Where's My Pizza?


Big D

Anybody that owns a bussiness does not care who or what color a person is to sell them their product. I am sure the owner of a pizza place wants to sell as many pizza's as possible, and would not care what color the people buying them are.

Even though I want to sell pizza's, I don't want to see people getting hurt delivering them. If I know there is a better chance of my employes getting robbed, beaten, even killed by delivering to a certain area of a city, should I have the right to refuse to deliver there?


If you owned this pizza place, what would you do?
The owners of the pizza places should reserve the right to deliver to whatever areas they consider safe, and not deliver in areas deemed unsafe.

I would just answer the phone with caller ID and if the person is within an area that is crime ridden - just say "we are out of that" to anything and everything they order.
Your not thinking like a bussiness man, you still want to sell pizza's, right?
What I would do is go on forums like this one and find people like Bully to deliver the pizza's. Knowing that people like Bully have no pre-judgement intelligence, they will deliver the pizza's without question. If Bully did complain about delivering pizza's to a neighborhood, I would simply call him a "racist" and that would force him to deliver the pizza.

And when Bully does not come back after a delivery, there allways people like Wonderwench or Jon_ forward to fill his shoes.
i wouldnt let one of my employees go into harms way,... well maybe my ex wife. if that meant loosing some customers, so be it. if they want a pizza that bad they can come to my store and get it.
we have this kid at school here that used to deliver pizza, one night he got mugged, beat almost to death, stuck into the trunk of his car and was driven to some place in MO. he still has some fucked up scars on his melon from it.
Big D, I am a business man. there are ways to do business in shady/blighted areas safely at all hours of the day or night. pizza delivery is right up there with gas station attendent and farming as most dangerous occupations. also cabbys... and as for me working for you.HAHAHA not a chance in hell.. you wouldnt be in business very long anyway, once you views were known people wouldnt spend there money with you...no matter what you sold
No way. Stay away from black areas. Everyone knows this, including blacks! Seriously, black cabbies won't pick up black men. Humans of all colors calculate risks pretty well. Whaddya know.
Originally posted by jon_forward
Big D, I am a business man. there are ways to do business in shady/blighted areas safely at all hours of the day or night. pizza delivery is right up there with gas station attendent and farming as most dangerous occupations. also cabbys... and as for me working for you.HAHAHA not a chance in hell.. you wouldnt be in business very long anyway, once you views were known people wouldnt spend there money with you...no matter what you sold

I noticed that you have been the only one so far who did not or could not answer the question.

If you owned this pizza place, what would you do?

It is a bitter fact of life that black males in America commit crimes of violence far out of proportion to their numbers. They account for more than 40 percent of those arrested for violent crimes and 56 percent of those arrested for murder. Thirteen percent of black men are convicted felons. In many cities, the percentage is much higher. In Washington, D.C.—a city with a black mayor, a majority-black police force, and a great sensitivity to racism—the likelihood that a young black male will be arrested before his 35th birthday is 70 percent.

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life," lamented Jesse Jackson in 1993, "than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery—then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
In the U.S., we have a concept called freedom of association. A business owner should be able to decide whom he wants and doesn't want for customers.
If people want to force business to do business in high crime areas, perhaps they should lobby their congressmen/women to pass laws allowing cabbies, pizza deliverers, etc. to carry weapons.

Works for the cops. Why shouldn't these people be allowed to protect themselves if someone's going to force them to do things that are dangerous.
My POV: Any law-abiding citizen should be able to get a conceal carry permit. Crime goes down when honest people have the means to defend themselves.
this is true WW, but the laws that the antis are trying to pass arent going to help. the only thing they are doing is keeping fire arms out of the law abiding citizens hands, not the criminals
Yep. They're true agenda is to eliminate gun ownership for everyone but the power elite. Criminals will always find ways to acquire contraband.
"In the U.S., we have a concept called freedom of association. A business owner should be able to decide whom he wants and doesn't want for customers."

ww, I'm going to give you a lesson in the law, for free! Normally, I bill a quite handsome rate, but for you, I will make an exception.

