White Culture Defined

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Treading where Glen Beck will not...

White culture is the set of values of the European-heritage peoples of the world. It is marked by fairness, honesty, law-abidingness, respect for the individual, cleanliness, bravery, an adventuresome spirit, and above all, nobility and honor.

White culture values a gentileman's word. It values politeness. It values pitching in to help the cause. It values friendliness. It values creativity, respect for authority, and education.

White culture means paying back the loan you took out. It means cleaning up the trash in your yard. It means tipping your hat to your neighbor.

White culture means delayed gratification. It means working hard today so that you can enjoy tomorrow.

White culture means working hard and not complaining. It means innovation and invention. It means sexual modesty.

White culture means speaking plainly and saying what you mean.

In the arts white culture is Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. It is Michaelangelo, Renoir, Matisse, Hogarth. In philosophy it is Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Descartes. In literature it is Shakespeare, Hemingway, Joyce, Keats, Yeats.

White culture means science and discovery. It means finding cures for disease. It means medical advancements that benefit the world.

White culture gives us the law. It gives us paved streets, moon walks, and cars to drive.

White culture is the diversity of the European experience, from Iceland to Greece. It is French cooking, German engineering, British political philosophy.

In America white culture is Christianity, agriculture, small towns, football, cheeseburgers, cherry cokes. It is a beautiful blonde woman and a fast Ford Mustang.

White culture values the military virtues of uprightness, precision and discipline. It means bravery in battle. It means a handsome airline pilot who can land the plane in the river when an engine blows out.

In Australia white culture is fearless adventure. In Canada it is strength for the cold.

White culture means a doctor you know didn't graduate because of affirmative action.

White culture means people you can trust.

White culture is decency.

Sadly, it is now set against an indecent world.
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Treading where Glen Beck will not...

White culture is the set of values of the European-heritage peoples of the world. It is marked by fairness, honesty, law-abidingness, respect for the individual, cleanliness, bravery, an adventuresome spirit, and above all, nobility and honor.

White culture values a gentileman's word. It values politeness. It values pitching in to help the cause. It values friendliness. It values creativity, respect for authority, and education.

White culture means paying back the loan you took out. It means cleaning up the trash in your yard. It means tipping your hat to your neighbor.

White culture means delayed gratification. It means working hard today so that you can enjoy tomorrow.

White culture means working hard and not complaining. It means innovation and invention.

White culture means speaking plainly and saying what you mean.

In the arts white culture is Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. It is Michaelangelo, Renoir, Matisse, Hogarth. In philosophy it is Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Descartes. In literature it is Shakespeare, Hemingway, Joyce, Keats, Yeats.

White culture means science and discovery. It means finding cures for disease. It means medical advancements that benefit the world.

White culture gives us the law. It gives us paved streets, moon walks, and cars to drive.

White culture is the diversity of the European experience, from Iceland to Greece. It is French cooking, German engineering, British political philosophy.

In America white culture is Christianity, agriculture, small towns, football, cheeseburgers, cherry cokes. It is a beautiful blonde woman and a fast Ford Mustang.

In Australia white culture is fearless adventure. In Canada it is strength for the cold.

White culture is decency.

Sadly, it is now set against an indecent world.
My how far the "White Culture" has fallen at least in this country...being the most culturally and morally bankrupt and money-grubbing nation this side of the WEstern hemisphere...yay...the world.
Marc Rich, Bernie Madoff, and Goldman Sachs represent Jewish culture, not white culture.
So true!!

The jews are a parasite culture that attaches it's self to a host country and then proceeds to drain the life out of it.

History has seen this played out many times over and over.

Just, when the host nation is near death,

The people rise up and expell or try to eliminate this parasitic culture.

Our nation is just starting to realize, that we are it's latest victim.
Marc Rich, Bernie Madoff, and Goldman Sachs represent Jewish culture, not white culture.
So true!!

The jews are a parasite culture that attaches it's self to a host country and then proceeds to drain the life out of it.

History has seen this played out many times over and over.

Just, when the host nation is near death,

The people rise up and expell or try to eliminate this parasitic culture.

Our nation is just starting to realize, that we are it's latest victim.

You are also not part of Bill's white culture. You are one of the hated.
That doesn't bother me a bit.

Because, I live in my world, and not Bill's :cool:

But, I'm sure he'd let you join his Hate Club.
Just because he sticks up for white people and white culture doesn't make him a hater.

I see hispanics stick up for their culture and support La Raza. (the Race)

And blacks have BET channel on tv; and the NAACP for their causes.

So why shouldn't Joyce be allowed to stand up and brag, and be proud of his race and culture?
That doesn't bother me a bit.

Because, I live in my world, and not Bill's :cool:

But, I'm sure he'd let you join his Hate Club.
Just because he sticks up for white people and white culture doesn't make him a hater.

I see hispanics stick up for their culture and support La Raza. (the Race)

And blacks have BET channel on tv; and the NAACP for their causes.

So why shouldn't Joyce be allowed to stand up and brag, and be proud of his race and culture?

Joyce and his Klan brothers would lynch you just as fast as they'd lynch a black person.
But, I'm sure he'd let you join his Hate Club.
Just because he sticks up for white people and white culture doesn't make him a hater.

I see hispanics stick up for their culture and support La Raza. (the Race)

And blacks have BET channel on tv; and the NAACP for their causes.

So why shouldn't Joyce be allowed to stand up and brag, and be proud of his race and culture?

Joyce and his Klan brothers would lynch you just as fast as they'd lynch a black person.
Again, I don't veiw Joyce as a racist.

He is just a white man, who is proud of his race, and the achievements of white culture.

There is a sickness in America among white people..

They are taught to feel bad about who they are and for being white.

All races are allowed to celebrate who they are, except the white race.
That doesn't bother me a bit.

Because, I live in my world, and not Bill's :cool:

But, I'm sure he'd let you join his Hate Club.
Just because he sticks up for white people and white culture doesn't make him a hater.

I see hispanics stick up for their culture and support La Raza. (the Race)

Do you consider them haters?

And blacks have BET channel on tv

Do you consider them haters?

...and the NAACP for their causes.

Do you consider them haters?
I used to live in south Texas and am very faniliar with the hispanic organization La Raza

In spanish, it means "The Race", and they make no bones about wanting hispanic culture, language, and people, to be dominate over all other people.

It is as racist as the KKK

Unbelievably, the supreme courts newest member, Sotamayor is a card carrying member of La Raza

Yet, nothing much was said about this fact!!!

The NAACP is an organization for blacks and their agenda. Enough said.
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