Which women sexually excite you more?Black women or White women.?unscientific poll.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I need to find out from men of all races. Which women sexually arouse you more.
Black women? or White women. This is an unscientific poll.
Please respond at will.
I need to find out from men of all races. Which women sexually arouse you more.
Black women? or White women. This is an unscientific poll.
Please respond at will.

I've yet to meet a man who was sexually aroused by skin color.
Why did you bring color into the discussion? Men are sexually aroused by all shapes, sizes, colors, really, whatever.
Come on 52, we all know that black guys dig white women. ;)

I personally don't have a preference, though I may be slightly biased toward white women myself.
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I need to find out from men of all races. Which women sexually arouse you more.
Black women? or White women. This is an unscientific poll.
Please respond at will.

Why are you leaving out our lesbian friends of the USMB out of this poll fiddy two?

That's sexist! :evil:

And as all of us know here at the USMB, you have shown yourself to be nothing but an open minded, fair and liberal poster here!
I prefer white women. White women are far prettier. Black women have broad noses, nappy hair , dark skin and are more likely to be fat. 60% of black women are overweight.

True diversity is only found in the white race. Diversity of eye color (green,blue,hazel,brown) and hair color (black,blonde,brown,red)
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I am a fickle man when it comes to the plurality of female beauty; I love every race of woman. (Indeed I find women so beautiful I wish I were a lesbian, I can not see what you women see in us hairy ape men.)

But I have to say two of the most intense love affairs I have had have been with black women, one African American the other from Nigeria. And both still dance in my dreams.

Puerto Rican woman are more than nice, I found that island a paradise, so good I got married, once not twice.

But that is just sex, in the end, if we are going to stay together, be it lover or friend; she has to have a love and curiosity about the world we live in. She has to think.

There is nothing sexier than a woman that can give you an intellectual bitch slap right where you want it to hurt so bad.

And just a long shot here but if there are any really horny Mongolian women on this forum, I am up for a go.
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I am personally more attracted to white women

I need to find out from men of all races. Which women sexually arouse you more.
Black women? or White women. This is an unscientific poll.
Please respond at will.

I'm aroused by the ones that will sleep with me.

Since I'm married though, that makes it just 1.

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