Which party will gain the advantage??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Republicans looked to be in trouble a few months ago, but President Trump's constant barrage of statements, skilled use of the bully pulpit, and the Liberals lack of a cohesive message, are pointing to more modest Democratic gains in the midterms.

Democrats on the other hand have a 12 point swing in their favor since last year at this time, this coupled with the fact that Democrats have won the popular vote in 4 out of the last 5 Presidential elections. George H.W. Bush being the last outright Republican victor.

So....which party will gain the advantage in the long run??
Hard to say, I have had shares on predictit.org extending out to 18 and 20 and have seen an uptick in appreciation for Trump in 20 and no consistent trend House and Senate for 18
Republicans looked to be in trouble a few months ago, but President Trump's constant barrage of statements, skilled use of the bully pulpit, and the Liberals lack of a cohesive message, are pointing to more modest Democratic gains in the midterms.

Democrats on the other hand have a 12 point swing in their favor since last year at this time, this coupled with the fact that Democrats have won the popular vote in 4 out of the last 5 Presidential elections. George H.W. Bush being the last outright Republican victor.

So....which party will gain the advantage in the long run??

With the economy moving along at a fabulous pace and unemployment rates at all time lows, not to mention President Trump's astounding successes in foreign relations, where everyone thinks he deserves the Nobel Prize- the Democrats are going to get schlonged royally in November.

They will blame it on the dam russians and Uncle Pooty.
Republicans looked to be in trouble a few months ago, but President Trump's constant barrage of statements, skilled use of the bully pulpit, and the Liberals lack of a cohesive message, are pointing to more modest Democratic gains in the midterms.

Democrats on the other hand have a 12 point swing in their favor since last year at this time, this coupled with the fact that Democrats have won the popular vote in 4 out of the last 5 Presidential elections. George H.W. Bush being the last outright Republican victor.

So....which party will gain the advantage in the long run??

With the economy moving along at a fabulous pace and unemployment rates at all time lows, not to mention President Trump's astounding successes in foreign relations, where everyone thinks he deserves the Nobel Prize- the Democrats are going to get schlonged royally in November.

They will blame it on the dam russians and Uncle Pooty.
RW's have been in damage control for so long its easy paying little or no attention to their whining/political rhetoric ...

if the dems time it right and blast off on republicans shortly before the election they should have an edge on voter awareness
Polls are meaningless and if the people are smart they will not vote far left..

And the popular vote is meaningless in a Presidential election. Thankfully the framers set up that way. And it has worked..

WE have seen that the DNC primaries are rigged and give the illusion of choice, but really they do not get a choice.

And a few of the wins in special elections for the (D)'s came at the hands of unproven accusations and some running as Blue Dog Democrats. They separated themselves from the far left. If the (D)'s move back to the center they may actually win elections. The further left they go the more they will just be a coastal party.
Trump will end up being a godsend for the country in a long-run, for this very reason: his presence has taken all the underlying animosities and brought them to the surface. And anyone who is honest with themselves knows that in order to solve problems, you need to be aware of them. From that standpoint, it makes it crystal clear to see the major, major failings of both political parties and why our government is so bloated and ineffective as a result.

On the left, Trump has exposed their true crazy. Obama's election and presence empowered the more hard-left elements in the party and the people that tend that way but it wasn't as in-your-face. Obama was viewed as the proof that the country is ready for more socialist policies, for retribution for black people, gay people, etc. Some of that is good, some of it is quite bad. So Trump being Trump and then winning, the democrats took the completely wrong lesson from his win. Instead of realizing that their push further left (especially financially) and into identity politics was alienating a lot of people (namely their core working class demographic), they've just double downed on it all. They see Trump as the avatar of everything that's wrong with America (along with the people who voted for him and support him), so they've made taking Trump down their primary focus rather than taking an honest look at their party and figuring out where they've got it right and where they've got it wrong. This is the primary reason why Trump has seen his approval numbers and why they'll no longer wax the republicans in 2018: it has much more to do with what they're doing wrong and not much with what the republicans are doing right.

The republicans on the other hand haven't done anything to really resolve their image problem. They've only picked people up because of the democrats shooting themselves in the foot. They still appear to be totally cool with the cronyism. That draining the swamp thing isn't going too well. And there's far too many elements inside the party that will come to Trump's defense about anything even when he's clearly wrong and being dumb. They've made the exact same mistake that the democrats did with Obama. They've hitched their wagon to the cult of personality, will make any and all excuses for his failures while attributing an unnecessary amount of credit to him. Meanwhile, Trump (like Obama) doesn't give a flying fuck about the party of the candidates inside the party beyond their ability to help him get what he wants. And Trump isn't one to help with reaching out toward the disenfranchised voters the democrats have happily thrown out of their party since they don't fit the left dogma. He's a "you're with me or you're against me" type of guy which is a horrible thing to be as the leader of one country.

Both parties care a hell of a lot more about their party than they do about the country. They view voters as tools to get power, and that's it. Both parties have no qualms about spending us into oblivion. Both parties are happy to sit atop the throne and edict their views down on the peons, enacting more and more laws and control to make government more and more central. Any cheerleaders on either side have no one to blame other than themselves for where we're at now in our politics.

And to the original point of my post here, anyone who's paying a slight bit of attention to isn't hard into the tank for either side should be able to see this clear as day. Both parties are the problem, they're no part of the solution, so now it's up to people to see that and do something about it.
The Democrats are not going to gain control of the house or the senate...
The Democrats are not going to gain control of the house or the senate...

You never know, maybe the people will fight back against the record high stock markets and record low unemployment. Maybe the people will say "enough is enough" after the Islamic State surrenders unconditionally and peace comes to the Korean peninsula.

If people are tired of winning, they might well vote for socialism.

Wouldn't count on it, but
Republicans looked to be in trouble a few months ago, but President Trump's constant barrage of statements, skilled use of the bully pulpit, and the Liberals lack of a cohesive message, are pointing to more modest Democratic gains in the midterms.

Democrats on the other hand have a 12 point swing in their favor since last year at this time, this coupled with the fact that Democrats have won the popular vote in 4 out of the last 5 Presidential elections. George H.W. Bush being the last outright Republican victor.

So....which party will gain the advantage in the long run??
The Teflon Don

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Trump's numbers kept on bouncing back after being pushed down by the temporarily persuasive media jihad against him. So the persistence of his populist popularity will eventually overcome everything that his bitter, aggressive, and frantic enemies constantly throw at him.

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