Where the Federal Tax Dollars Are Spent! Where do you say to CUT?


Apr 22, 2007
Everyone bitches about spending and shrinking the federal budget, but ask yourself where is the money going? To cut the budget things must be cut in all areas!


(1) Medicare ($468K), Medicaid and Chips: 21% = $753 Bil:
First things first, STOP giving free healthcare to Illegals. When Jose, Juan and Joe go to the hospital and only Joe has insurance and is going to pay, but Jose and Juan are illegals not paying dick! The cost gets pushed to Joe. Meaning healthcare costs go up simply because only one person can pay! Its robbery!
Second is to move raise the ages for Medicare. Sorry, but we live longer and that needs to be considered. 65 half benefits if taken, 68 2/3 benefits and 70 ful benefits. Raising the rates will save a ton of money.
Medicaid. First things first, NO MEDICAID FOR ILLEGALS!!! Sorry CA but FUCK YOU! Illegal shouldn't get medicaid PERIOD! Like Obamacare or not, but the pre-existing condition eliminator will allow many who couldn't get health insurance the ability to get health insurance. It's one positive of the bill! Believe it or not this eliminates a problem Majority of the people on Chips and Medicaid are their because they can't get on private insurance!
Third, find a way to get off the employer based system. This puts our corporations at a huge disadvantage and the Fed loses money due to tax exemption (note: The tax exemption shouldn't go away or be reduced unless we find a way to get off the employer based system.

(2) Social Security 20% = $708 bil:
Look, when the age was set at 65 people lived into the 70s and some into the 80s! That is not the case now. Most live to the 70s, many to the 80s and 90s! We need to recognize these realities. Do the sliding scale again. 65 is earlier retirement 50% benefits. 68 = 2/3. and 70 is the new 65 to get to 100% benefits. Allow the Social Security reserves to be invested! Have some of the best economic minds do the investing, like Warren Buffet!

(3) Defense 20% = $715 B (including $172 B for the 2 wars):
You would be dishonest to say that SS and Medicaid/care must be cut, but not defense. Look, defense needs to be cut. Leaving Iraq will save cash, but Afghanistan looks like years away from ending. Cut defense! Close some bases. Sorry, but it needs to be done! I hate saying it, but I know the danger of Islamic terror, but defense must be cut.

(4) Safety Net 14% = $482 B:

The explanation of what it is below! Basically it's entitlement spending!
First things first, NO FOOD STAMPS, WELFARE or ENTITLEMENTS for Illegals.
Second, cut them drastically and have at least welfare be temporary. Don't let people fall into a cycle of relying on it.
Third, means test should apply!
Fourth, don't penalize someone from getting married or having a job on welfare. People don't do either because they lose the benefits.
Fifth, only allow the "essential" food identies for food stamps. Make it for basic necessities only. It should be a life saver not a life enhancer!
Sixth, REQUIRE month druge test for welfare! Sorry, but far too many drug addicts are on welfare!

Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
will support programs that provide aid (other than health insurance or Social Security benefits) to individuals and families facing hardship.

These programs include: the refundable portion of the earned-income and child tax credits, which assist low- and moderate-income working families through the tax code; programs that provide cash payments to eligible individuals or households, including Supplemental Security Income for the elderly or disabled poor and unemployment insurance; various forms of in-kind assistance for low-income families and individuals, including food stamps, school meals, low-income housing assistance, child-care assistance, and assistance in meeting home energy bills; and various other programs such as those that aid abused and neglected children.

(5) Interest on Debt 8% = $209 B:
This is the equivalent of a reckless person making $100K a year and have $80K in credit card debt! We need to pay this quick. Our interest payment to China should not be higher than 2% of the budget!

(6) Benefits for Federal Retirees (PENSION PLANS) 7%:
This is HIGHWAY FUCKING ROBBERY! Not a damn cent of tax payor money should go to pay pension plans. The private sector had to go from pension plans to individual retirement plans (like 401K), so why the hell shouldn't the GOVERNMENT! This should be an instance 7% savings!

(7) Transportation and Infrastructure 3%:
This is an are where there is a lot of waste and we constantly fix highways that don't need fixing. I know they want to provide jobs, but come on waste is waste!

(8) Education 3%:
This is an area we need to increase, but not on teacher pension plans!

