White racism vs. White resentment

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
White racism vs. White resentment - Ta-Nehisi Coates

Key quotes:

The end of privilege -- though of course, white privilege didn't end, it was only somewhat reduced -- hurts. Ending slavery meant destroying a lot of privilege, and it created a war. Reconstruction disrupted a lot of privilege and it produced countless lynchings and murders. Ending segregation destroyed a hefty amount of privilege, and it spurred societal tumult and vicious violence. By contrast, affirmative action was a relatively modest policy with fairly minimal effects on privilege, and it merely resulted in a potent political issue for conservatives. But to call white resentment the "poisoned fruit" of affirmative action is extremely strange. White resentment has been around a lot longer, and stems from people's desire to protect the fruits of a gross and grave injustice.


Indeed. I'm going to take this a step further--The idea that Affirmative Action justifies white resentment may be the greatest argument made for Reparations--like ever. Let's grant that white people have the right to resent black people because of 40 years of race preferences. But black people suffered through 300 years of race preferences which included, but weren't limited to--slavery, pogroms, wanton rape, land theft, and wealth transfer. Southern whites (the very people who perpetrated much of that sad history) can have their resentment, unashamed and public--right after they give us the deed to the entire Deep South. Sounds fair to me. What's that you say? Most whites didn't own slaves? And your grandfather hated the Klan? My sentiments exactly. Most black people don't benefit from Affirmative Action either. So what are we saying here?

Racial resentment is just racial grievance---for white people. If it's absurd to hear Civil Rights era black folks attributing the entire fate of black people to racism, than its just surreal to hear white folks chalking their problems up to Affirmative Action. One doesn't have to be pro-Affirmative Action to see the hypocrisy in those who say to blacks, heaving under a legacy of hate, "get over it" and then turn to Southern white "resenters," merely grappling with equality, and say "I understand

Why does the Bass think of Shogun and especially RGS and Gunny when reading those bolded statements?
White resentment?

Absolutely the truth

I resent that some of you Blacks believe I have White resentment.
White resentment?

Absolutely the truth

I resent that some of you Blacks believe I have White resentment.

Obviously not all whites just those who actually do have white resentment. Why is it so hard for some whites to admit that whites are responsible for the race problem and everything that comes with it?
White resentment?

Absolutely the truth

I resent that some of you Blacks believe I have White resentment.

Obviously not all whites just those who actually do have white resentment. Why is it so hard for some whites to admit that whites are responsible for the race problem and everything that comes with it?
It's a two way street, Bass. You can't realistically blame everything on whites and whites can't realistically blame everything on blacks.
White resentment?

Absolutely the truth

I resent that some of you Blacks believe I have White resentment.

Obviously not all whites just those who actually do have white resentment. Why is it so hard for some whites to admit that whites are responsible for the race problem and everything that comes with it?
It's a two way street, Bass. You can't realistically blame everything on whites and whites can't realistically blame everything on blacks.

The race problem is the fault of white because whites perpetuated it, the only thing some blacks can be faulted is not doing to enough to overcome some of those conditions and if anything stated this the Bass would not disagree neither would most blacks for that matter.
Why does the Bass think of Shogun and especially RGS and Gunny when reading those bolded statements?

um, because you are an uneducated black man trying to compete with educated white people while saying dumb shit like "Italians are not white"? sound about right?

I don't really care what La-quitia thinks about how fair affirmative action is. If you want to validate racism go ahead have scrape together the balls to say it instead of pretending that white people are going to deal with another 260 more years of affirmative racism.

Why does the Bass think of Shogun and especially RGS and Gunny when reading those bolded statements?

um, because you are an uneducated black man trying to compete with educated white people while saying dumb shit like "Italians are not white"? sound about right?

I don't really care what La-quitia thinks about how fair affirmative action is. If you want to validate racism go ahead have scrape together the balls to say it instead of pretending that white people are going to deal with another 260 more years of affirmative racism.


The Bass is way more educated than you and the Bass isn't just talking about paper candy college degree education either. Its all about educating oneself about their history, history in general and learning about what really goes on in the world, because schools don't provide the bigger picture. Affirmative action is not racism, but white privilege is.
Why does the Bass think of Shogun and especially RGS and Gunny when reading those bolded statements?

um, because you are an uneducated black man trying to compete with educated white people while saying dumb shit like "Italians are not white"? sound about right?

I don't really care what La-quitia thinks about how fair affirmative action is. If you want to validate racism go ahead have scrape together the balls to say it instead of pretending that white people are going to deal with another 260 more years of affirmative racism.


The Bass is way more educated than you and the Bass isn't just talking about paper candy college degree education either. Its all about educating oneself about their history, history in general and learning about what really goes on in the world, because schools don't provide the bigger picture. Affirmative action is not racism, but white privilege is.


yea dude. Ghetto Street U. might impress someone down at the pawn shop but...

Hey, feel free to dig a deeper hole, dude. Plenty of people didn't think segregation was racist either. That doesn't make it any less racist than affirmative action. You want race preference? go ahead and yell it as loudly as you can; like I said, white people won't allow your free ride for long. Racism that favors blacks is still racism REGARDLESS of what Ta-hootihooti Coats thinks.

I'm white and I do hold some resentment, but not the resentment described in the Opening Post.

I resent the racist attitude of the main stream media, hollywood, politicians, and many of my fellow black countrymen towards white people in general.

I dont like that the same racism we all want to get rid of is being practiced against white people now.....what makes me resentful is that when it is openly practiced no one calls it out (most recent example is professor gates/devaul patrick/barack obama all calling officer crowley and the cambrige police stupid, idiotic, and racist)

It is obvious that the professor has a problem with race in general and is actually more sensitive about race than I am. He has such a paranoia about it that he claimed it in a situation where it wasn't even present, then the gov and president echo his claims without even bothering to check the facts.

yet thats cool with people....freakin racism sucks

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