White House to withdraw nomination of disgraced David Chipman as head of ATF

That's good news. That mentally ill chipmunk shouldn't even be permitted to live in this country much less have any authority.

I wonder how many people that sneaky little fuck murdered in Waco.....
A victory for human and civil rights! Bloody Joe Biden and his fascist crew must be stopped at all costs. This man was a straight up Nazi.

The White House is withdrawing the nomination of David Chipman to run the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco (ATF) and Firearms, Fox News has confirmed.

Chipman, who had a history of caustic comments about gun owners and worked for gun control groups for years after his career as an ATF agent, was staunchly opposed by Republicans. But he struggled to gain the support of several Democrats, who never explicitly opposed Chipman's nomination but also never publicly supported him either.
The fact that the W.H. would consider this guy in the first place is an indication that Biden really isn't in control. Forget the incompetence of the ATF in Ruby ridge and Waco, Chipman should have been indicted for his role in operation Fast/Furious that ironically was the worst case scenario for gun running. When one of the weapons Chipman authorized to ship to Mexican drug cartels came up in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer Chipman was guilty of his murder.

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