(9) Scientific & Medical Research 2%:
This is actually an area we should increase! Starting with Stem Cell research!

(10) Non-security Interest International 1%:
So when people scream about those dirty Jews getting our tax dollar realize it a time portion of the debt. Ditto for Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen, African nationsl fighting AIDS etc. It's a talking point!

(13) All other Debt 4%:
This includes pork barrel spending. So truthfully that is a talking point. Yes it can be a starting point, but the real cutting must come from the Top 68% (SS, Medicare/caid, Defense and Pension Plans)

Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
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So in Summary:
1. Cut 7% immediately in HIGHWAY ROBBERY Federal Pension Plans.
2. By raising the ages on Medicare, cutting out illegals to medicaid, the Obamacare pre-existing condition illegality, should allow Medicare/Medicaid to be cut drastically!
3. Raising the retirement age and actually investing the money, should that 20% to go down drastically.
4. Defense, sorry but the lefties have a point and this need to be cut!
This is 68% of the budget! Changes need to happen!

5. Safety - The Pension Plan safety is prehistoric and needs to be eliminated TODAY! Welfare should be cut drastically and made temporary. Entitlement spending should be no more than 5% of the budget!
6. Interest on Debt: Paying it down will save money. It should NEVER be higher than 2% of the budget!
7. Increase Education and Science and Medical Research!
Should allow the Bush Taxes to remain in place. The only compromise could be allowing people making over $1 mil (or $750K) to lapse! In reality $250K is not a ton of money and will primarily be hitting the small business owner. $750K should be a fair compromise or $1 million at the minimum.

The argument these millionaires will go to other countries is no legitimate!
83% of the budget goes to 6 places (Medicare/Medicaid; SS; Defense; Entitlements; Federal Pension and Pork):

(1) 7% should be elimated overnight! Federal Pensions are highway robbery!
(2) 2% (not the biggest deal) in pork should be eliminate as nothing other then a symbolic move.
(3) Entitlements, along with the Federal Pensions, goes the Pension Relief funds (I believe that is 4% of the 14%), then other entitlements cuts most go. Goal should be 5% of the budget.
(4) Not the real work comes: Cuts to Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security and Defense! I mean these three make up 61% of the budget! Any hope of cutting the deficit will require cuts in all 3rd (Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could shave $150 bil from Defense spending)! Here is the real work! Any suggestions?

NOTE: Areas that SHOULD be increased:
(1) Education: It is currently a minute 3% of the Federal budget! Are kids keep lagging behind. I would like it to be 10% minimum.
(2) Scientific and Medical Researche: Yes this is a prime area for abuse, but its important for future generations. Both can be achieved at the private level, but only the most arrogant sole would neglect to believe government scientist aren't capable of great things and have made great enhancements to our lives. Increase it from 2% is a MUST!
When austerity kicks in, use England as a template as to where the first cuts will be made. If you are under age 30, you will be facing a choice to protest in the streets or continue playing your Playstation.
Thanks GHook93!

I used your piece as a starting point and made my own version:

Everyone complains about spending and shrinking the federal budget, but ask yourself where is the money going? To cut the budget there can be no sacred cows! (Perhaps a sacred elephant, but this isn't about football)

Both Democrats and Republicans are going to have to cut something they want to keep as a show of good faith to the other. Them's the breaks. Hell, them's the realities.

(1) Medicare ($468K), Medicaid and Chips: 21% = $753 Bil

First things first. Raise the ages for Medicare. Sorry, but we live longer and that needs to be considered. 65 half benefits if taken, 68 2/3 benefits and 70 full benefits. Raising the rates will save a ton of money.

Second is to stop giving free healthcare to all illegal immigrants. I'm all for people coming here the right way. I'm all for empowerment of the disenfranchised. But when 3 people go to the hospital and only one person has insurance and is going to pay, that's forced charity. I'm not saying there needs to an end to trying to help the impoverished. I think that's a valid goal of both the government and private sectors...but not for people who are breaking our laws. We're going to have to find a compromise about illegal immigration that balances helping the poor with helping our nation.

Like Obamacare or not, but the pre-existing condition eliminator will allow many who couldn't get health insurance the ability to get health insurance. Believe it or not this eliminates a problem for a vast majority of the people on Chips and Medicaid. They're there because they can't get on private insurance.

