Where is the end of the line?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Is it in Mexico or is it at the nearest U.S. Immigration Center? If you are an Illegal Alien already here, working, raising children, buying homes and cars you are in front of those waiting to enter legally. If you are in line at the food bank and you don’t have a number, you go to the back of the line. That’s what we teach our children and that’s the lesson illegal aliens need to be taught in stead of letting them cut in line in front of others with a number.

I am so friggin’ sick of hearing; “We don’t punish children for the sins of their parents.” The hell we do. If I commit a crime (Illegal immigration is a crime) and go to jail, and because of my actions my children are being punished by being left without their mother and I don’t get a “get out of jail card” to be with my children and Illegal Aliens should not get “get out of deportation cards” to be with their children here. Illegal Aliens are already going home with their children and doing quiet well. Mexico’s economy is doing better than our and Mexico has more than sufficient resources to take care of their own. Going home is not a punishment but an honor and since there are already leaving we should help them to leave. I am not willing to compete for jobs with Illegal Aliens and my children not willing to compete for education and jobs with children of Illegal Aliens.

If we don’t fix what we allow to be broken we will never fix it. Deporting some of them separates families. Deporting them all keeps families together. They can go home. My home is Eloy, Arizona, Pinal County and I cannot take my children and go home because it is too dangerous because of Illegal Aliens and drugs related crimes.

Send them all home because it is the right thing to do and the humane and compassionate thing for me an my family and other americans. The present economy will not support me and my family and Illegal Aliens and their families.

Ps. We should never have taken New Orleans and Manhattan from the Indians who warned us of natural disasters like these.
When the next great depression hits they won't want to come here - it's right around the corner!

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