White genocide in south Africa


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
World’s top genocide expert and founder of Genocide Watch, Prof. Gregory Stanton, visits South Africa to investigate violence against whites (Afrikaners). He warns them at a press conference on July 26 2012: “Don’t give up your guns.

“UN’s Francis Deng has been informed; and I will also inform Samantha Power, head of the US Atrocities Prevention Board, as well as the FBI’S Genocide Prevention Unit upon my return.” – Prof. Gregory Stanton, World’s Top Genocide expert, founder Genocide Watch.

Press conference by Prof Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch US in South Africa: as reported by dr Dan Roodt of the Pro-Afrikaans-Action-Group:

Stanton said he was on a fact-finding mission regarding the extraordinarily high numbers of cruelty displayed during attacks and murders against white farmers, their families and workers; and also interviewed community leaders about the widespread anti-Afrikaner discrimination and hatespeech emanating from the ANC-regime.

“Genocide Watch had raised South Africa to level 6 when Malema was singing Kill the Boer song’. And now SA president Jacob Zuma is also singing it.”

He said at the start of his press conference that he had tried to get interviews with ANC-leaders specifically to discuss the hatespeech issue surround the Kill the Boer song. He was refused access. “I would have dearly loved to have spoken to them’; he said at the well-attended press conference at the Transvaal Agricultural Union’s headquarters in Silverton, Pretoria.

“We at Genocide Watch have enough suspicion that there may be an organised effort at a genocide in South Africa, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely’.

“Desecration of bodies in SA also happened in Rwanda and Burundi”, he said — adding that he would be meeting the US Minister of Council today to inform them of the situation in South Africa”. He had spoken to many Afrikaners from all walks of life and is returning with hitherto-unknown details about atrocities.

“You only need a small group to carry out a full-blown genocide. When I talked about the 8 stages of genocide, some of the early stages are precursors to genocide’.

“The SA farm murders should become ‘a priority crime’ for the South African government, and that they had to try their very best to try and stop them.

Many of the Afrikaners present also asked him exactly what genocide entailed. He explained that for instance, ‘if the government took away your children and prevented you from speaking Afrikaans to them, it is a genocide act. “And driving people out of their territory is also another form of genocide.’ Also: “Killing members of a group, even 3,000, could constitute a genocide.’
Genocide Watch Issues Alert to South Africa | EUTimes.net

All these people are capable of doing is KILLING and destroying. They don't understand the concept of human rights. :mad:

I don't care if it is black, white, asian, meso, arab...This is sick. Zumba the president of South Africa was singing about killing whites a few years ago. All white people better fucking wake up because the non-whites certainly aren't going to respect our human rights like we do theirs.:confused:
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World’s top genocide expert and founder of Genocide Watch, Prof. Gregory Stanton, visits South Africa to investigate violence against whites (Afrikaners). He warns them at a press conference on July 26 2012: “Don’t give up your guns.

“UN’s Francis Deng has been informed; and I will also inform Samantha Power, head of the US Atrocities Prevention Board, as well as the FBI’S Genocide Prevention Unit upon my return.” – Prof. Gregory Stanton, World’s Top Genocide expert, founder Genocide Watch.

Press conference by Prof Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch US in South Africa: as reported by dr Dan Roodt of the Pro-Afrikaans-Action-Group:

Stanton said he was on a fact-finding mission regarding the extraordinarily high numbers of cruelty displayed during attacks and murders against white farmers, their families and workers; and also interviewed community leaders about the widespread anti-Afrikaner discrimination and hatespeech emanating from the ANC-regime.

“Genocide Watch had raised South Africa to level 6 when Malema was singing Kill the Boer song’. And now SA president Jacob Zuma is also singing it.”

He said at the start of his press conference that he had tried to get interviews with ANC-leaders specifically to discuss the hatespeech issue surround the Kill the Boer song. He was refused access. “I would have dearly loved to have spoken to them’; he said at the well-attended press conference at the Transvaal Agricultural Union’s headquarters in Silverton, Pretoria.

“We at Genocide Watch have enough suspicion that there may be an organised effort at a genocide in South Africa, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely’.

“Desecration of bodies in SA also happened in Rwanda and Burundi”, he said — adding that he would be meeting the US Minister of Council today to inform them of the situation in South Africa”. He had spoken to many Afrikaners from all walks of life and is returning with hitherto-unknown details about atrocities.