I'm not saying we leave the employer-based system. Insurance companies need to overhaul their policies and methods more than almost any other industry. Insurance companies screw over the people who pay into them on a daily basis. Things must change.

What most people didn't understand about Obama's original plan was that it was an attempt to bridge the gap between those who got federal aid and those who were paying for themselves. Read that again...it was supposed to be a way to basically move people from one group needing help to the other group giving help (or at least helping themselves).

Why why why can't we talk about a single-payer option without people misusing the word socialist!

Socialism and equality aren't synonyms. Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization which advocate either public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources. The government isn't taking over private companies (GM isn't government motors at all) - and it there's certainly no plan to do this lock-stock-and barrel over all of private industry.

Equality was important to the founding fathers...that's why we have mention of it in that wonderful Constitution everyone loves to think they own exclusively. They wanted people to work for their happiness...but the ideas of welfare and government-funded education were on the menu too - just ask Thomas Paine.

It's easy to think about things in absolutes - no welfare or total welfare state. It's not as easy to wrap your lips around in a sound byte, but some social justice requires government involvement.

(2) Social Security 20% = $708 bil

Look, when the age was set at 65 people lived into the 70s and some into the 80s! That is not the case now. Most live to the 70s, many to the 80s and 90s! (The reason why Willard Scott still has a job) We need to recognize these realities. Do the sliding scale again. 65 is earlier retirement 50% benefits. 68 = 2/3. and 70 is the new 65 to get to 100% benefits.

I'm not saying end Social Security. It's a terrible fact of life that if we don't hold some people's money back, they wont save it themselves and these people will fall into ruin. Call that a nanny-state mentality if you want, but it's reality. That doesnt mean that we shouldnt take into account the changing demographics of our nation. Be realistic about things.

(3) Defense 20% = $715 B (including $172 B for the 2 wars)

It would be dishonest to say that SS and Medicaid/care must be cut, but not defense.

Look, defense needs to be cut. Leaving Iraq will save cash, but Afghanistan looks like years away from ending. Cut defense! Close some bases. Sorry, but it needs to be done! I hate saying it, but I know the danger of Islamic terror, but defense must be cut.

We are kidding ourselves if we believe we need a military larger than the next 20 countries combined to protect ourselves from invasion. And an overblown military didn't save us from the 9/11 attacks either.

Let's look deeper...
Defense 928.5 units in Billions

Military defense 749.7
Civil defense 0.0
Veterans 124.5
Foreign military aid 10.1
Foreign economic aid 44.1
R&D Defense 0.0
Defense n.e.c. 0.0

The lion's share of the military spending is not on entitlement (aka veteran pensions and medical care)...its on new wars and static peace-keeping.

When will the world begin to take responsibility for itself?! There's being preemptive and then there's being the world police. We ARE NOT the World Police!!

(4) Safety Net 14% = $482 Bil

This is the section that most people refer to as welfare...and where they think America is losing it's ass (monetarily). You'll notice that's not exactly the case. 14% is significant, but not the biggest of the bunch.

One of my primary concerns is the welfare of the poor and the end of poverty in the world. Programs like food stamps help, but they also take private capital that could have gone to actually employing a poor person in a productive job that will create value which will help employ other poor people. The reality is...people still need to eat while they're waiting on jobs to happen and food stamps are necessary, but again we have to re-examine the incentives involved.

Pinochet eliminated much of the welfare state and within, what 5 years he was forced to re-instate them. Since at the time he was murdering socialists, I will assume he did it so he can stay in power.

Here's what I suggest:

I hate to harp on the illegal immigrant topic, but no entitlements for illegal immigrants is part one.

Second, welfare needs to be shortened and incentivized. 99 weeks? That's close to 2 years...and that's too much in my estimation.

Third, don't penalize someone from getting married or having a job on welfare. People don't do either because they lose the benefits.

Fourth, only allow the "essential" food items for food stamps. Make it for basic necessities only. It should be a life saver not a life enhancer.

Sixth, REQUIRE month drug test for welfare! Please don't take this as me saying "welfare recipients = drug addicts". I don't believe that AT ALL. I simply say think that if people want help, they they have to live up to a minimum requirement. Jobs do it all the time. It's not labeling them as criminals...it's just an employer request.

