White Americans, if you stop immigration...


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
you might actually have to start doing some real work for a change. You won't have an army of people anymore to mow your lawns, serve you food, clean up your mess, etc.

Just something to think about.
Moreover, more family farms will go broke, just as we have already seen happen in Alabama.

Food prices will go up as 1%ers buy up the farms for penny's on the dollar.
you might actually have to start doing some real work for a change. You won't have an army of people anymore to mow your lawns, serve you food, clean up your mess, etc.

Just something to think about.
We don't want to stop immigration which you libtards keep harping on, we want to stop illegal immigration. Why is it so hard for you to grasp the difference? Maybe it is because you went to public school and only drink the liberal kool aid given you. We also want illegal people who are sucking off the US government TEAT, to stop taking our taxes for their use, then calling us racists because we want them to go home, while you want them here to be your slaves. Just typical of left wingers to resort to the Southern White Democrat party lines to bring slaves back, but from the Latino countries instead of Africa.
you might actually have to start doing some real work for a change. You won't have an army of people anymore to mow your lawns, serve you food, clean up your mess, etc.

Just something to think about.
We don't want to stop immigration which you libtards keep harping on, we want to stop illegal immigration. Why is it so hard for you to grasp the difference? Maybe it is because you went to public school and only drink the liberal kool aid given you. We also want illegal people who are sucking off the US government TEAT, to stop taking our taxes for their use, then calling us racists because we want them to go home, while you want them here to be your slaves. Just typical of left wingers to resort to the Southern White Democrat party lines to bring slaves back, but from the Latino countries instead of Africa.
Throughout our extensive past of building our country on immigration, it has never been this hard to do it. It takes decades. If there was a responsible immigration process, illegality would be a much smaller problem. Also, it seems as though you have an elementary understanding of immigration as illegal ones have access to ZERO "government teat" programs. Illegal immigrants add huge tax revenues, and see no benefits of it. They get the short stick, not us.
Young Americans used to do such jobs, and therefor could save up for college, or cars, or for dates etc.
mowing the lawn "use" to be able to pay for college..... what year?!!? lol

When I just got out of high school just over 10 years ago, I was making $10 dollars an hour in self landscaping, but I had to compete with illegal immigrants, so I didn't get as much business.

If you made 10 dollars an hour 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, that's 400 dollars a week, or about 1,600 dollars a month, or about 18,000 dollars a year.

In a year you could make enough to pay for community college.
you might actually have to start doing some real work for a change. You won't have an army of people anymore to mow your lawns, serve you food, clean up your mess, etc.

Just something to think about.
We don't want to stop immigration which you libtards keep harping on, we want to stop illegal immigration. Why is it so hard for you to grasp the difference? Maybe it is because you went to public school and only drink the liberal kool aid given you. We also want illegal people who are sucking off the US government TEAT, to stop taking our taxes for their use, then calling us racists because we want them to go home, while you want them here to be your slaves. Just typical of left wingers to resort to the Southern White Democrat party lines to bring slaves back, but from the Latino countries instead of Africa.
Throughout our extensive past of building our country on immigration, it has never been this hard to do it. It takes decades. If there was a responsible immigration process, illegality would be a much smaller problem. Also, it seems as though you have an elementary understanding of immigration as illegal ones have access to ZERO "government teat" programs. Illegal immigrants add huge tax revenues, and see no benefits of it. They get the short stick, not us.
Illegal immigrant go into a hospital and gets FREE healthcare in the emergency room while US citizens have to pay for them.
Illegal immigrants drop anchor babies in the US, those children get supplemental food assistance and schooling.
Illegal immigrants with fake social security numbers seek employment and welfare.
Don't give me your bullshit about illegals, for my city is full of them, thanks to Terry McAweful the governor of Virginia. What do you have with 100,000 liberals at the bottom of the ocean? Not enough , need more at the bottom.
I don't know too many people who want to "stop immigration". Anyone who says that's the desire of "white Americans" is an ignorant douche.

What we want to stop is illegal immigration.

Smart people acknowledge the difference.

Liberal pinheads don't...
Young Americans used to do such jobs, and therefor could save up for college, or cars, or for dates etc.
mowing the lawn "use" to be able to pay for college..... what year?!!? lol

When I just got out of high school just over 10 years ago, I was making $10 dollars an hour in self landscaping, but I had to compete with illegal immigrants, so I didn't get as much business.

If you made 10 dollars an hour 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, that's 400 dollars a week, or about 1,600 dollars a month, or about 18,000 dollars a year.

In a year you could make enough to pay for community college.

To be fair, though, that's assuming you're spending none of that money during that year. I don't know too many recent high school grads who spend absolutely nothing...
you might actually have to start doing some real work for a change. You won't have an army of people anymore to mow your lawns, serve you food, clean up your mess, etc.

Just something to think about.

Apparently you aren't White. So you have no business telling White people anything.

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