Which rush to judgement was worse: White House or Fox News??


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well, I've been amused all week at the attacks on the right wing and Fox News for their "rush to judgement". And yeah, a lot of people messed this one up big. The truth will continue to emerge about the original internet post on big government dot com. Did they edit it? Or did a source edit it and send it to them? That will emerge with time.

BUT....to the political issue. The poor woman herself said she recieved a phone call stating "The White House" wanted her to pull to the side of the road and resign "because you're gonna be on Glenn Beck tonight".

Well, Glenn Beck, on Monday night, didn't cover the story.

And, Glenn Beck, on Teusday night, BEFORE the full video emerged, DEFENDED the woman. I believe he may have been the FIRST person to defend her, leading off his show with the large message "CONTEXT MATTERS" and he basically said no judgement will be made until the full video comes out.

Before the Monday, 5pm show, and before the Monday 8pm shows, and before the Tuesday 5pm show defending her, which was before the full video came out, she was told "THE WHITE HOUSE wants you to resign because you're gonna be on Glenn Beck tonight".

Now, the head of the Dept of Agriculture is taking the blame solely on himself. Thats a stand-up guy. You libs think for one second he didn't get direct calls from Robert Gibbs and the White House? The scramble and panic they must have been in at the White House over this? If you don't think that, you are ignorant, as the White House has once again displayed it's outright obsession and fear with Fox News.

Did Fox mess up? Yeah, all of them except Beck, the first one who defended her. Even before the full video came out.

Did the White House mess up? Yeah.

Did the NAACP mess up? Yeah.

Did the original website posting it mess up? Yeah, big time.

Will the White House and left wing use this "crisis" as a platform to explain why we now need media regulation to prevent such tragedies? Mock speech: "In this heated partisan atmosphere and 24/7 news cycle, it is important that we are careful not to ruin people's lives and careers with such over-reactions that we saw in this incident. There is a need for government regulation over the media, time buffers for a story to be shown, reviewed by government regulators to approve it's airing, with the rare exception of national security emergencies."

Yeah. I can see that happening. And I can see liberals applauding it.
I just hope to god the white house learned from this. they let this happen to them with Van Jones and the Acron pimp thing.

We all agree Fox is a bullshit "news" station and everything coming from them about us is bogus. They have to not allow them to dictate what direction they go...fox lies...LIES...constantly and the white house has to just call them out.

I have been for years now.

(Oh and do you have a link to beck defending her "BEFORE" the entire tape came out? I really must have missed that one....)
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Fox News & Breitbart did not fire her. This White House did that. So obviously this White House's "rush to judgement" was much worse. I don't accept this premise though. The Media can't fire anyone in this Administration so this is a flawed premise in my opinion. Also,Fox News did not rush to judgement on anything. That is just another corrupt Liberal Media lie. I also don't believe this woman is the poor victimized "Hero" the MSM is spinning. I have read many of her past comments and she does seem preoccupied with that Race-Baiting stuff.

She shouldn't have been given that job in the first place. Race shouldn't have anything to do with doing your job. She just wasn't fit for that job. I know the MSM propaganda spin is that she's just a poor victimized "Hero" but i'm not buying that. Her past comments besides the ones in this video show that she is overly preoccupied with race. People like that should never be allowed to serve in our Government. So your premise isn't valid but if anyone rushed to judgement it was this White House.
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I just hope to god the white house learned from this. they let this happen to them with Van Jones and the Acron pimp thing.

We all agree Fox is a bullshit "news" station and everything coming from them about us is bogus. They have to not allow them to dictate what direction they go...fox lies...LIES...constantly and the white house has to just call them out.

I have been for years now.

(Oh and do you have a link to beck defending her "BEFORE" the entire tape came out? I really must have missed that one....)

"We all agree"???????? The ratings would say otherwise. You and your small minority of leftist friends may agree on that, but the majority of Americans would not, as Fox is dominating the other cable news networks.

You obviously did miss that one. I don't think a link is necessary. He did it on his Tuesday, 5pm show. The first scene of the show was him and a large black screen with the words "CONTEXT MATTERS" on it. That was BEFORE the entire video came out. That was still when we only had the edited video, and AFTER the White House sent the order for her to resign.