These programs include: the refundable portion of the earned-income and child tax credits, which assist low- and moderate-income working families through the tax code; programs that provide cash payments to eligible individuals or households, including Supplemental Security Income for the elderly or disabled poor and unemployment insurance; various forms of in-kind assistance for low-income families and individuals, including food stamps, school meals, low-income housing assistance, child-care assistance, and assistance in meeting home energy bills; and various other programs such as those that aid abused and neglected children.

These are all vital programs when you describe them in the abstract. There has to be waste somewhere.

(5) Interest on Debt 8% = $209 B

This is the equivalent of a reckless person making $100K a year and have $80K in credit card debt! We need to pay this quick. Our interest payment to China should not be higher than 2% of the budget! Easier said than done, I know.

(6) Benefits for Federal Retirees (PENSION PLANS) 7%

We've talked about incentives for the poor...let's be fair and talk about incentives for the working. The private sector had to go from pension plans to individual retirement plans (like 401K), so why the hell shouldn't the GOVERNMENT!

I'll even balance this out a little bit. We don't need to drop all pensions for federal employees...but what we do need to do is only give them as part of an incentive for hard-to-staff jobs. You can still save your own money...just like everyone else out there. But we wont' hand out matching contributions to everyone and their sister. We'll make it work for America as a whole. I guarantee you that people wont run screaming from federal jobs. And if they do...that's their choice.

(7) Transportation and Infrastructure 3%

Some people say this is an area where there is a lot of waste and we constantly fix highways that don't need fixing. I saw a tv program on NatGeo on the declining state of bridges and roads. We need a non-partisan assessment of this. I'm not looking to fund handout jobs...but our roads and bridges don't rebuild themselves.

(8) Education 3%

This is an area we need to increase, but again with incentives and with consequences. My mother was a teacher who believed in accountability - and so do I.

(9) Scientific & Medical Research 2%

This is actually an area we should increase! Starting with Stem Cell research.

(10) Non-security Interest International 1%

The money we send to other countries is MINUSCULE compared to the rest of the budge. If anyone claims this is where we'll save our budget - they're lying. It's just a talking point! The world-wide good...and goodwill that we gain from helping the world economy is more than worth it...especially when viewed in context.
(13) All other Debt 4%

This includes pork barrel spending. So truthfully this is mostly a talking point.

Yes it can be a starting place, but the real cutting must come from the Top 68% - SS, Medicare/caid, Defense and Pension Plans.

Are we ready to try a HUGE social experiment where we cut government completely to the quick...no more government-funded education? no more FDA to protect our food? no more EPA to protect our environment? We're just supposed to let big industry police itself...in every facet of government?

America's not ready for that. America's also not ready to get bankrupted with too much spending. So we've got to make some hard compromises.

Thanks for that! (Posted as a facebook note)
(7) Transportation and Infrastructure 3%:
This is an are where there is a lot of waste and we constantly fix highways that don't need fixing. I know they want to provide jobs, but come on waste is waste!

when i travelled around your country, i saw this coming.


every bridge i´ve seen between kansas and vegas was in the same lousy constructed, poor maintained and rusted condition like this


Your departement of infrastructure is highly underfinanced. In fact you have to push much more money in it.
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Well put!:clap2:

Thanks GHook93!

I used your piece as a starting point and made my own version:

Everyone complains about spending and shrinking the federal budget, but ask yourself where is the money going? To cut the budget there can be no sacred cows! (Perhaps a sacred elephant, but this isn't about football)

Both Democrats and Republicans are going to have to cut something they want to keep as a show of good faith to the other. Them's the breaks. Hell, them's the realities.

(1) Medicare ($468K), Medicaid and Chips: 21% = $753 Bil

First things first. Raise the ages for Medicare. Sorry, but we live longer and that needs to be considered. 65 half benefits if taken, 68 2/3 benefits and 70 full benefits. Raising the rates will save a ton of money.

Second is to stop giving free healthcare to all illegal immigrants. I'm all for people coming here the right way. I'm all for empowerment of the disenfranchised. But when 3 people go to the hospital and only one person has insurance and is going to pay, that's forced charity. I'm not saying there needs to an end to trying to help the impoverished. I think that's a valid goal of both the government and private sectors...but not for people who are breaking our laws. We're going to have to find a compromise about illegal immigration that balances helping the poor with helping our nation.

