White Activist: Why Obama Will Win

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
American Renaissance News: Why Obama Will Win

Second, as many people have pointed out, an enormous number of whites think it is deeply virtuous to vote for a black—not for an out-and-out race man such as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, but for an unthreatening, well-scrubbed black who speaks standard English and promises to “bring us together.” Even if they live sharply segregated lives, whites thrill to the language of “coming together,” and they adore blacks who don’t act or sound black.

For many whites, voting for Mr. Obama will be an act of high patriotism. Electing him will prove America is not “racist,” and many whites believe that rising above “racism” is America’s sacred calling. One must never underestimate the importance to whites of feeling virtuous. Most would rather lose a leg than be thought a “bigot,” and a vote for Obama is a painless way to burnish anti-racist credentials.

Third, young whites will line up for Mr. Obama. They have been swallowing anti-white, multi-culti propaganda all their lives and have not knocked around enough to discover it is false. Some who know their parents will vote for Mr. McCain will make a special point of voting for Mr. Obama. Every new generation thinks it is cooler, hipper, and wiser than any generation that ever lived, and what could be cooler, hipper, or wiser than putting a black man in the White House? For many young whites, a vote for Mr. Obama will be a denial of every uncool, unhip, and especially every even faintly race-realist thing their parents ever said or did.
American Renaissance News: Why Obama Will Win

Second, as many people have pointed out, an enormous number of whites think it is deeply virtuous to vote for a black—not for an out-and-out race man such as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, but for an unthreatening, well-scrubbed black who speaks standard English and promises to “bring us together.” Even if they live sharply segregated lives, whites thrill to the language of “coming together,” and they adore blacks who don’t act or sound black.

For many whites, voting for Mr. Obama will be an act of high patriotism. Electing him will prove America is not “racist,” and many whites believe that rising above “racism” is America’s sacred calling. One must never underestimate the importance to whites of feeling virtuous. Most would rather lose a leg than be thought a “bigot,” and a vote for Obama is a painless way to burnish anti-racist credentials.

Third, young whites will line up for Mr. Obama. They have been swallowing anti-white, multi-culti propaganda all their lives and have not knocked around enough to discover it is false. Some who know their parents will vote for Mr. McCain will make a special point of voting for Mr. Obama. Every new generation thinks it is cooler, hipper, and wiser than any generation that ever lived, and what could be cooler, hipper, or wiser than putting a black man in the White House? For many young whites, a vote for Mr. Obama will be a denial of every uncool, unhip, and especially every even faintly race-realist thing their parents ever said or did.

Won't argue with that other than the fact that the Republicans threw up a piece of shit to challenge him.
Won't argue with that other than the fact that the Republicans threw up a piece of shit to challenge him.

That's mentioned too:

Fifth, many whites will vote for Mr. Obama—or at least not vote for Mr. McCain—because the Republicans have nominated the most stunningly unattractive candidate in years. Old and pock-marked, Mr. McCain is thoroughly disliked in the Senate for arrogance that he cannot even hide from voters when he is not speaking from notes. He has dismayed Republicans by promoting amnesty for illegals, and dismayed everyone else by saying America should stay in Iraq for 100 years if it takes that long to “win.” Mr. Obama therefore has the enormous advantage of running against an opponent that not even Republicans like.
Barack Hussein Obama is as much of a racist as anyone you will ever meet. Why would someone trying to not be a racist support a racist?
Barack Hussein Obama is as much of a racist as anyone you will ever meet. Why would someone trying to not be a racist support a racist?

Obama is half black and half white.

Which half of himself is he racist against?
Obama is half black and half white.

Which half of himself is he racist against?

Since he supported black liberation theology for 20 years. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say he does not like white people very much. Just my guess.
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Why Obama will lose: Hubris. He is getting too cocky. He is already making serious gaffes. Sooner or later he is going to make one that no one can ignore.

Democrats are quickly turning this election into a referrendum on Obama. Which is not what they need. They need a refferendum on Bush. But that's not going to happen because McCain isnt Bush no matter how much they try to pretend.

No, this will be a referrendum on Obama and he is going to go down in flames.
Why Obama will lose: Hubris. He is getting too cocky. He is already making serious gaffes. Sooner or later he is going to make one that no one can ignore.

frankly I can't believe so many Democrats and Liberals in here are Ignoring things about him already.

Like how he voted to approve Telecoms immunity over FISA. Seems to me that would piss most people in that crowd off.

Or how about him embracing Bushes faith based initiatives. Another thing I thought would really piss off a lot of Liberals and Democrats, yet I see only one or two liberals or Democrats on this board even mentioning it.

There are others but those are two you would think the Liberals and Democrats would have a hard time ignoring.
Why Obama will lose: Hubris. He is getting too cocky. He is already making serious gaffes. Sooner or later he is going to make one that no one can ignore.

Democrats are quickly turning this election into a referrendum on Obama. Which is not what they need. They need a refferendum on Bush. But that's not going to happen because McCain isnt Bush no matter how much they try to pretend.

No, this will be a referrendum on Obama and he is going to go down in flames.

Barack Hussein Obama's trip overseas was a complete failure. He talked to our enemies about surrendering, while we have fathers, sons, and brothers dying and getting wounded everyday. He delivered a speech in Germany in which he damn near slandered our country. He neglected to visit and support the wounded veterans of the United States armed forces for very selfish reasons.
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Since he supported black liberation theology for 20 years. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say he does not like white people very much. Just my guess.

Being half Black/White seems to give O the opportunity to use at will which race he will choose when he wakes up in the morning. He has already thrown his White Grandmother who sacrificed to raise him, and his White Mother who seemed much like a Wacko under the bus. He seems to idolize his Kenyan Father who was a drunken womanizing wife beater as described by his Asian half-brother Mark. He flip flops on everything else, why not use race as another excuse.
Being half Black/White seems to give O the opportunity to use at will which race he will choose when he wakes up in the morning. He has already thrown his White Grandmother who sacrificed to raise him, and his White Mother who seemed much like a Wacko under the bus. He seems to idolize his Kenyan Father who was a drunken womanizing wife beater as described by his Asian half-brother Mark. He flip flops on everything else, why not use race as another excuse.

Another sissified personal attack on Obama, nevermind that politicians flip-flopping isn't new under the sun. White people use race for just about every advantage they have in this country.
Funny, I see this thread was moved from Election 2008 to Race Relations/Racism.

But you know, given America today, and this election, it must be a little hard to keep those categories separate.
Where's the evidence of Obama's racism? Get your weight up and prepare for war, the Bass is back.

Barack Hussein Obama attended a church who preached black liberation theology for 20 years. Barack Hussein Obama got married at this church and he baptized his children at this church.

"Past associations don't mean anything" ok thats fine.

If Barack Hussein Obama were a white man who was running for president, and he had attended a church that supported the kkk. We would never be talking about this right now.

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