Glenn Beck was the first to defend her, before the full video came out. And in fact, his Monday 5pm show didn't even mention the story. Although the White House had her resign "because you're gonna be on Glenn Beck tonight". Oops.

But, since you say Fox/Beck are all lies, would you say the extensive efforts Beck has made this year to honor, praise and bring awareness to all the massive contributions African Americans have made to our nation's founding and success are "all lies"??????? I learned more about the huge debt our country owes it's African American history from Beck's 2010 Friday shows than I did in 12 years of public/gov't school.

Guess thats all lies also, right?
Fox News did not rush to judgement on anything. This is an outright lie by the usual Leftist suspects in this Administration and the MSM. It's just a shallow deflection attempt. I'm actually surprised they haven't blamed BOOOOOOOSH yet. This White House is such a joke. Now they're just embarrasing themselves. Their own Race-Baiting chickens came home to roost and now they look like fools. The Democrats have worked very hard to divide our nation with this stuff. Hopefully voters have had enough. The Dems gotta go.
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Fox News & Breitbart did not fire her. This White House did that. So obviously this White House's "rush to judgement" was much worse. I don't accept this premise though. The Media can't fire anyone in this Administration so this is a flawed premise in my opinion. Also,Fox News did not rush to judgement on anything. That is just another corrupt Liberal Media lie. I also don't believe this woman is the poor victimized "Hero" the MSM is spinning. I have read many of her past comments and she does seem preoccupied with that Race-Baiting stuff.

She shouldn't have been given that job in the first place. Race shouldn't have anything to do with doing your job. She just wasn't fit for that job. I know the MSM propaganda spin is that she's just a poor victimized "Hero" but i'm not buying that. Her past comments besides the ones in this video show that she is overly preoccupied with race. People like that should never be allowed to serve in our Government. So your premise isn't valid but if anyone rushed to judgement it was this White House.

Here is the REAL question liberals should answer:

Put yourself in the seat of a Fox News broadcast producer.

Previous week: NAACP blasts Tea Party for being racist.
Monday 9am: A video is breaking about a black female in the USDA making racial comments at an NAACP event.
Monday 3pm: News breaks that the woman has been asked to resign by White House.
Monday 3-5pm: NAACP condemns the comments.

Now, no one had the full video. But, based on the facts they had on hand, and the reaction of the White House and NAACP, wouldn't a reasonble person believe this was a big story?

Had the White House or USDA or NAACP immediately called a press conference to request "Everyone please just be patient and wait for the full video to come out", don't you think Fox and all the other media would've been cautious as to avoid screwing up? Probably. They'd run the story, with the obvious "wait and see" angle.

But no. What did those producers see? Story breaks Monday morning. White House tells her to pull her car over and resign. NAACP condemns the statements.

I'm no detective, but looking at the White House and NAACP initial reaction, I'd say Fox acted exactly how MSNBC or any other media outlet would have acted had the comments been made by a Tea Party member at a Tea Party rally explaining how she didn't help a person because they were black.

Can't blame the media for following the White House and NAACP lead. The only people to truly blame are the initial website, or that website's source. That will come out in time. Too bad the White House, and NAACP, and then the media, couldn't wait.
Fox News did not rush to judgement on anything. This is an outright lie by the usual Leftist suspects in this Administration and the MSM. It's just a shallow deflection attempt. I'm actually surprised they haven't blamed BOOOOOOOSH yet. This White House is such a joke. Now they're just embarrasing themselves. Their own Race-Baiting chickens came home to roost and now they look like fools. The Democrats have worked very hard to divide our nation with stuff. Hopefully voters have had enough. The Dems gotta go.

What this issue truly did, in the big picture, was expose the outright fear and obsession the White House has with Glenn Beck.

I can't recall the Bush Admin ever rushing people to pull their car over and resign "Because you're gonna be on Keith Olbermann tonight!!!".

It shows the power Glenn Beck has over the White House :)lol:)
It's all just shallow deflection. Time to blame BOOOOOOOOOSH too i guess. This White House is a real mess. I really do think more & more Americans are becoming aware of this. All their endless Race-Baiting has created such division. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for creating this divisive climate. I think most Americans are catching on though. It's time for real change. Make 2010 count people.
It's all just shallow deflection. Time to blame BOOOOOOOOOSH too i guess. This White House is a real mess. I really do think more & more Americans are becoming aware of this. All their endless Race-Baiting has created such division. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for creating this divisive climate. I think most Americans are catching on though. It's time for real change. Make 2010 count people.