“You only need a small group to carry out a full-blown genocide. When I talked about the 8 stages of genocide, some of the early stages are precursors to genocide’.

“The SA farm murders should become ‘a priority crime’ for the South African government, and that they had to try their very best to try and stop them.

Many of the Afrikaners present also asked him exactly what genocide entailed. He explained that for instance, ‘if the government took away your children and prevented you from speaking Afrikaans to them, it is a genocide act. “And driving people out of their territory is also another form of genocide.’ Also: “Killing members of a group, even 3,000, could constitute a genocide.’
Genocide Watch Issues Alert to South Africa | EUTimes.net

All these people are capable of doing is KILLING and destroying. They don't understand the concept of human rights. :mad:

I don't care if it is black, white, asian, meso, arab...This is sick. Zumba the president of South Africa was singing about killing whites a few years ago. All white people better fucking wake up because the non-whites certainly aren't going to respect our human rights like we do theirs.:confused:

While some South Africans, like Africans in other African nations, want to rid their land of those White immigrants who continue to ally with governments of their lands of origin to further create problems in Africa, I do not think that South Africans want to annihilate Afrikaners.

I think prof. Gregory Stanton is nothing but a troll. And for those White immigrants who feel that insecure in Africa, they only need return to their origin homelands.
World’s top genocide expert and founder of Genocide Watch, Prof. Gregory Stanton, visits South Africa to investigate violence against whites (Afrikaners). He warns them at a press conference on July 26 2012: “Don’t give up your guns.

“UN’s Francis Deng has been informed; and I will also inform Samantha Power, head of the US Atrocities Prevention Board, as well as the FBI’S Genocide Prevention Unit upon my return.” – Prof. Gregory Stanton, World’s Top Genocide expert, founder Genocide Watch.

Press conference by Prof Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch US in South Africa: as reported by dr Dan Roodt of the Pro-Afrikaans-Action-Group:

Stanton said he was on a fact-finding mission regarding the extraordinarily high numbers of cruelty displayed during attacks and murders against white farmers, their families and workers; and also interviewed community leaders about the widespread anti-Afrikaner discrimination and hatespeech emanating from the ANC-regime.

“Genocide Watch had raised South Africa to level 6 when Malema was singing Kill the Boer song’. And now SA president Jacob Zuma is also singing it.”

He said at the start of his press conference that he had tried to get interviews with ANC-leaders specifically to discuss the hatespeech issue surround the Kill the Boer song. He was refused access. “I would have dearly loved to have spoken to them’; he said at the well-attended press conference at the Transvaal Agricultural Union’s headquarters in Silverton, Pretoria.

“We at Genocide Watch have enough suspicion that there may be an organised effort at a genocide in South Africa, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely’.

“Desecration of bodies in SA also happened in Rwanda and Burundi”, he said — adding that he would be meeting the US Minister of Council today to inform them of the situation in South Africa”. He had spoken to many Afrikaners from all walks of life and is returning with hitherto-unknown details about atrocities.

“You only need a small group to carry out a full-blown genocide. When I talked about the 8 stages of genocide, some of the early stages are precursors to genocide’.

“The SA farm murders should become ‘a priority crime’ for the South African government, and that they had to try their very best to try and stop them.

Many of the Afrikaners present also asked him exactly what genocide entailed. He explained that for instance, ‘if the government took away your children and prevented you from speaking Afrikaans to them, it is a genocide act. “And driving people out of their territory is also another form of genocide.’ Also: “Killing members of a group, even 3,000, could constitute a genocide.’
Genocide Watch Issues Alert to South Africa | EUTimes.net

All these people are capable of doing is KILLING and destroying. They don't understand the concept of human rights. :mad:

I don't care if it is black, white, asian, meso, arab...This is sick. Zumba the president of South Africa was singing about killing whites a few years ago. All white people better fucking wake up because the non-whites certainly aren't going to respect our human rights like we do theirs.:confused:

While some South Africans, like Africans in other African nations, want to rid their land of those White immigrants who continue to ally with governments of their lands of origin to further create problems in Africa, I do not think that South Africans want to annihilate Afrikaners.

I think prof. Gregory Stanton is nothing but a troll. And for those White immigrants who feel that insecure in Africa, they only need return to their origin homelands.

So asshole, Blacks in the US that feel insecure should return to Africa? those whites were born and raised in Africa it is their home, there are also numerous Indians and Chinese folks who live in Africa and consider it their home so shut the fuck up.
World’s top genocide expert and founder of Genocide Watch, Prof. Gregory Stanton, visits South Africa to investigate violence against whites (Afrikaners). He warns them at a press conference on July 26 2012: “Don’t give up your guns.

