White House to send 1,200 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border


Jul 14, 2009
Real Journalism Alert: Muslim Terrorists crossing the border in Arizona- The Right Scoop
It is more then Mexicans crossing the border
Now Obama says he is sending troops to the border .
I dont believe it but it sounds good, Im all for stunts and special effects.
Its why I vote and go to the movies

Obama to Deploy Up to 1,200 National Guard Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border

President Obama told Senate Republicans Tuesday that he's read the controversial Arizona immigration law and is concerned it would allow for discrimination -- but is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to allay security concerns.

President Obama told Senate Republicans Tuesday that he's read the controversial Arizona immigration law and is concerned it would allow for discrimination -- but is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to allay security concerns.

An administration official confirmed to Fox News that Obama plans to request $500 million for "enhanced border protection and law enforcement" and deploy the National Guard troops as needed.

The official said the National Guard would be used to "provide intelligence; surveillance and reconnaissance support; intelligence analysis; immediate support to counternarcotics enforcement; and training capacity until Customs and Border Patrol can recruit and train additional officers and agents to serve on the border."
FOXNews.com - Obama to Deploy Up to 1,200 National Guard Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border
Real Journalism Alert: Muslim Terrorists crossing the border in Arizona- The Right Scoop
It is more then Mexicans crossing the border
Now Obama says he is sending troops to the border .
I dont believe it but it sounds good, Im all for stunts and special effects.
Its why I vote and go to the movies

Obama to Deploy Up to 1,200 National Guard Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border

President Obama told Senate Republicans Tuesday that he's read the controversial Arizona immigration law and is concerned it would allow for discrimination -- but is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to allay security concerns.

President Obama told Senate Republicans Tuesday that he's read the controversial Arizona immigration law and is concerned it would allow for discrimination -- but is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to allay security concerns.

An administration official confirmed to Fox News that Obama plans to request $500 million for "enhanced border protection and law enforcement" and deploy the National Guard troops as needed.

The official said the National Guard would be used to "provide intelligence; surveillance and reconnaissance support; intelligence analysis; immediate support to counternarcotics enforcement; and training capacity until Customs and Border Patrol can recruit and train additional officers and agents to serve on the border."
FOXNews.com - Obama to Deploy Up to 1,200 National Guard Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border

What makes them think that Muslims couldn't more easily come thru Canada?
It's about time that troops were sent to the border to keep it closed to illegal Mexican (and all others) aliens. As far as I can tell, it's the only intelligent thing that Owe Bama has done since he's been in office. My guess, is once the troops get there and get their gear stowed, if they shoot just one illegal alien trying to sneak across into the US, the word will travel pretty fast and their trying to sneak into America will come to a sudden stop. Honest, all you have to do is shoot just one.
The White House plans to send as many as 1,200 National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border to assist with surveillance, intelligence, training and drug enforcement.

President Obama has also asked that $500 million be included in supplemental spending legislation to be used to fund more agents, more prosecutors, more technology, and improve information sharing among local, state and tribal law enforcement, said an Obama administration official via email.

The decision is part of the Obama’s overall plan for securing the border, the official said.

The office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., announced the planned deployment this morning in a press release. Giffords has been among a contingent of Arizona politicians including Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., who been calling for troops to the border since Douglas-area rancher Robert Krentz was found dead on his ranch on March 27. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer wanted troops but didn’t want to use state funds to pay for them.

It’s unknown who killed Krentz but there’s been speculation that it was a drug smuggling scout who fled into Mexico based on information released by Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever.

Here’s how the Obama administration official outlined the role the Guard will play:

White House to send 1,200 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border
1200 is a start but is it enough?

Did anyone else see this? I'm all for border security but this is ridiculous when there is another option (the traffic could be moved to larger crossings nearby).

The Rainville farm sits on the Morses Line border crossing, a sparsely used two lane blacktop with an aging Customs and Border Protection building that the Department of Homeland Security wants to modernize and expand. The agency plans to use stimulus funds to build a new $8 million dollar, multi-lane complex, and says it needs the nearly five acres of the Rainville's farmland to complete it.

The Rainvilles say the project will put their farm out of business. With the farm losing money, every inch of land is needed, especially the land they use to grow hay to support their cows for the production of milk.

"We are in a good fight here," says Brian, "This has been a good living for three generations. We are only the third family in 200 years to own the property, and the thought that our own government is going to destroy us! This has been our American dream for a century, it can't end that way," he says sadly.