I partly blame this on simple inexperience.

Remember, Obama has never run anything. A sport team, a military unit, a business, a city, a state, NOTHING. Sure, he was head of some legal dept at Harvard. But never head of anything where he had direct competition, opposition and most important consequences.

He is simply not prepared for a job where every decision has an immediate and public consequence.

I can promise you, Bill or Hilary Clinton would NOT have run a White House this sloppily. As much as I don't like the Clinton's politics, they are damn good politicians.
It's all just shallow deflection. Time to blame BOOOOOOOOOSH too i guess. This White House is a real mess. I really do think more & more Americans are becoming aware of this. All their endless Race-Baiting has created such division. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for creating this divisive climate. I think most Americans are catching on though. It's time for real change. Make 2010 count people.

I partly blame this on simple inexperience.

Remember, Obama has never run anything. A sport team, a military unit, a business, a city, a state, NOTHING. Sure, he was head of some legal dept at Harvard. But never head of anything where he had direct competition, opposition and most important consequences.

He is simply not prepared for a job where every decision has an immediate and public consequence.

I can promise you, Bill or Hilary Clinton would NOT have run a White House this sloppily. As much as I don't like the Clinton's politics, they are damn good politicians.

Yes,an inexperienced & failed "Community Organizer." I have said this from day one. It really is very sad.
It's all just shallow deflection. Time to blame BOOOOOOOOOSH too i guess. This White House is a real mess. I really do think more & more Americans are becoming aware of this. All their endless Race-Baiting has created such division. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for creating this divisive climate. I think most Americans are catching on though. It's time for real change. Make 2010 count people.

I partly blame this on simple inexperience.

Remember, Obama has never run anything. A sport team, a military unit, a business, a city, a state, NOTHING. Sure, he was head of some legal dept at Harvard. But never head of anything where he had direct competition, opposition and most important consequences.

He is simply not prepared for a job where every decision has an immediate and public consequence.

I can promise you, Bill or Hilary Clinton would NOT have run a White House this sloppily. As much as I don't like the Clinton's politics, they are damn good politicians.

Yes,an inexperienced & failed "Community Organizer." I have said this from day one. It really is very sad.

It is sad, because so many good, honest people took so much hope from this man's election. And he is failing them.

I thought the same thing in 2008. I thought that if he had 8 years of moderate Democrat policy, which I would somewhat disagree with, BUT his election would inspire an entire generation of young black men to stay in school, out of jail, get an education, etc, etc, and spark a major change in behavior in our inner cities, well, it would be one of America's greatest success stories.

Sadly, that was all a false dream. Glenn Beck's friday afternoon history shows have done more to glorify the African American community than the actions of President Obama since taking office has.
Well, I've been amused all week at the attacks on the right wing and Fox News for their "rush to judgement". And yeah, a lot of people messed this one up big. The truth will continue to emerge about the original internet post on big government dot com. Did they edit it? Or did a source edit it and send it to them? That will emerge with time.

BUT....to the political issue. The poor woman herself said she recieved a phone call stating "The White House" wanted her to pull to the side of the road and resign "because you're gonna be on Glenn Beck tonight".

Well, Glenn Beck, on Monday night, didn't cover the story.

And, Glenn Beck, on Teusday night, BEFORE the full video emerged, DEFENDED the woman. I believe he may have been the FIRST person to defend her, leading off his show with the large message "CONTEXT MATTERS" and he basically said no judgement will be made until the full video comes out.

Before the Monday, 5pm show, and before the Monday 8pm shows, and before the Tuesday 5pm show defending her, which was before the full video came out, she was told "THE WHITE HOUSE wants you to resign because you're gonna be on Glenn Beck tonight".

Now, the head of the Dept of Agriculture is taking the blame solely on himself. Thats a stand-up guy. You libs think for one second he didn't get direct calls from Robert Gibbs and the White House? The scramble and panic they must have been in at the White House over this? If you don't think that, you are ignorant, as the White House has once again displayed it's outright obsession and fear with Fox News.

