Where's The Boom?


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Governor Jindal has been calling out for weeks for BP and the Feds to provide boom, dredging and berms to protect the coast from the oil spill. On Day 51, most of the coast remains unprotected.

A company in ME saw an opportunity to quickly provide boom, manufactured 40K feet on spec, and invited BP to inspect it. It's a good product - but to date, no sale.

So here's what I'm wondering: BP is clearly not doing everything possible to protect the coast. The Federal government has collected an 8 cent per barrel tax for oil spill disaster relief for quite some time (the tax Congress now wants to raise to 40 cents). The receipts from this tax esceed $1.5B. Why aren't the Feds buying up every available bit of boom with the proceeds from this oil tax? If in the end, if BP really is responsible, then charge them back as part of the fines and financial remedies. It makes no sense that this pool of money has been collected and is not being used to contain and prevent further damage.

Pajamas Media Miles of Oil Containment Boom Sit in Warehouse, Waiting for BP or U.S. to Use
I thought that Governor Jindel was against the Federal Government always having to step in to help the states. He has become a liberal all of the sudden in response to have to deal with a local crisis.

I mean, he singled out money for research on volcanos as a waste. Now a number of western states have active volcanos, but apparently he thinks that it will remain a local problem is one of them erupts. Perhaps he should check on the one in Wyoming.

Yes, the Feds need to get all the remedial equipment down there that they possibly can. However, why is not BP buying that transporting those booms down there. In fact, why the hell are you yelling at the Federal Government before you tell BP to get their ass in gear. It is their spill, and their criminal negligence that created the spill.
That tax should be raise to at least $8 a barrel, with 30% of it going to developing alternatives to the use of petroleum for transportation.
I thought that Governor Jindel was against the Federal Government always having to step in to help the states. He has become a liberal all of the sudden in response to have to deal with a local crisis.

I mean, he singled out money for research on volcanos as a waste. Now a number of western states have active volcanos, but apparently he thinks that it will remain a local problem is one of them erupts. Perhaps he should check on the one in Wyoming.

Yes, the Feds need to get all the remedial equipment down there that they possibly can. However, why is not BP buying that transporting those booms down there. In fact, why the hell are you yelling at the Federal Government before you tell BP to get their ass in gear. It is their spill, and their criminal negligence that created the spill.

Absolute b'loney.

The Feds have jurisdiction over the Gulf waters. The oil spill affects all gulf region states. Expecting the Feds to fulfill their responsibility is not leftwing.

The Feds collected the tax for just such a purpose, and are not using it to contain and prevent damage. Waiting for BP to act is irresponsible.

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