White Genocide?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
May well be what you are looking at with the Socialist crap from the University of Missouri to the attacks on the French. A new ad is going up in Europe now and it just looks at the facts as to what the future of Europe IS and may well be ours as well.

Before we get to that add lets look here at this board for how liberals are treating it. Posts like "Are you shitting your pants over France" by Carla Danger. I for one am NOT shitting my pants but I AM angry VERY angry.

Liberals want you to fear Islamic State and Black Lives Matter because then they have the power. But they need you to be stuck in that feeling as well. Because the normal flow of thought is bury your dead and build the hate. Hate is needed for a backlash.

And they WILL try and keep you from that natural reaction as long as possible by TRYING to instill guilt. Telling you why you deserved it. And IF you buy into that they avoid punishment for what they have done.

What they {Both groups} are trying to sell you is "White Guilt}" and they are proposing "White Genocide" as punishment. That IS what Merkle IS doing to her country and that IS what Obama IS doing to THIS country.

Anyway the new ad in Europe.

At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?

Israel already has Christian Syrian refugees. -----for many years. It was just a run
over the mountains of the GOLAN-----so lots did it. Israel has a huge refugee burden already and cannot deal with more------The US does find with Christian Syrians-----lots of their relatives are already here and many doing well financially
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  • #6
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
NO Time for pity for that group. I have NO pity and NO concern as to their well being.
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  • #7
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?
Not one, you cannot demand a country any country take savages.
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?

Israel already has Christian Syrian refugees. -----for many years. It was just a run
over the mountains of the GOLAN-----so lots did it. Israel has a huge refugee burden already and cannot deal with more------The US does find with Christian Syrians-----lots of their relatives are already here and many doing well financially

so after all that...you're against israel taking in syrian refugees..but you support america doing it...got your #
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?
Not one, you cannot demand a country any country take savages.

I see..she advocates america taking in syrian "refugees" but is against it for israel..got it, ace...
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?

Israel already has Christian Syrian refugees. -----for many years. It was just a run
over the mountains of the GOLAN-----so lots did it. Israel has a huge refugee burden already and cannot deal with more------The US does fine with Christian Syrians-----lots of their relatives are already here and many doing well financially

so after all that...you're against israel taking in syrian refugees..but you support america doing it...got your #

Yes, I am a realist and a tax paying USA citizen and have lived in proximity-----sorta ----to Syrian Christians since childhood-----then as a young adult I encountered muslims, There were so many Christian Syrians in and around
my very WASP rural/suburban town-----that I thought Syria is a Christian
country. No terrorism from the Syrian Christians-----just nice SYRIAN BREAD---
and-------sweet maamoul
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?

Israel already has Christian Syrian refugees. -----for many years. It was just a run
over the mountains of the GOLAN-----so lots did it. Israel has a huge refugee burden already and cannot deal with more------The US does fine with Christian Syrians-----lots of their relatives are already here and many doing well financially

so after all that...you're against israel taking in syrian refugees..but you support america doing it...got your #

Yes, I am a realist and a tax paying USA citizen and have lived in proximity-----sorta ----to Syrian Christians since childhood-----then as a young adult I encountered muslims, There were so many Christian Syrians in and around
my very WASP rural/suburban town-----that I thought Syria is a Christian
country. No terrorism from the Syrian Christians-----just nice SYRIAN BREAD---
and-------sweet maamoul

You type a lot and don't say much...so you're against israel taking in syrian refugees, is that right?
At the risk of harming my DEMOCRAT daughter of DEMOCRATS status------
I have to admit------my humanitarian impulse regading the needy "REFUGEES"
is-------the Christians should be placed in European countries and the USA----and
there is PLENTY OF SPACE for the muslim refugees in arab lands. France? --
Ship your Moroccans and Algerians etc etc------back to their "native lands"---or
to mecca
how many of those refugees should israel be required to take?

Israel already has Christian Syrian refugees. -----for many years. It was just a run
over the mountains of the GOLAN-----so lots did it. Israel has a huge refugee burden already and cannot deal with more------The US does fine with Christian Syrians-----lots of their relatives are already here and many doing well financially

so after all that...you're against israel taking in syrian refugees..but you support america doing it...got your #

Yes, I am a realist and a tax paying USA citizen and have lived in proximity-----sorta ----to Syrian Christians since childhood-----then as a young adult I encountered muslims, There were so many Christian Syrians in and around
my very WASP rural/suburban town-----that I thought Syria is a Christian
country. No terrorism from the Syrian Christians-----just nice SYRIAN BREAD---
and-------sweet maamoul

You type a lot and don't say much...so you're against israel taking in syrian refugees, is that right?

I have already stated-----Israel has Syrian refugees and refugees from dozens
of other countries. I am a realist-----Israel cannot possibly accomadate any
significant number of Syrian refugees now. I would not suggest that SOUTH SUDAN take them either-------or LIBERIA or even Gaza nor should west Bengal
try to stick them in Calcutta (Kolkata)
Reacting to the outrage in Paris with some pussy bullshit about "white genocide" is cowardly, illogical, and the epitome of taking your eye off the fucking ball.
Reacting to the outrage in Paris with some pussy bullshit about "white genocide" is cowardly, illogical, and the epitome of taking your eye off the fucking ball.
Did you watch the video FROM Europe? Its NOT my bullsh8t. Its what is going on in the world now. Failing to look at it and talk about it does nothing.
You can't cherry pick the Good Christian Refugees because the bad ones will simply pretend to be Christian to get in. It's the sad reality that it is a small minority of refugees that would either be or become killer terrorists. But it only took 8 of those bastards to turn France upside down, right? How many thousands does Obama want to bring in? When your goal is to kill large groups of unarmed civilians and you are wanting to die in the attack, that is a very difficult enemy to defeat. Priority One is to do everything you can to keep those lunatics out of your country.
You can't cherry pick the Good Christian Refugees because the bad ones will simply pretend to be Christian to get in. It's the sad reality that it is a small minority of refugees that would either be or become killer terrorists. But it only took 8 of those bastards to turn France upside down, right? How many thousands does Obama want to bring in? When your goal is to kill large groups of unarmed civilians and you are wanting to die in the attack, that is a very difficult enemy to defeat. Priority One is to do everything you can to keep those lunatics out of your country.
And the best way to do that is keep them ALL out from the start. The incident in France is not a one item issue. Its simply a start to more of the same.
And the best way to do that is keep them ALL out from the start. ..

Do you know how many times those exact same pussy words have been whined by cowards like you throughout American history? Destroy terrorists, killers, and violent criminals. Grind their worthless asses down to their constituent molecules. But don't bend over and give in to cowardice contrary to American principles.
And the best way to do that is keep them ALL out from the start. ..

Do you know how many times those exact same pussy words have been whined by cowards like you throughout American history? Destroy terrorists, killers, and violent criminals. Grind their worthless asses down to their constituent molecules. But don't bend over and give in to cowardice contrary to American principles.
Invite the savages to where YOU live and enjoy!
I don't want them. And a MAJORITY of Americans don't want them.

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