White men are passive aggressive


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
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Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... we'll sneaky-sneak up behind ya...

... an' smack ya onna back o' the head...

... with a baseball bat when ya ain't lookin '.
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.

Who are you talking to?
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
Simply don't give a fuck. But you sure do...so hence the race bait thread.
Enjoy your hollow victory.
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.

wow the racist Democrats have not learned anything about alienating millions of voters
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
Those of us who CAN be aggressive will continue to push against this anti-white system until it cracks and allows the mentally oppressed whites to finally be free.
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.

Well, a lot of that is true, but, it's not because of any issue with blacks.
They just never grew up, and don't feel like being adults.
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
Those of us who CAN be aggressive ......

The vast majority of white men I've been around are honorable, loving, compassionate and educated.
That's because you're white and white people have a naturally bond with each other.......... and also probably because they wanna fk you too
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
Stay out of my yard Sambo.
I've interacted with white men who sort of deliberately play dumb and act out and screw around with people.

You aren't fooling anyone. The reason why you act this way is because you can't be aggressive for real, like you would like. You are sensing the blacks have learned not to bow to you. You are sensing that the other races are gaining numbers and strength. You are sensing the arabs of the middle east will never let you control them. You are sensing china will be the next power.

And I just love it! Everything in this world comes and goes. Your time is coming to an end.
I don't really talk about white men or white women. I talk about the system of white supremacy and white supremacists and it's the white supremacists who have the most power.

Are whites dumb about racism ? No. They are the experts. They know more about racism than I do. They are the ones who practice it. They are the ones who I'm subjected to. They're cluelessness is an act. I know because I've heard how whites talk about race when there are no black people around, when they think I can't hear them, from behind closed doors. They're very articulate when they're only around whites.

But I look it like imagine a person is unknowingly eating soup made of human flesh and you point out the fact to them, and prove it to them by fishing a finger out of the bowl.

Everyone is going to deny being a knowing cannibal, but many of the people will also accuse you of lieing to them, not because they love eating human flesh but because their psyche won’t allow them to believe what they’ve done

They can go on eating people-soup because they grew fond of the soup before realising what was in it. They don’t want to face that their delicious soup is made of body parts or that they are cannibals so when faced with that “finger in the soup” rather than saying “I’m not a cannibal, I better stop eating this” they instead think “I’m not a cannibal, am I? No, so that person must be wrong about the soup I’m enjoying”. They just can’t face it.

And because they don’t face it they go back for more. And because they live in a society that creates this soup for them they aren’t often questioned on it or if they are questioned enough they come up with their list of knee-jerk defenses (“I never *saw* anyone killed to make my soup” or “it only looks like body parts because you’re paranoid”)

So you have people who are given these excuses along with the soup and when that goes on long enough you get today’s society.

Some know deep down it’s cannibalism but don’t want to admit it to themselves because they like their soup. Some really don’t think it is and know you’re reasons are “silly” because they already have X,Y,Z reasons why it isn’t, then there’s those who haven’t had the fingers pointed out to them yet.

Ever so rarely you find some people who are horrified at what they’ve done but they’ll probably still eat the soup from time to time. Society offers a lot of flavors but left them ill-equiped in identifying body-parts floating around in there but that they can change once they learn to recognize them.

I feel I have just l stretched that soup analogy to its limits
The white guys who act like what is being described above are guys who never grew up. These are the same guys who can't relate seriously to an adult woman. I attended the women's march in January in D.C. There were so many people there you couldn't get close to Constitution Ave. I was delighted to see all of the guys marching right alongside of wives and girlfriends, many pushing strollers.
Unfortunately, the right-wingers and "conservatives" and the Republican Party have brought the image of the infantile white male to the fore, the ones who can't face the fact that they live in the world with people who don't resemble them.
That's because you're white and white people have a naturally bond with each other.......... and also probably because they wanna fk you too.
Considering the owner of the company I work for is a black male, as well as a couple of engineers, mangers and support staff, I should have said BLACK and white, but it doesn't seem you'd understand so its best I left that part out. As I said, these are also "honorable" men....another concept you wouldn't quite understand.

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