Which came first in the USA the government or businesses?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I know some idiots think the USA sprung out of the creation of Obama.. yes that sounds stupid but tell me then if you don't think these same idiots think the Constitution that created the USA came first! Seriously these people think withoutthe government NO business can start!

Which MAY be true today if Obamatrons have their way!
The Northern lands of what became the United States were initially settled by people trying out a new experiment in liberty. The Southern lands were initially settled by people looking to get rich off the natural resources of the New World.

Hope that helps.
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Tricky question. Did conglomerations of people that provided a good or service have any ability to incorporate under English law before we broke away and formed our own government? If you're not going to define it like that then i'm gonna go with business first.

It's funny why the colonies broke away from England: big, oppressive government. Look where we are now, or at least headed.
The Northern lands of what became the United States were initially settled by people trying out a new experiment in liberty. The Southern lands were initially settled by people looking to get rich off the natural resources of the New World.

Hope that helps.

Yes that does because it shows that neither North or South were able to create the "government" without the funding to do so and where did the funding of the government come from? The people! Not the government which MANY Obamidiots really truly believe comes from Obama's "stash"! And Obama considers your stash as his stash first!
After all he does say."If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that" !

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