The crossing is lightly used. Government statistics from the Customs and Border Protection agency show just over 14,800 vehicles cross the border every year. That works out to about 40 cars a day, or roughly two and a half an hour. The crossing is not even open 24 hours a day. Brian thinks it should be closed completely, and . But the government is intent on upgrading the facility, which includes the small customs building built in the 1930's, that sports a small bench with handcuffs.

"The Morses Line Port is more than seventy years old and has dilapidated infrastructure and outdated technology," said Customs and Border Protection spokesman Rafael Lemaitre in a statement to Fox News.

"By making critical upgrades to the Port, we will meet essential Post-9/11 security and operational standards while fulfilling the economic goals of the recovery act."

Lemaitre says the agency takes the concerns "very seriously," and wants to "work to find a solution that balances security with the needs of the local community."

Vermont Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy told a Senate hearing that "people have been driving back and forth on that roadway for decades," and that the plan is "creating animosity." Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano promised to conduct a public hearing on the issue, and to "have a meeting with the community." She also said there are efforts to reduce the amount of land her agency would need for the project, but that there is a minimum amount of land that would be needed, and “unless you do it, you might as well not do it at all,” she said.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency is beefing up crossings on both the borders of Canada and Mexico, and has received $420 million in stimulus funds for that purpose. The agency also says the project will help the local Vermont economy, by providing more than 90 jobs. The agency says “modernizing the Morses Line Port will address a critical national security need.” The goal of Homeland Security officials remains the protection of our country, and the agency insists it is working in a way to balance the local concerns with its mandate to protect the nation.

The government has offered $39,500 for the acreage, but Brian remains adamant. His 70 year old father still milks the cows, as he has since he was six years old, and his brother also works the farm. Brian, who teaches High School history and civics classes, has created the e-mail site: [email protected], to generate support.

IT’S YOUR LAND:Fighting for the Family Farm Liveshots
Obama's probably sending the National Guard down there to provide the illegals with water and healthcare. ~BH

Yes probably...and free guns and stuff.

Instead of being a smart ass bod, why not debate me on it? What? :razz: You expect me to believe that all of a sudden the dunce had a moment of clarity in regards to his opinion on Illegal immigration? LMAO!!!! What a load of fucking bullshit. He's sending them down there to protect the Illegals, not stop them. Also, it doesn't hurt to send a small number (1,500) of the NG down there to do absolutely fucking nothing positive in order to gain a few Political points. Plus, he gets another 500 million from Congress to blow on some other load of crap. ~BH
Obama's probably sending the National Guard down there to provide the illegals with water and healthcare. ~BH

Yes probably...and free guns and stuff.

Instead of being a smart ass bod, why not debate me on it? What? :razz: You expect me to believe that all of a sudden the dunce had a moment of clarity in regards to his opinion on Illegal immigration? LMAO!!!! What a load of fucking bullshit. He's sending them down there to protect the Illegals, not stop them. Also, it doesn't hurt to send a small number (1,500) of the NG down there to do absolutely fucking nothing positive in order to gain a few Political points. Plus, he gets another 500 million from Congress to blow on some other load of crap. ~BH

I remember when someone else said that with people like you...Obama could find a cure for cancer and you'd complain about it. How true.
I remember when someone else said that with people like you...Obama could find a cure for cancer and you'd complain about it. How true.

That would be me. :lol:

I said there are people in this country who despise every move Obama makes whether it be positive or negative. We had some of the same kind people under Bush. If either one cured cancer, there would be complaints that they're costing people jobs. In this case, the complaints will be that not enough are being sent, or that it should of been done sooner.
Sounds like a start..... We might needs lots more.... The drug lords who cross the boarder are better armed than some armies....
'What makes them think that Muslims couldn't more easily come thru Canada? '

They know that they can and do, but it's the violence in the south that is the issue not the north.
Wow, he must really wanna give the impression he's doing something........

Heard the majority of these jobs may be desk jobs.

Gee, I have an idea . . . why don't they finish the damn fence? Jobs and security rolled into one.

Couldn't agree more.

I think the 1,200 NG are basically to make it look like he's doing something. Bush did the same thing.

The NG will go down for a while and then go home just like they did under Bush.

Finish the damned fence. Go after those enploying the illegals. Put a stop the the anchor baby bs. Stop the benefits for coming to America and the Illegals will go the fuck home.

Common sense. Oh wait. I forgot. Ain't any of that in DC. Jeeze.
Not only that but Obama thinks that for him to act and secure our nation's borders he needs the Repubicans to give into his Amnesty Bill!!!!


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