White House doom: Climate change causes allergies, asthma, downpours, poverty, terrorism

I am still waiting for Michael Moore to blame Global Warming for both elections of George Bush. apparantely when it gets really hot in November, 53% of all Americans accidently vote for Republicans.
Climate change is absolutely a contributing factor to poverty and hopelessness it will get a lot worse in the future.

Wish we had an Environment forum ...

Obama could say Global warming is causing mad farts which is causing a higher divorce rate and you would be 110% aboard.
does obama know that both poles are still frozen? if the south pole gets any worse, penguins will migrate to Maryland.
It's amazing how the left uses fear tactics to get people to go along with their power grab and plan for massive wealth redistribution.

It has been claimed that women will turn to prostitution because of global warming.

Terrorism has been blamed partially on global warming.

Poverty is now blamed on it, though no explanation of what caused poverty decades ago.

We had relatives visiting from California and my nephew has apparently been taught that the thunderstorms we have are caused by global warming. He seemed to think there weren't any before this drummed-up crisis. What the hell are they teaching kids about this?

Of course, the left is using fear tactics to push ridiculous "solutions" that wouldn't do shit if there was a problem with climate change.
Military Leaders Applaud National Climate Assessment and Secretary Hagel s Statement on Climate and National Security The Center for Climate Security

CCS Advisory Board member Rear Admiral David W. Titley, United States Navy (ret) added: “The NCA bolsters the argument that climate change is a security issue in three ways: it focuses on the impacts to people; it demonstrates the significant change in water distribution, sea level rise, storm surge and ocean acidification that will change the very structure of societies world-wide; and it lays out clearly the rate of change in the US and world climate. If we cannot adapt sufficiently quickly to a changing climate, we will increase significantly the risk of conflict in regions already prone to instability and violence.”

Instability in third world nations caused by a changing climate will have a major impact here, and in every other first world nation.
Besides outright lying this is a good case of liberals doing exactly what they accuse others. Projection pure and simple. How many times have liberals said the right wing is the party of fear? Yet that is all the left has to offer, not hope, just fear.

White House doom Climate change causes allergies asthma downpours poverty terrorism WashingtonExaminer.com

Stepping up his war on global warming and bolstering the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to put new restrictions on coal-fired energy plants, President Obama Wednesday issued a new report warning that the phenomenon can cause allergies, asthma and foster terrorism.

The report lists at least 34 effects of climate change, a doomsday scenario of health, security, economic and political issues.

RELATED: White House sneaks out two new climate-related programs

"Climate change is contributing to extreme weather, wildfires, and drought, and that rising temperatures can lead to more smog and more allergens in the air we breathe, meaning more kids are exposed to the triggers that can cause asthma attacks," said the White House.
Climate change also caused adults under 30 to develop Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Alzhiemers and sudden urges to have sex with furniture.
No, that would come from liberals teaching 6 year old girls how to play with themselves.
I guess global warming is the reason queers are out every where and being uppity.
i am beginning to wonder if Global Warming has caused the births of those like Patty Murray and Henry Waxman. till this day I still don't know what gender/alien status they are. Same with James Carville, I swore I saw him in "Independence Day".
Military Leaders Applaud National Climate Assessment and Secretary Hagel s Statement on Climate and National Security The Center for Climate Security

CCS Advisory Board member Rear Admiral David W. Titley, United States Navy (ret) added: “The NCA bolsters the argument that climate change is a security issue in three ways: it focuses on the impacts to people; it demonstrates the significant change in water distribution, sea level rise, storm surge and ocean acidification that will change the very structure of societies world-wide; and it lays out clearly the rate of change in the US and world climate. If we cannot adapt sufficiently quickly to a changing climate, we will increase significantly the risk of conflict in regions already prone to instability and violence.”

Instability in third world nations caused by a changing climate will have a major impact here, and in every other first world nation.

Really OldRocks --- Exactly WHEN is this suppose to rise a military tactical issue? These folks were TOLD to make contigiency plans based on the most hysterical projections. So that they could be used as fearsome propaganda. And Generally, Generals do as they are told.

Those CoastGuard cadets were bored to tears that Obama used their graduation to try to sell his desperate Climate Change crap...

There's a CIA paper from the 70s that did the same public distraction for the Global Cooling cause..

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