White Flag Conservatives

here are the 2 democrats that refused and the 17 white flag conservatives:


House Passes Defeatist Resolution: 17 Republicans Join the White Flag Caucus Print E-mail
Written by N.Z.
Friday, 16 February 2007

defeatist committeeThe House just completed voting, and has approved 246-182 the Democrats' defeatist resolution. This was expected: but the good news is, the 40-60 Republican defectors that the Democrats had been predicting failed to materialize. Only seventeen Republicans voted for the resolution --- and two Democrats broke ranks to vote against it.

First, let us recognize the two Democrats who did the right thing:

Representative Jim Marshall

Phone: 202-225-6531
Fax: 202-225-3013
Web Email

Representative Gene Taylor

Phone: 202-225-5772
Fax: 202-225-7074
Web Email

Note: The original version of this post incorrectly identified Reps. Baird and Nadler as the two dissenting Democrats. Sorry for the error.

And now, the seventeen Republicans who decided today to end their political careers:

Representative James T. Walsh

Phone: 202-225-3701
Fax: 202-225-4042
[Email: Rep.james.walsh AT mail.house.gov]

Representative Walter Jones
Phone: 202-225-3415
Fax: 202-225-3286
Web Email

Representative Wayne Gilchrest
Phone: 202-225-5311
Fax: 202-225-0254
Web Email

Representative Michael Castle
Phone: 202-225-4165
Fax: 202-225-2291
Web Email

Representative Richard (Ric) Keller

Phone: 202-225-2176
Fax: 202-225-0999
Web Email

Representative Philip Sheridan English

Phone: 202-225-5406
Fax: 202-225-3103
Web Email

Representative Ronald Ernest Paul

Phone: 202-225-2831
Web Email

Representative Frederick Stephen Upton

Phone: 202-225-3761
Fax: 202-225-4986
Web Email

Representative Thomas M. Davis

Phone: 202-225-1492
Fax: 202-225-3071
Web Email

Representative Mark Kirk

Phone: 202-225-4835
Fax: 202-225-0837
Web Email

Representative Howard Coble

Phone: 202-225-3065
Fax: 202-225-8611
Email: howard.coble AT mail.house.gov
Web Email

Representative John J. Duncan Jr.

Phone: 202-225-5435
Fax: 202-225-6440
Web Email

Representative James Ramstad

Phone: 202-225-2871
Fax: 202-225-6351
Email: mn03 AT mail.house.gov
Web Email

Representative Steven C. LaTOURETTE

Phone: 202-225-5731
Fax: 202-225-3307
Web Email

Representative Robert Inglis

Phone: 202-225-6030
Fax: 202-226-1177
Web Email

Representative Timothy V. Johnson

Phone: 202-225-2371
Fax: 202-226-0791
Web Email

Representative Thomas Petri

Phone: 202-225-2476
Fax: 202-225-2356
Web Email
Representative Ronald Ernest Paul

Phone: 202-225-2831
Web Email

Representative John J. Duncan Jr.

Phone: 202-225-5435
Fax: 202-225-6440
Web Email

These men are patriots and conservatives in a way that the neocon America-users who rule the Grand Idiots Party will never understand. Ron Paul especially. More guts, brains and real conservative principles than any McCain, Bush or Cheney on any day of the week all put together.

The real Victory Caucus supports a return to American sovereignty and self-determination and an abandonment of wars waged for that ungrateful piece of camel shit, Israel.

there may have been a time when America would have bought this white flag stuff...when America still listened to republicans calling democrats treasonous traitors....but they ai't buyin' it any more.

America realizes that George Bush has driven the foreign policy bus into the ditch. America wants a new direction...and democrats will give it to them...starting now and then really accelerating in January '09 when we retake the white house.

This politics of pretend macho from bunch of chickenhawks is all played out...but you are welcome to continue it. Methinks it will only increase the margins in the congress - probably making the senate a democratic fillibuster proof juggernaut.
America wants a new direction...and democrats will give it to them...starting now and then really accelerating in January '09 when we retake the white house.

I hear your people are intentionally hanging back on stopping Bush so as to sandbag American resentment and guarantee a Democratic victory for president in '08.


Effective, but evil.
I hear your people are intentionally hanging back on stopping Bush so as to sandbag American resentment and guarantee a Democratic victory for president in '08.


Effective, but evil.

even if that were our strategy, which it isn't, it would be no more evil than tying up the workings of government for months on end impeaching a president about a blow job...or lambasting him for daring to attack the poor country of Afghanistan just to try to knock out some minor league terrorist like Osama.

Physician...heal thyself.

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