Did Fox mess up? Yeah, all of them except Beck, the first one who defended her. Even before the full video came out.

Did the White House mess up? Yeah.

Did the NAACP mess up? Yeah.

Did the original website posting it mess up? Yeah, big time.

Will the White House and left wing use this "crisis" as a platform to explain why we now need media regulation to prevent such tragedies? Mock speech: "In this heated partisan atmosphere and 24/7 news cycle, it is important that we are careful not to ruin people's lives and careers with such over-reactions that we saw in this incident. There is a need for government regulation over the media, time buffers for a story to be shown, reviewed by government regulators to approve it's airing, with the rare exception of national security emergencies."

Yeah. I can see that happening. And I can see liberals applauding it.

Breitbart REQUESTED an edited version of the tape. Breitbart admitted he used the tape as a way to attack the NAACP.

Vilsack fired Sherrod, not 'the White House'.

Case closed.
I just hope to god the white house learned from this. they let this happen to them with Van Jones and the Acron pimp thing.

We all agree Fox is a bullshit "news" station and everything coming from them about us is bogus. They have to not allow them to dictate what direction they go...fox lies...LIES...constantly and the white house has to just call them out.

I have been for years now.

(Oh and do you have a link to beck defending her "BEFORE" the entire tape came out? I really must have missed that one....)

Fuck no you stupid lying bastard. we don't ALL agree just you stupid fucks agree.
I just hope to god the white house learned from this. they let this happen to them with Van Jones and the Acron pimp thing.

We all agree Fox is a bullshit "news" station and everything coming from them about us is bogus. They have to not allow them to dictate what direction they go...fox lies...LIES...constantly and the white house has to just call them out.

I have been for years now.

(Oh and do you have a link to beck defending her "BEFORE" the entire tape came out? I really must have missed that one....)

So if you believe all three are incidents of incompetent stupidity, surely you must admit then that the OBAMA White House is a den of incompetent stupidity.

So go ahead and say it...


Vilsack's move was a rush to judgement. He apologized profusely and corrected his mistake.

Breitbart was his usual slimey and racist self. He stinks to high heaven and I'm so happy the entire story came to light. Shirley is vindicated, too bad not all Breitbart victims get that chance.
I just hope to god the white house learned from this. they let this happen to them with Van Jones and the Acron pimp thing.

We all agree Fox is a bullshit "news" station and everything coming from them about us is bogus. They have to not allow them to dictate what direction they go...fox lies...LIES...constantly and the white house has to just call them out.

I have been for years now.

(Oh and do you have a link to beck defending her "BEFORE" the entire tape came out? I really must have missed that one....)

So if you believe all three are incidents of incompetent stupidity, surely you must admit then that the OBAMA White House is a den of incompetent stupidity.

So go ahead and say it...



The white house didn't fire Sherrod.
A White House official said that President Barack Obama was briefed after Vilsack made the decision on Sherrod – and that the decision was Vilsack’s alone but that the White House backed the decision.

This official also said the White House — contrary to the Sherrod’s charge — did not pressure the Agriculture Department to fire her.

In her CNN interview, Sherrod said she received “at least three calls telling me the White House wanted me to resign… and the last one asked me to pull over to the side of the road and do it.”

Try as you might silly Obamabots - this fiasco falls at the feet of the hapless race-based community organizer.

There is also the question of who is lying - the White House or Sherrod regarding the calls to have her fired...

NAACP: Breitbart 'snookered' us - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com
Hey.........speaking of "rush to judgement", wasnt it just about a year ago that we got this classic....................

A White House official said that President Barack Obama was briefed after Vilsack made the decision on Sherrod – and that the decision was Vilsack’s alone but that the White House backed the decision.

This official also said the White House — contrary to the Sherrod’s charge — did not pressure the Agriculture Department to fire her.

In her CNN interview, Sherrod said she received “at least three calls telling me the White House wanted me to resign… and the last one asked me to pull over to the side of the road and do it.”

Try as you might silly Obamabots - this fiasco falls at the feet of the hapless race-based community organizer.

There is also the question of who is lying - the White House or Sherrod regarding the calls to have her fired...

NAACP: Breitbart 'snookered' us - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

It appears more are leaning toward the White House being the entity that is lying in this case...? :eusa_whistle:

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