White privilege defined...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
White privilege is something every white person supposedly has, and every non-white person supposedly doesn't have.

So a broke, unemployed, factory worker who is white has white privilege, but Eddie Murphy, millionaire movie actor, doesn't have white privilege.
"White Privilage" is a modification of the insane concept of "Black Rage." Blacks and Browns simply have lower IQs than Whites and Asians and Jews (who hate Whites - their nemisis in their minds - and come up with terms such as "White Privilege") and behave in a savage way generally speaking. Meanwhile, not only do Whites get discriminated against, Asians even more so.
The notion of white privilege is why Obama, who went to Harvard law and skated through life on affirmative action, can still think of himself as a victim.
White privilege is something every white person supposedly has, and every non-white person supposedly doesn't have.

So a broke, unemployed, factory worker who is white has white privilege, but Eddie Murphy, millionaire movie actor, doesn't have white privilege.
Don't forget all of the NBA and NFL players living in mansions and driving Ferraris don't have white privilege, but all of the old folks who lost their homes this year because they forgot they had to spend all of their money on medicine, taxes, and health care. They do have white privilege.
White privilege is something every white person supposedly has, and every non-white person supposedly doesn't have.

So a broke, unemployed, factory worker who is white has white privilege, but Eddie Murphy, millionaire movie actor, doesn't have white privilege.
CNN legal analyst Areva Martin accuses David Webb of ‘white privilege’ before learning he’s black
CNN analyst Areva Martin accuses David Webb of 'white privilege' before learning he's black
It was a rough day for
author and CNN legal analyst Areva Martin, as she accused Sirius XM radio and Fox Nation host David Webb of 'white privilege' during a segment on a radio program before he broke the news to her that he was actually black. The embarrassing moment occurred during a discussion about experience being more important than race when determining whether or not someone is qualified for a particular job.
White privilege is something every white person supposedly has, and every non-white person supposedly doesn't have.

So a broke, unemployed, factory worker who is white has white privilege, but Eddie Murphy, millionaire movie actor, doesn't have white privilege.
So...what is the definition of "white privilege"? You still haven't given it.
"White Privilage" is a modification of the insane concept of "Black Rage." Blacks and Browns simply have lower IQs than Whites and Asians and Jews (who hate Whites - their nemisis in their minds - and come up with terms such as "White Privilege") and behave in a savage way generally speaking. Meanwhile, not only do Whites get discriminated against, Asians even more so.
^a conservative republican chimes in on the subject.
When Don Lemon gets plowed in his ass by his white man, is that white privilege?
"White Privilege" if anything, is a combination of many things. None of them are the direct fault of most people alive today. (There are still some white supremecists, but not nearly as many as the shake-down artists like to pretend, and said people are of little real consequence).

When one particular race of people comes from ancesrty that was enslaved and passed around without regard to any manner of family unit, that type of family distruction is multi-generational and devestating. It is ironic that many times the same people preaching family values and the societal improtance of the family unit, are the same people who refuse to acknowledge the generationally destructive nature of the slave trade in the U.S.

To pile on more destructive shit, there was Jim Crow in the South, and institutionalized and societal racial segregation everywhere else for 100 years after slavery ended. So, that also has an affect on a particular race of people compared to another.

I acknowledge that the past has been destructive to our black brothers and sisters. I am not afraid to admit the truth.

At the same time, "White Privelege" is often used a weapon of the communist horde or an excuse for certain unrelated failures or successes. It is also used as an argumentative crutch similar to crying "racism" at anyone who disagrees.

So, take it for what it is worth...
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