Where To Donate For Katrina Refugees


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Estimates are that upwards of 1 million will be left without homes to return to. Go to site and you can read about the recommendations and find the links to donate. I've given to the Red Cross and Salvation Army, both I worked with during the floods here in 1987. I like the Salavation Army better, but RC is very good with getting the long term help these folks are going to need:

A good point to remember:
August 31, 2005
Professor Bainbridge offers a caution about donations to charity. And remember that you can -- and should -- check out any unknown charities at the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving site, Give.org.
posted at 07:08 PM by Glenn Reynolds
UPDATE: The plan for tomorrow's flood-aid blogburst: I'd like each blogger participating to put up a post recommending a charity, or other action to help, and linking back to this post where I'll keep a comprehensive list of both bloggers and charities. Basically, a Carnival of Hurricane Relief. That way readers of any blog will have ready access to recommendations on all the blogs. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.

Be sure to send me a link to your post, so that I can link it here. Put "Katrina Flood Aid" in the subject line.


Okay it's not tomorrow yet -- except in China, as GZExpat reminded me -- but this stuff is pouring in and I think I'd better get a head start so that I'll have time to teach my classes and such on Thursday. Here's the first batch of links, with more to follow:

Ah, Shoot! suggests Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Disaster Response.

American Geek suggests UMC Disaster Relief.

Anklebiting Pundits recommend The Mercy Corps.

Arabie suggests the Red Cross. There's also information on how to get aid from them if you need it.

La Shawn Barber recommends the Salvation Army.

Michael Barone picks the Salvation Army.

Below the Beltway suggests Catholic Charities.

Domenico Bettinelli has multiple suggestions.

California Conservative recommends the American Red Cross.

Eric Cowperthwaite suggests the Red Cross and the United Way.

Mark DeForrest has multiple recommendations.

The Eclectic Econoclast recommends the Canadian Red Cross to Canadians wanting to give.

The Gospel Messenger recommends Church World Service.

GZ Expat suggests Lutheran World Relief and Catholic Charities.

Hugh Hewitt is donating to the Canal Street Presbyterian Church in New Orleans.

Greg Hlatky recommends the American Kennel Club's Canine Relief Fund for lost or abandoned dogs.

Kenny, Karina & Jacob's Adventures in Deutschland recommends Samaritan's Purse.

Life of Rubin suggests Chabad of Louisiana.

Mark LaRoi suggests Feed the Children.

Left Brain Female recommends Operation Blessing.

Rick Lippincott recommends the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, MS, which took a beating.

Lump on a Blog recommends Second Harvest.

Mr. Spkr recommends Feed the Children.

The New Editor has multiple suggestions.

No Government Cheese suggests the Atlanta Red Cross.

Bill Quick recommends the Salvation Army.

The Ringleader has multiple suggestions.

Tim Russo recommends multiple charities.

Ruthie in the Sky says give to any approved charity.

Soapbox Politics suggests multiple charities.

Mark Steyn is endorsing the Mercy Corps -- and pledging revenues from book sales via his site, too. "Don't worry, it's not one of these dodgy deals involving an unstated 'portion of profits.' You get the book, Mercy Corps get the full US$19.95."

Taxable Talk recommends the Salvation Army and United Jewish Charities.

Traffic Circles suggests Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.

Uzzman recommends the Mercy Corps.

Sissy Willis recommends the AHA/Animal Rescue League effort.

Technorati Tags: flood aid, Hurricane Katrina

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