Where to make financial cuts in the Justice system


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
I wonder how much money can be saved by the Federal government by streamlining the Justice system and police departments. We can get rid of the DEA and ATF as they are redundant, we have the FBI, let them do their job. We can combine the Coast guard and the Border patrol. Eliminate the US Marshalls the FBI can do the job.

When it comes to prisons the federal government has need of only one prison, and that would be to hold all those of foreign nationality. Let each state take care of their own prisoners.

Eliminate the majority of federal courts let the states take care of their own business. Chances are if it is against federal law it was against state law as well.

I know it looks like I'm shuffling everything onto the FBI, but really we need to limit their responsibilities and let the State police do their job.

Lastly, by removing unwise laws we can save billions. End the war on drugs and we might even triple that savings.
You nailed it spectrum. We just found out that the ATF (formerly known as revenooers who tried to catch up with moonshine runners like Junior Johnson) shipped 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico. They should be in jail but unemployed is a good start.

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