why do you believe in a greenhouse effect that for all the time it has been around has not once been actually measured or mathematically modeled? There doesn't exist the first scrap of empirical evidence for its existence and yet, you believe.

Why reside on the greenhouse bandwagon, when there are hypothesies out there that are based on empirical evidence, have been tested and verified experimentally, and are testable against every body in the solar system that has an atmosphere whereas the greenhouse hypothesis fails when applied to every body in the solar system that has an atmosphere..... even earth?
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I have never denied that climate is changing or that people can have an effect on climate.

I just have never bought into the fear of some sort of biblical catastrophe happening because the earth is a couple degrees warmer.
Exactly who is denying that the climate changes?

Apparently, you are! as recently as yesterday:


(ironically, just a few minutes after you ask the question I am responding to)

You apparently make such assertions every day or two, so it is really rather curious that you don't seem to recall anyone who denies that we are currently experiencing a warming planetary climate.



(more available upon request, or to anyone with even rudimentary search skills)
You damn deniers, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE because of you..

that is unless you throw money at us expert climate gods (Sheldon) we can save your lives
The OP is a sure sign of AGW Tourettes where the poster can't help but blurt out something about "manmade Global Warming" whenever a weather event is mentioned

There is no cure, we can only mock them
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The OP is a sure sigh of AGW Tourettes where the poster can't help but blurt out something about "manmade Global Warming" whenever a weather event is mentioned

There is no cure, we can only mock them

I call it verbal diarrhea....
The OP is a sure sigh of AGW Tourettes where the poster can't help but blurt out something about "manmade Global Warming" whenever a weather event is mentioned

There is no cure, we can only mock them

You only mock yourself
The OP is a sure sigh of AGW Tourettes where the poster can't help but blurt out something about "manmade Global Warming" whenever a weather event is mentioned

There is no cure, we can only mock them

You only mock yourself

I actually read the bullshit reports you side puts out. The first one I read, that convinced me AGW was a lie was the Scarfetta/West report on how the Sun was only marginally responsible for climate change on Earth. I think they said it was 30%. When you dig down into the report and see their methodology, it turns out they use the "just because we say so" method.

It was a big hit with the Warmers

The Vostok Ice Cores totally sealed the deal for me. You have a 425,000 year consecutive data set showing COS lagging temperature both up and down, yet you continue to tell us about these fictional "Forcings"

AGW belongs next to Ghostbusters
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The OP is a sure sigh of AGW Tourettes where the poster can't help but blurt out something about "manmade Global Warming" whenever a weather event is mentioned

There is no cure, we can only mock them

You only mock yourself

I actually read the bullshit reports you side puts out. The first one I read, that convinced me AGW was a lie was the Scarfetta/West report on how the Sun was only marginally responsible for climate change on Earth. I think they said it was 30%. When you dig down into the report and see their methodology, it turns out they use the "just because we say so" method.

LOL, mock on! Please the more you argue with such obvious pseudoscience superstitions the more you expose the rotten foundation of your misunderstandings.

There is no paper where Scarfetta/West claim the Sun is not the major influence of climate on our planet. Now, there are papers where it is demonstrated that the greatest modern forcing of climate is due to anthropogenic factors (predominantly the isotopically identifiable emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels), but this is far different from what you seem to be trying to claim
Sheldon Calls Out Climate Change Deniers - YouTube

too bad it was Senator Whitehouse and not the Whitehouse.
Why are you cheering politicization of science?

I'm cheering the attempt of a politician to insure the adherence of public policy to the findings of science, as should we all. The sooner politicians base their actions and legislations on objective physical realities, the sooner our nation and culture can mature.
You're cheering the politicization of science.


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