Which Director's Cinematic Worlds Do You Want To Inhabit?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
We’re headed straight for escapism with this month’s staff inquiry, contemplating directors that make cinematic worlds we want to live in. Real life is great and all, but who hasn’t imagined themselves as knights in shining armor or pals of the coolest kids in school. Cinema allows us to enter worlds a little brighter and more exciting than our own, and there’s no shame in wanting to stay there.

So gear up for a trip through our fantasies, courtesy of some of cinema’s greatest minds.
Staff Inquiry: Director's Cinematic Worlds We Want To Inhabit

Are there any cinematic worlds you want to inhabit?
Mark me as "none of the above".
I'll take the dystopian world of George Miller any day of the week. A bigger than life character chasing across the post-apocalyptic desert in search of a tank of juice in the last of the V-8 Interceptors... doesn't get much better than that.
George Miller - IMDb
Either Frank Capra's America where heroes are humble and noble and villains are slick businessmen always working a scam or Joel and Ethan Coen's world of subtle intelligence, wit and humor.
HBO's West World. Definitely. I want to fuck Dolores Abernathy, even if she is a robot.

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