Genocide Watch Issues Alert to South Africa | EUTimes.net

All these people are capable of doing is KILLING and destroying. They don't understand the concept of human rights. :mad:

I don't care if it is black, white, asian, meso, arab...This is sick. Zumba the president of South Africa was singing about killing whites a few years ago. All white people better fucking wake up because the non-whites certainly aren't going to respect our human rights like we do theirs.:confused:

While some South Africans, like Africans in other African nations, want to rid their land of those White immigrants who continue to ally with governments of their lands of origin to further create problems in Africa, I do not think that South Africans want to annihilate Afrikaners.

I think prof. Gregory Stanton is nothing but a troll. And for those White immigrants who feel that insecure in Africa, they only need return to their origin homelands.

So asshole, Blacks in the US that feel insecure should return to Africa? Those Whites were born and raised in Africa it is their home: There are also numerous Indians and Chinese folks who live in Africa and consider it their home; so shut the fuck up.

If African Blacks in US or anywhere (whether immigrants or natural-born) feel insecure, then they should be considering returning to their homeland of origin. Same goes for anyone in a foreign nation. Got it?

I am aware of Indians and Chinese allover Africa. I remember that in my childhood nation of Cameroon, there were so many Chinese I used to think most of China was in Cameroon. I am also aware that most people of foreign origin born in Africa merge into their land of birth and contribute to the well being of their place of birth. But for those that are insecure and ally with the governments of the land of origin and create more problems for their host African nations, departure to their native homeland(s) would be appropriate solution for their troubles.
While some South Africans, like Africans in other African nations, want to rid their land of those White immigrants who continue to ally with governments of their lands of origin to further create problems in Africa, I do not think that South Africans want to annihilate Afrikaners.

I think prof. Gregory Stanton is nothing but a troll. And for those White immigrants who feel that insecure in Africa, they only need return to their origin homelands.

So asshole, Blacks in the US that feel insecure should return to Africa? Those Whites were born and raised in Africa it is their home: There are also numerous Indians and Chinese folks who live in Africa and consider it their home; so shut the fuck up.

If African Blacks in US or anywhere (whether immigrants or natural-born) feel insecure, then they should be considering returning to their homeland of origin. Same goes for anyone in a foreign nation. Got it?

I am aware of Indians and Chinese allover Africa. I remember that in my childhood nation of Cameroon, there were so many Chinese I used to think most of China was in Cameroon. I am also aware that most people of foreign origin born in Africa merge into their land of birth and contribute to the well being of their place of birth. But for those that are insecure and ally with the governments of the land of origin and create more problems for their host African nations, departure to their native homeland(s) would be appropriate solution for their troubles.

Africa isn't just Black people anymore jack ass, there are people of all colors living there as African citizens and they have a right to be there. Deal with it.
So asshole, Blacks in the US that feel insecure should return to Africa? Those Whites were born and raised in Africa it is their home: There are also numerous Indians and Chinese folks who live in Africa and consider it their home; so shut the fuck up.

If African Blacks in US or anywhere (whether immigrants or natural-born) feel insecure, then they should be considering returning to their homeland of origin. Same goes for anyone in a foreign nation. Got it?

I am aware of Indians and Chinese allover Africa. I remember that in my childhood nation of Cameroon, there were so many Chinese I used to think most of China was in Cameroon. I am also aware that most people of foreign origin born in Africa merge into their land of birth and contribute to the well being of their place of birth. But for those that are insecure and ally with the governments of the land of origin and create more problems for their host African nations, departure to their native homeland(s) would be appropriate solution for their troubles.

Africa isn't just Black people anymore jack ass, there are people of all colors living there as African citizens and they have a right to be there. Deal with it.

I know because I know that Africa is where humankind began, and the only Continent capable of producing top-breed humans of all varieties. But for those that are insecure and ally with the governments of the land of origin and create more problems for their host African nations, departure to their native homeland(s) would be appropriate solution for their troubles.
The idea that whites in South Africa are under threat of genocide is just laughable to anyone who has spent time there.

Certainly in Zimbabwe they are under threat, but in South Africa most white people live in relatively peaceful and safe conditions. Black and white people do live and work together, and by and large do so without problems.

South Africa has a terrible crime problem, but blacks are as often victims of that as whites.

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