White men's claims of racism belie history

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
White men's claims of racism belie history | www.azstarnet.com ®

White men of all American people should be the last ones crying about racism because they routinely use it themselves to keep people down. The ones who cry about it are hypocrites, they criticize Sotomayor for allegedly being racist[she wasn't] and give racist white men like William Bennett and Rush Limbaugh a pass, why aren't white criticizing Limbaugh as strong as they do Sotomayor? Its simple, anyone who doesn't believe that white men are superior and more deserving of everything good in this world is automatically a reverse racist in the minds of these idiots.
I've read the Star; trust me, it's just another NYT clone

Nothing you just said refutes the fact that white men should be the last ones crying about racism when they are the most privileged and preferred group in America. Just because schools and some parents and politicians have brainwashed young white males into believing they're the most deserving, superior and qualified people on earth doesn't mean they are more deserving and superior and likewise it doesn't make minorities and women reverse racists for not believing that white men are the most deserving, superior and most qualified group on earth.
The ones who cry about it are hypocrites, they criticize Sotomayor for allegedly being racist[she wasn't]

Sotomayor is a member of the National Council of La Raza

'La Raza' - Literally, 'The Race'

A brown-supremacist organization that only broke ties to MEChA to try to better its image

La Raza is brown supremacist? Prove it. You and your sidekick Shogun are most hypocritical idiots in the forum, you both believe that the "Buy black campaign", blackplanet and now La Raza are racist, yet somehow don't believe that those banks who specifically targeted blacks for subprime loans for the sole purpose of ripping them off are not racist.
did you ever go to school?

difference fact opinion - Google Search

when they are the most privileged and preferred group in America.

Wrong. Rich people are.
Just because schools and some parents and politicians have brainwashed young white males into believing they're the most deserving, superior and qualified people on earth

Actually, that's what idiots like jackson tell morons like you


doesn't mean they are more deserving and superior and likewise it doesn't make minorities and women reverse racists for not believing that white men are the most deserving, superior and most qualified group on earth.


You're a fucking moron

'reverse racists :lol:
did you ever go to school?

Did you go to school?

Fact - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Wrong. Rich people are.

White men are by far the most privileged group in America, anything to refute this? Its not all about being rich.

Actually, that's what idiots like jackson tell morons like you


Too bad the race card isn't working for blacks, but works very good for white men. Sometimes the race card played by white men back fires, check how they tried using it against Obama in various ways, it only made black voters come out in even greater numbers to support Obama, now they're trying to use it against Sotomayor, its still going to backfire, lol.

You're a fucking moron

'reverse racists :lol:

Thats a term that white men and other white crybabies invented and still mostly use in their delusional based fight against affirmative action, so can the real f--king moron(s) please stand up?
Hey, if a disproportionate number of those stupid enough to sign up are dark-skinned, then what does that say about your race?

So the banks targeted black people because they believed they were stupid but didn't do likewise to whites with similar incomes because they assumed these whites were smarter? Thats still racism you dumb monkey.
So you admit that blacks were disproportionately stupid? -and are you sure you should be calling anyone a monkey?

No, thats the argument you and your fagboy partner Shogun are making to absolve the banks of being racist. You two racist, stupid monkeys pretend as if these knowingly took bad loans which by extension makes the blacks stupid and tghe banks who targeted them not racist.


Paschal further explains how this discretion within the universe of subprime loans was
used to harm minorities:

Wells Fargo also discriminated against minority loan applicants by advising them
that the interest rate on their loan was “locked”, when in fact, Wells Fargo had the
ability to lower the interest rate for the applicant if the market rates dropped prior
to the loan closing. I believe this was deceptive and discriminatory, particularly
since Wells Fargo loan officers lowered interest rates for White loan applicants
when market rates dropped after the application but prior to a loan closing.
though I complained about this differential treatment of minorities to the branch
manager, Jennifer Bowman, Wells Fargo did nothing to change the practice.

Come on monkey, now please tell the forum that this isn't blatant racial discrimination by the bank.
and are you sure you should be calling anyone a monkey?


Good, we're making progress!

Wells Fargo also discriminated against minority loan applicants by advising them
that the interest rate on their loan was “locked”, when in fact, Wells Fargo had the
ability to lower the interest rate for the applicant if the market rates dropped prior
to the loan closing.

The seller chose to lock it for all intents and purposes :rolleyes:

Hope he used a good lock- people like you like to break intro places and steal things.

I believe

He believes? Shit, if even he doesn't know, how can you be so sure :lol:

Come on monkey,

Ah man, and you were makin' progress!
and are you sure you should be calling anyone a monkey?


Good, we're making progress!

The seller chose to lock it for all intents and purposes :rolleyes:

Hope he used a good lock- people like you like to break intro places and steal things.

I believe

He believes? Shit, if even he doesn't know, how can you be so sure :lol:

Come on monkey,

Ah man, and you were makin' progress!

As expected, no direct response to the claims posted, the bank lied about the locks and they themselves had the ability to lower the rates provided that market rates dropped. Explain why the rates were routinely dropped for whites but not for blacks, come on monkey, its shouldn't be that hard. If it wasn't racism then what was it?
Nothing you just said refutes the fact that white men should be the last ones crying about racism when they are the most privileged and preferred group in America.

Yeah, here's an image of a couple of those lucky previleged and preferred White men for you to explain that to, Charley

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Nothing you just said refutes the fact that white men should be the last ones crying about racism when they are the most privileged and preferred group in America.

God, you're a stupid racist.

Liberals are even in denial of the obvious. If this isn't a fact then what are the facts? Everything can't be solely blamed on classism editec, the Bass knows thats exactly where you're going with this.

I don't even get to edit my posts before they're quoted at 6:45 on a SUNDAY morning.

Don't you people have lives?

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