Like Obamacare or not, but the pre-existing condition eliminator will allow many who couldn't get health insurance the ability to get health insurance. Believe it or not this eliminates a problem for a vast majority of the people on Chips and Medicaid. They're there because they can't get on private insurance.

I'm not saying we leave the employer-based system. Insurance companies need to overhaul their policies and methods more than almost any other industry. Insurance companies screw over the people who pay into them on a daily basis. Things must change.

What most people didn't understand about Obama's original plan was that it was an attempt to bridge the gap between those who got federal aid and those who were paying for themselves. Read that again...it was supposed to be a way to basically move people from one group needing help to the other group giving help (or at least helping themselves).

Why why why can't we talk about a single-payer option without people misusing the word socialist!

Socialism and equality aren't synonyms. Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization which advocate either public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources. The government isn't taking over private companies (GM isn't government motors at all) - and it there's certainly no plan to do this lock-stock-and barrel over all of private industry.

Equality was important to the founding fathers...that's why we have mention of it in that wonderful Constitution everyone loves to think they own exclusively. They wanted people to work for their happiness...but the ideas of welfare and government-funded education were on the menu too - just ask Thomas Paine.

It's easy to think about things in absolutes - no welfare or total welfare state. It's not as easy to wrap your lips around in a sound byte, but some social justice requires government involvement.

(2) Social Security 20% = $708 bil

Look, when the age was set at 65 people lived into the 70s and some into the 80s! That is not the case now. Most live to the 70s, many to the 80s and 90s! (The reason why Willard Scott still has a job) We need to recognize these realities. Do the sliding scale again. 65 is earlier retirement 50% benefits. 68 = 2/3. and 70 is the new 65 to get to 100% benefits.

I'm not saying end Social Security. It's a terrible fact of life that if we don't hold some people's money back, they wont save it themselves and these people will fall into ruin. Call that a nanny-state mentality if you want, but it's reality. That doesnt mean that we shouldnt take into account the changing demographics of our nation. Be realistic about things.

(3) Defense 20% = $715 B (including $172 B for the 2 wars)

It would be dishonest to say that SS and Medicaid/care must be cut, but not defense.

Look, defense needs to be cut. Leaving Iraq will save cash, but Afghanistan looks like years away from ending. Cut defense! Close some bases. Sorry, but it needs to be done! I hate saying it, but I know the danger of Islamic terror, but defense must be cut.

We are kidding ourselves if we believe we need a military larger than the next 20 countries combined to protect ourselves from invasion. And an overblown military didn't save us from the 9/11 attacks either.

Let's look deeper...
Defense 928.5 units in Billions

Military defense 749.7
Civil defense 0.0
Veterans 124.5
Foreign military aid 10.1
Foreign economic aid 44.1
R&D Defense 0.0
Defense n.e.c. 0.0

The lion's share of the military spending is not on entitlement (aka veteran pensions and medical care)...its on new wars and static peace-keeping.

When will the world begin to take responsibility for itself?! There's being preemptive and then there's being the world police. We ARE NOT the World Police!!

(4) Safety Net 14% = $482 Bil

This is the section that most people refer to as welfare...and where they think America is losing it's ass (monetarily). You'll notice that's not exactly the case. 14% is significant, but not the biggest of the bunch.

One of my primary concerns is the welfare of the poor and the end of poverty in the world. Programs like food stamps help, but they also take private capital that could have gone to actually employing a poor person in a productive job that will create value which will help employ other poor people. The reality is...people still need to eat while they're waiting on jobs to happen and food stamps are necessary, but again we have to re-examine the incentives involved.

Pinochet eliminated much of the welfare state and within, what 5 years he was forced to re-instate them. Since at the time he was murdering socialists, I will assume he did it so he can stay in power.

Here's what I suggest:

I hate to harp on the illegal immigrant topic, but no entitlements for illegal immigrants is part one.

Second, welfare needs to be shortened and incentivized. 99 weeks? That's close to 2 years...and that's too much in my estimation.

Third, don't penalize someone from getting married or having a job on welfare. People don't do either because they lose the benefits.

Fourth, only allow the "essential" food items for food stamps. Make it for basic necessities only. It should be a life saver not a life enhancer.