Decades ago, whites sought to keep certain "customers" out of their places of business. The federal government thought they didn't have the right. Thus, the commerce clause end-run in the name of "civil rights": any "business" working in or affecting "interstate commerce" is subject to the "civil rights" law. Translation: you can't prevent blacks from patronizing your totally private business. Why the commerce clause? Because the 14th Amendment, in and of itself, failed as a way to force unwanted integration. Congress actually passed laws back in the 1800s seeking what great gloriousness we have today (going to the movies with blacks is always such a treat!), but the Supreme Court, with legal accuracy, said that the Constitution applies only to the government, not the movie house down the street. So, the commerce clause end-run referenced above. The same legal stance could quite easily be used to punish someone who did not want to drive into a black area. Neat, huh? White life is less important than black FEELINGS. Something wrong with this picture? I'll say.

Moi, nice try with the guns. Problem with that one is that no white person who uses a gun to defend himself against a black criminal stands a CHANCE IN HELL of sidestepping a prosecution or a civil suit. So why bother? Bernie Goetz, God bless him, even if he did get a little crazy, tried to defend himself against four blacks with sharpened screwdrivers on the NYC subway. Know what happened to him? Squashed like a bug.

Point here is, whites are effed, blacks are special pets. Got a different view? It's wrong. Wake the hell up.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"In the U.S., we have a concept called freedom of association. A business owner should be able to decide whom he wants and doesn't want for customers."

ww, I'm going to give you a lesson in the law, for free! Normally, I bill a quite handsome rate, but for you, I will make an exception.

Decades ago, whites sought to keep certain "customers" out of their places of business. The federal government thought they didn't have the right. Thus, the commerce clause end-run in the name of "civil rights": any "business" working in or affecting "interstate commerce" is subject to the "civil rights" law. Translation: you can't prevent blacks from patronizing your totally private business. Why the commerce clause? Because the 14th Amendment, in and of itself, failed as a way to force unwanted integration. Congress actually passed laws back in the 1800s seeking what great gloriousness we have today (going to the movies with blacks is always such a treat!), but the Supreme Court, with legal accuracy, said that the Constitution applies only to the government, not the movie house down the street. So, the commerce clause end-run referenced above. The same legal stance could quite easily be used to punish someone who did not want to drive into a black area. Neat, huh? White life is less important than black FEELINGS. Something wrong with this picture? I'll say.

Moi, nice try with the guns. Problem with that one is that no white person who uses a gun to defend himself against a black criminal stand a CHANCE IN HELL of sidestepping a prosecution or a civil suit. So why bother? Bernie Goetz, God bless him, even if he did get a little crazy, tried to defend himself against four blacks with sharpened screwdrivers on the NYC subway. Know what happened to him? Squashed like a bug.

Point here is, whites are effed, blacks are special pets. Got a different view? It's wrong. Wake the hell up.

WJ it seems like your confusing keeping your employees safe by not sending delivery with not serving minorities. i can regulate wehre i send them to. i could care less what color they are as long as the money is green

Delivery services always have a geographic coverage area. The italian restaurant from which I frequently order roasted chicken delivers to a small radius around it's location. That is not illegal.

I personally disagree with the legal rulings which force association.

I guess the next time I see a "no shoes, no shirt, no service sign" in a restaurant I should remove certain articles of clothing and demand service.

wj....what would I do... if possable hire the deliveryperson from the blighted area. advertise in this area who you hired, why you hired them and have this on the back of all those coupons that schoolkids are passing out door to door [with pay] make it seem like you are proud to be able to serve this area that up till now has been over looked and hope that the relationship between you and the area will grow and prosper. sponser a youth sports team at the ymca or other youth org...in essence become ONE of the community that you do business with... I believe that if you show folks respect that it is returned
Originally posted by jon_forward
Big D, I am a business man. there are ways to do business in shady/blighted areas safely at all hours of the day or night.

You should call Dominos and let them know you have ways to deliver their pizza's safely. By they way, what are these ways?
Originally posted by jon_forward
wj....what would I do... if possable hire the deliveryperson from the blighted area. advertise in this area who you hired, why you hired them and have this on the back of all those coupons that schoolkids are passing out door to door [with pay] make it seem like you are proud to be able to serve this area that up till now has been over looked and hope that the relationship between you and the area will grow and prosper. sponser a youth sports team at the ymca or other youth org...in essence become ONE of the community that you do business with... I believe that if you show folks respect that it is returned

You have NO sence of reality.

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