White Men and Their Obsession with Guns

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
I notice that while white men shy away from talking about race, they LOVE to talk about guns. I'm not against guns -- I have a few and I belong to the NRA.

But the funny thing I notice about their talk is how INTO IT they are, how their guns can kill men, what you need in a "tactical" situation, blah blah.

I don't know. It's like the last "manly" thing they're allowed to talk about. They can't talk about their own racial future. They can't talk directly about the physical defense of their race. So they project all their frustration onto these metal objects that spit out little bits of fast-flying metal.

I mean seriously, dudes. Guns are cool. But they are not THAT big a deal. If you really want to fucking KILL a bunch of people, missiles, chemicals and simply cutting off food supplies will work just fine. With a nuke you could kill millions.

Most of you will never, never, ever shoot and kill another human being ever. Deer, sure. But not a man. It's a remote fantasy in your head.

Why not take your frustration to the political arena, where you can make real change? Instead of fiddling with toys?
Some people love guns. They love ballistics, they love the artistry and functionality of guns.

My brother has always been fascinated with them, they've been one of his hobbies,along with hunting, fishing, model making. He reads about them, he likes to shoot them.

Me, I was always into horses. I like guns, but I find metal ultimately boring.

My ex father in law, however, was actually an arms dealer who had the biggest shooting range (for distance) in the Western US. Military specialists would come there to test out new weapons. He had a set up for training (you know, the fake house with the people that pop up, old cars, and stuff) and cops went there for training as well. I can think of less interesting hobbies, that's for sure.
I notice that while white men shy away from talking about race, they LOVE to talk about guns. I'm not against guns -- I have a few and I belong to the NRA.

But the funny thing I notice about their talk is how INTO IT they are, how their guns can kill men, what you need in a "tactical" situation, blah blah.

I don't know. It's like the last "manly" thing they're allowed to talk about. They can't talk about their own racial future. They can't talk directly about the physical defense of their race. So they project all their frustration onto these metal objects that spit out little bits of fast-flying metal.

I mean seriously, dudes. Guns are cool. But they are not THAT big a deal. If you really want to fucking KILL a bunch of people, missiles, chemicals and simply cutting off food supplies will work just fine. With a nuke you could kill millions.

Most of you will never, never, ever shoot and kill another human being ever. Deer, sure. But not a man. It's a remote fantasy in your head.

Why not take your frustration to the political arena, where you can make real change? Instead of fiddling with toys?
if the crap hits the fan in this country they may get their chance !!

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