Sixth, REQUIRE month drug test for welfare! Please don't take this as me saying "welfare recipients = drug addicts". I don't believe that AT ALL. I simply say think that if people want help, they they have to live up to a minimum requirement. Jobs do it all the time. It's not labeling them as criminals...it's just an employer request.

These programs include: the refundable portion of the earned-income and child tax credits, which assist low- and moderate-income working families through the tax code; programs that provide cash payments to eligible individuals or households, including Supplemental Security Income for the elderly or disabled poor and unemployment insurance; various forms of in-kind assistance for low-income families and individuals, including food stamps, school meals, low-income housing assistance, child-care assistance, and assistance in meeting home energy bills; and various other programs such as those that aid abused and neglected children.

These are all vital programs when you describe them in the abstract. There has to be waste somewhere.

(5) Interest on Debt 8% = $209 B

This is the equivalent of a reckless person making $100K a year and have $80K in credit card debt! We need to pay this quick. Our interest payment to China should not be higher than 2% of the budget! Easier said than done, I know.

(6) Benefits for Federal Retirees (PENSION PLANS) 7%

We've talked about incentives for the poor...let's be fair and talk about incentives for the working. The private sector had to go from pension plans to individual retirement plans (like 401K), so why the hell shouldn't the GOVERNMENT!

I'll even balance this out a little bit. We don't need to drop all pensions for federal employees...but what we do need to do is only give them as part of an incentive for hard-to-staff jobs. You can still save your own money...just like everyone else out there. But we wont' hand out matching contributions to everyone and their sister. We'll make it work for America as a whole. I guarantee you that people wont run screaming from federal jobs. And if they do...that's their choice.

(7) Transportation and Infrastructure 3%

Some people say this is an area where there is a lot of waste and we constantly fix highways that don't need fixing. I saw a tv program on NatGeo on the declining state of bridges and roads. We need a non-partisan assessment of this. I'm not looking to fund handout jobs...but our roads and bridges don't rebuild themselves.

(8) Education 3%

This is an area we need to increase, but again with incentives and with consequences. My mother was a teacher who believed in accountability - and so do I.

(9) Scientific & Medical Research 2%

This is actually an area we should increase! Starting with Stem Cell research.

(10) Non-security Interest International 1%

The money we send to other countries is MINUSCULE compared to the rest of the budge. If anyone claims this is where we'll save our budget - they're lying. It's just a talking point! The world-wide good...and goodwill that we gain from helping the world economy is more than worth it...especially when viewed in context.
(13) All other Debt 4%

This includes pork barrel spending. So truthfully this is mostly a talking point.

Yes it can be a starting place, but the real cutting must come from the Top 68% - SS, Medicare/caid, Defense and Pension Plans.

Are we ready to try a HUGE social experiment where we cut government completely to the quick...no more government-funded education? no more FDA to protect our food? no more EPA to protect our environment? We're just supposed to let big industry police itself...in every facet of government?

America's not ready for that. America's also not ready to get bankrupted with too much spending. So we've got to make some hard compromises.

Thanks for that! (Posted as a facebook note)
3% of the budget, maybe put this with education and medical/science research as areas to increase!

(7) Transportation and Infrastructure 3%:
This is an are where there is a lot of waste and we constantly fix highways that don't need fixing. I know they want to provide jobs, but come on waste is waste!

when i travelled around your country, i saw this coming.


every bridge i´ve seen between kansas and vegas was in the same lousy constructed, poor maintained and rusted condition like this


Your departement of infrastructure is highly underfinanced. In fact you have to push much more money in it.
(7) Transportation and Infrastructure 3%:
This is an are where there is a lot of waste and we constantly fix highways that don't need fixing. I know they want to provide jobs, but come on waste is waste!

when i travelled around your country, i saw this coming.


every bridge i´ve seen between kansas and vegas was in the same lousy constructed, poor maintained and rusted condition like this


Your departement of infrastructure is highly underfinanced. In fact you have to push much more money in it.
It's not underfinanced...There are too many bureaucrats lining their pockets with money ostensibly meant to pay for roads and bridges.

The federal highway trust fund is a prime example.

You send X% to the DOT in federal fuel taxes...They pay off their nice bureaucrats, funnel about 20% of those funds to politically "proper" expenditures (like money-burning urban mass transit scams), then parcel out the pennies-on-the-dollar remainder to those who they believe most need a bridge to nowhere.

Nice work, if you can get it.

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